Flat World, Big Gaps

Book Description

This publication sets out an empirical analysis of the impact of economic liberalisation and globalisation on inequality, poverty and development, including recent trends in economic growth, income distribution and global inequalities, and the comparative experiences of countries that have pursued different economic policies.

Inequality, Growth, and Poverty in an Era of Liberalization and Globalization

Book Description

Within-country income inequality has risen since the early 1980s in most of the OECD, all transitional, and many developing countries. More recently, inequality has risen also in India and nations affected by the Asian crisis. Altogether, over the last twenty years, inequality worsened in 70 per cent of the 73 countries analysed in this volume, with the Gini index rising by over five points in half of them. In several cases, the Gini index follows a U-shaped pattern, with theturn-around point located between the late 1970s and early 1990s. Where the shift towards liberalization and globalization was concluded, the right arm of the U stabilized at the 'steady state level of inequality' typical of the new policy regime, as observed in the UK after 1990.Mainstream theory focusing on rises in wage differentials by skill caused by either North-South trade, migration, or technological change poorly explains the recent rise in income inequality. Likewise, while the traditional causes of income polarization-high land concentration, unequal access to education, the urban bias, the 'curse of natural resources'-still account for much of cross-country variation in income inequality, they cannot explain its recent rise.This volume suggests that the recent rise in income inequality was caused to a considerable extent by a policy-driven worsening in factorial income distribution, wage spread and spatial inequality. In this regard, the volume discusses the distributive impact of reforms in trade and financial liberalization, taxation, public expenditure, safety nets, and labour markets. The volume thus represents one of the first attempts to analyse systematically the relation between policy changes inspired byliberalization and globalization and income inequality. It suggests that capital account liberalization appears to have had-on average-the strongest disequalizing effect, followed by domestic financial liberalization, labour market deregulation, and tax reform. Trade liberalization had uncleareffects, while public expenditure reform often had positive effects.

Inequality, Growth, and Poverty in an Era of Liberalization and Globalization

Book Description

Within-country income inequality has risen since the early 1980s in most of the OECD, all transitional, and many developing countries. More recently, inequality has risen also in India and nations affected by the Asian crisis. Altogether, over the last twenty years, inequality worsened in 70 per cent of the 73 countries analysed in this volume, with the Gini index rising by over five points in half of them. In several cases, the Gini index follows a U-shaped pattern, with the turn-around point located between the late 1970s and early 1990s. Where the shift towards liberalization and globalization was concluded, the right arm of the U stabilized at the 'steady state level of inequality' typical of the new policy regime, as observed in the UK after 1990. Mainstream theory focusing on rises in wage differentials by skill caused by either North-South trade, migration, or technological change poorly explains the recent rise in income inequality. Likewise, while the traditional causes of income polarization-high land concentration, unequal access to education, the urban bias, the 'curse of natural resources'-still account for much of cross-country variation in income inequality, they cannot explain its recent rise. This volume suggests that the recent rise in income inequality was caused to a considerable extent by a policy-driven worsening in factorial income distribution, wage spread and spatial inequality. In this regard, the volume discusses the distributive impact of reforms in trade and financial liberalization, taxation, public expenditure, safety nets, and labour markets. The volume thus represents one of the first attempts to analyse systematically the relation between policy changes inspired by liberalization and globalization and income inequality. It suggests that capital account liberalization appears to have had-on average-the strongest disequalizing effect, followed by domestic financial liberalization, labour market deregulation, and tax reform. Trade liberalization had unclear effects, while public expenditure reform often had positive effects.

Financial Globalization and Inequality: Capital Flows as a Two-Edged Sword

Book Description

We review the debate on the association of financial globalization with inequality. We show that the within-country distributional impact of capital account liberalization is context specific and that different types of flows have different distributional effects. Their overall impact depends on the composition of capital flows, their interaction, and on broader economic and institutional conditions. A comprehensive set of policies – macroeconomic, financial and labor- and product-market specific – is important for facilitating wider sharing of the benefits of financial globalization.

Capital Account Liberalization and Inequality

Book Description

This paper examines the distributional impact of capital account liberalization. Using panel data for 149 countries from 1970 to 2010, we find that, on average, capital account liberalization reforms increase inequality and reduce the labor share of income in the short and medium term. We also find that the level of financial development and the occurrence of crises play a key role in shaping the response of inequality to capital account liberalization reforms.

Flat World, Big Gaps

Book Description

Many mainstream economists have claimed that globalization creates worldwide growth, and that economic liberalization will lead to the economic convergence and lower inequality. It is now clear that since the 1980 s the world economy has experienced slower growth as well as greater inequalities at the national level. The research in this volume provides rigorous empirical analyses of how economic liberalization has actually affected inequality, poverty and development in recent decades. Avoiding polemics and rhetoric, the book provides a balanced account of recent trends, the effect of globalization and liberalization, and the comparative experiences of countries that have pursued different economic policies and trajectories.

The Inequality Adjusted Gains from Trade

Book Description

This volume examines the relationship between trade liberalization policies and income inequality in developing countries. Using survey data for 54 developing countries, the book explores the potential trade-off between the gains from trade and the distribution of those gains and provides a quantification of the inequality-adjusted welfare gains from trade. The book begins with an introduction to the model and its methodology. Chapter 2 sets up the model and derives the formulas for the welfare effects of trade policy. Chapter 3 uses the tariff data and the survey data to estimate those welfare effects in 54 countries. Chapter 4 discusses the gains from trade and their distribution. Chapter 5 evaluates and quantifies the trade-off between income gains and inequality costs of trade. Chapter 6 presents robustness tests and results from alternative models of the impacts of trade. The last chapter reviews the Household Impacts of Trade database and dashboard, which provides data for replication and a platform that allows researchers to simulate agricultural tariff policy shocks. Providing a comprehensive empirical analysis of the effects of trade policy on inequality in developing countries, this volume will be of interest to researchers and students of economic inequality, development, and international trade as well as policymakers interested in the inequality and poverty consequences of trade policy.

Globalization, Poverty, and Income Inequality

Book Description

Globalization, Poverty, and Income Inequality examines the relationship between globalization and trade liberalization, and poverty and income inequality, using Indonesia as a case study. Contributors examine how advances in coffee certification, treatments for visual disabilities, and property rights, among other factors, have had both meritorious and deleterious effects on the local population. Ultimately, they describe an ambiguous relationship between trade liberalization and inequality, both of which can increase or decrease in proportion to one another depending on region and sector. This empirically driven work provides a nuanced view of the trade-poverty relationship, contributing balanced testimony to policy debates being held internationally.