Linearized Poststall Aerodynamic and Control Law Models of the X-31a Aircraft and Comparison with Flight Data

Book Description

The X-31A aircraft has a unique configuration that uses thrust-vector vanes and aerodynamic control effectors to provide an operating envelope to a maximum 70 deg angle of attack, an inherently nonlinear portion of the flight envelope. This report presents linearized versions of the X-31A longitudinal and lateral-directional control systems, with aerodynamic models sufficient to evaluate characteristics in the poststall envelope at 30 deg, 45 deg, and 60 deg angle of attack. The models are presented with detail sufficient to allow the reader to reproduce the linear results or perform independent control studies. Comparisons between the responses of the linear models and flight data are presented in the time and frequency domains to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of the ability to predict high-angle-of-attack flight dynamics using linear models. The X-31A six-degree-of-freedom simulation contains a program that calculates linear perturbation models throughout the X-31A flight envelope. The models include aerodynamics and flight control system dynamics that are used for stability, controllability, and handling qualities analysis. The models presented in this report demonstrate the ability to provide reasonable linear representations in the poststall flight regime. Stoliker, Patrick C. and Bosworth, John T. and Georgie, Jennifer Armstrong Flight Research Center...

CONDUIT: A New Multidisciplinary Integration Environment for Flight Control Development

Book Description

A state-of-the-art computational facility for aircraft flight control design, evaluation, and integration called CONDUIT (Control Designer's Unified Interface) has been developed. This paper describes the CONDUIT tool and case study applications to complex rotary- and fixed- wing fly-by-wire flight control problems. Control system analysis and design optimization methods are presented, including definition of design specifications and system models within CONDUIT, and the multi-objective function optimization (CONSOL-OPTCAD) used to tune the selected design parameters. Design examples are based on flight test programs for which extensive data are available for validation. CONDUIT is used to analyze baseline control laws against pertinent military handling qualities and control system specifications. In both case studies, CONDUIT successfully exploits trade-offs between forward loop and feedback dynamics to significantly improve the expected handling qualities and minimize the required actuator authority. The CONDUIT system provides a new environment for integrated control system analysis and design, and has potential for significantly reducing the time and cost of control system flight test optimization.

Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems

Book Description

One of the attractions of fuzzy logic is its utility in solving many real engineering problems. As many have realised, the major obstacles in building a real intelligent machine involve dealing with random disturbances, processing large amounts of imprecise data, interacting with a dynamically changing environment, and coping with uncertainty. Neural-fuzzy techniques help one to solve many of these problems. Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems reflects the most recent developments in neural networks and fuzzy logic, and their application in intelligent systems. In addition, the balance between theoretical work and applications makes the book suitable for both researchers and engineers, as well as for graduate students.