Lifelight Foundations: Ministry - Study Guide

Book Description

This study is part of the LifeLight Bible study series of in-depth studies of Bible books. The goal of LifeLight is that through a regular program of in-depth personal and group study of Scripture, more and more Christian adults may grow in their personal faith in Jesus Christ. Lesson 1-Getting Started Lesson 2-Basic Principles Lesson 3-God's People and God's Preachers Lesson 4-God Calls Pastors for the Sake of His Church Lesson 5-Who Can Be a Pastor Lesson 6-Women Pastors? Lesson 7-Ordination Lesson 8-Time for a Change? Lesson 9-Pastor and People Together 9 sessions.

Job - Leaders Guide

Book Description

(9 sessions) This study is part of the LifeLight Bible study series of in-depth studies of Bible books. The goal of LifeLight is that through a regular program of in-depth personal and group study of Scripture, more and more Christian adults may grow in their personal faith in Jesus Christ. Session 1-Have You Noticed Job?; Session 2-God Doesn't Make Mistakes; Session 3-Few of Days and Full of Trouble; Session 4-I Know that My Redeemer Lives; Session 5-An Argument Cut Short; Session 6-The Patience of Job; Session 7-A New Voice Speaks; Session 8-Where Were You When I Made the World?; Session 9-The Comedy of Job

The Quest for Spirituality

Book Description

A six-session study for adults that discusses some of today's most popular spiritual pursuits: extrasensory perception, paranormal and psychic phenomena, astrology, meditation and contemplation, wicca, health practices such as yoga and crystals.

The Trinitarian Controversy

Book Description

This volume explores the development of the doctrine of the Trinity in the patristic church as a result of the Arian controversy: Arius -- Letter to Eusebius of Nicomedia Arius -- Letter to Alexander of Alexandria Alexander of Alexandria -- Letter to Alexander of Thessalonica The Synodal Letter of the Council of Antioch, A.D. 325 The Creed of the Synod of Nicaea (June 19, 325) The Canons of Nicaea, A.D. 325 Eusebius of Caesarea -- Letter to His Church concerning the Synod at Nicaea Arius -- Letter to the Emperor Constantine Athanasius -- Orations against the Arians, Book 1 Gregory of Nazianzus -- Third Theological Oration concerning the Son Gregory of Nyssa -- Concerning We Should Think of Saying That There Are Not Three Gods to Ablabius Augustine of Hippo -- On the Trinity, Book 9

Discover Your Life Light

Book Description

"The Journey into The Purpose of Life - Defined" is a journey into discovering your"true" self.It is a guide tounderstanding and gaining insight into your thoughts and feelings as well as into the purpose of your life.As you read the book, you will begin to discover and fine tune your goals, values and dreams. You will be able to actualize your potential by becoming more in touch with your soul and thereby freeing yourself to achieve your maximum potential. You will be more successful in your life, in your relationships and in your future by reading and completing this book.

Connected to Christ: Overcoming Isolation Through Community

Book Description

"In an isolated and disconnected world, the Church is different. Diverse communities are built under the umbrella of the Gospel, where God draws people into relationship with Him and one another. God designed His people to live in community, as this book will show. Using biblical examples of community (such as the tribes of Israel and Jesus' disciples), readers will learn about Jesus' invitation to find community in Him. The book will provide practical steps to living in and connecting to a church community"--

How to Teach the Faith

Book Description

When children are in their early elementary school years, their minds are actually at the peak time for easy rote memorization. And yet, many Protestant churches begin formal confirmation instruction years after this formative period. What are the effects of this lapse in time? Too often, young teens fall away from their church after confirmationa trend that will hurt future generations of families.

Faith That Engages the Culture

Book Description