Les nouveaux principes de l'urbanisme

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La transformation des besoins, des facons de penser et d'agir, des liens sociaux, le développement de nouvelles sciences et technologies, le changement de nature et d'échelle des enjeux collectifs rendent aujourd'hui nécessaire un nouvel urbanisme. L'auteur en analyse les fondements et en définit les principes.

Les Nouveaux principes de l'urbanisme

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Pour François Ascher, professeur à lInstitut Français dUrbanisme, nous sommes à laube dune troisième révolution urbaine, après celle de la ville classique et celle de la ville industrielle. La société post-moderne (ou encore hypertexte), marquée par un usage accru des sciences et des techniques mais aussi le développement du risque, ainsi que par une individualisation plus poussée, voit apparaître une diversification des liens sociaux, plus fragiles mais aussi plus nombreux. Une tendance à la métapolisation est partout observable, qui résulte de lapprofondissement de la division du travail à léchelle mondiale. Lusage des TIC (technologies de linformation et de la communication) ne réduit pas la mobilité mais la transforme. Les conséquences en sont une individualisation des espace-temps et lapparition de nouvelles formes de ségrégations sociales.Ces changements sociaux représentent un défi pour lurbanisme, qui doit prendre acte du brouillage des distinctions entre villes et campagnes, entre public et privé ; et accompagner la réflexion visant à reconcevoir les services publics et équipements collectifs en sadaptant aux nouveaux besoins. Pour cela, une stratégie par projets sera préférable à la planification traditionnelle.Transformation des besoins, des façons de penser et dagir, développement des sciences et technologies, changement de nature et déchelle des enjeux collectifs, ces éléments rendent aujourdhui nécessaire un nouvel urbanisme. François Ascher en analyse les fondements, en définit les principes dactualisation et en propose de nouvelles conceptions.Une société plus rationnelle, plus individualiste et différenciée ne peut se satisfaire du cadre légué par le XIXe siècle. En dix points, lauteur pose les principes dun nouvel urbanisme qui intègre collectif et individualisme, continuité et rapidité de déplacement, ville et campagne. "Le Courrier des maires".

The Marseille Mosaic

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Formerly the gateway to the French empire, the city of Marseille exemplifies a postcolonial Europe reshaped by immigrants, refugees, and repatriates. The Marseille Mosaic addresses the city’s past and present, exploring the relationship between Marseille and the rest of France, Europe, and the Mediterranean. Proposing new models for the study of place by integrating approaches from the humanities and social sciences, this volume offers an idiosyncratic “mosaic,” which vividly details the challenges facing other French and European cities and the ways residents are developing alternative perspectives and charting new urban futures.

Thinking Planning and Urbanism

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When manufacturers and retailers vacate traditional locations, they leave holes in a city's fabric that signal a shifting urban-industrial terrain. Who should mend these spaces, and how should they approach the problem? Using Toronto's Dundas Square and surrounding area as a case study, this book meticulously reconstructs the redevelopment process to explore the theories and practices used. It traces the labyrinth of competing interests that can sideline and nearly overwhelm the public planning function. In these circumstances, Moore Milroy concludes that practising planners are marooned by planning theories that begin from the premise that urban space is a social construction and only secondarily a function of technology and aesthetics.

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Reshaping Urban Conservation

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This volume focuses on the implementation of the 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL approach), designed to foster the integration of heritage management in regional and urban planning and management, and strengthen the role of heritage in sustainable urban development.Earlier publications and research looked at the underlying theory of why the HUL approach was needed and how this theory was developed and elaborated by UNESCO. A comprehensive analysis was carried out in consultation with a multitude of actors in the twenty-first-century urban scene and with disciplinary approaches that are available to heritage managers and practitioners to implement the HUL approach.This volume aims to be empirical, describing, analyzing, and comparing 28 cities taken as case studies to implement the HUL approach. From those cases, many lessons can be learned and much guidance shared on best practices concerning what can be done to make the HUL approach work.Whereas the previous studies served to illustrate issues and challenges, in this volume the studies point to innovations in regional and urban planning and management that can allow cities to avoid major conflicts and to further develop in competitiveness. These accomplishments have been possible by building partnerships, devising financial strategies, and using heritage as a key resource in sustainable urban development, to name but a few effective strategies.For these reasons, this volume is primarily pragmatic, linked to the daily work and challenges of practitioners and administrators, using specific cases to assess what was and is good about current practices and what can be improved, in accordance with the HUL approach and aims.

Metropolitan Intimacies

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In Metropolitan Intimacies: An Ethnography on the Poetics of Daily Life, Francisco Cruces examines intimacy and meaning-making in metropolitan residents’ daily lives. An ethnography based on rich micro-stories, Cruces situates life poetics amongst other metropolitan processes in three major cities—Madrid, Montevideo, and Mexico City—to reveal the complex meanings around modern urbanity.