Les trois Théories de Delassay

Book Description

«L'Homme n'existe pas.» «L'Homme n'a pas conscience d'exister.» «L'Univers n'existe pas.» Cet essai présente pour la première fois les trois Théories de Delassay et tente de montrer l'extraordinaire bouleversement que peut induire cette pensée innovante sur l'existence humaine.La deuxième Théorie contient le plus effroyable des postulats: l'Homme a une conscience d'exister limitée qui se confine au néant. Chacun pourra expérimenter cette limite mais à quel prix? Il vaudra mieux l'ignorer et continuer à passer son temps terrestre à oublier la médiocrité de notre condition de vie, oublier ces trois théories nihilistes qui explorent un domaine ignoré par l'Homme, celui du réel niveau de sa lucidité, de sa perception de mener une existence terrestre. Mais, pour autant, vous n'existerez pas davantage.

Some Chemicals Present in Industrial and Consumer Products, Food and Drinking-water

Book Description

This volume of the IARC Monographs provides an assessment of the carcinogenicity of 18 chemicals present in industrial and consumer products or food (natural constituents, contaminants, or flavorings) or occurring as water-chlorination by-products. The compounds evaluated include the widely used plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and the food contaminant 4-methylimidazole. In view of the limited agent-specific information available from epidemiological studies, the IARC Monographs Working Group relied mainly on carcinogenicity bioassays, and mechanistic and other relevant data to evaluate the carcinogenic hazards to humans exposed to these agents.

Milankovitch and Climate

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Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Palisades, New York, U.S.A., November 30-December 4, 1982

Comparative Public Administration

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Public administration scholars and practitioners are increasingly concerned with the need to broaden the field's scope beyond particularistic accounts of administration in given countries. This title brings together seminal readings in comparative, development public administration and contemporary public management scholarship.

Comparative Public Administration

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Automating Instructional Design

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Language Processing and Second Language Development

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Aims to provide a systematic perspective on some central psychological mechanisms underlying the spontaneous production of interlanguage (IL) speech. The text develops a framework that represents a theory of processability of grammatical structures, referred to as "Processability Theory".

Effective Teaching

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Language Talent and Brain Activity

Book Description

This book describes and assesses pronunciation talent in its various dimensions, such as production and perception or the segmental and suprasegmental levels of speech. Special focus is put on the psychological and neural correlates of phonetic perf