Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Entrepreneurship and Higher Education

Book Description

This book examines the role that higher education institutions are currently playing through teaching entrepreneurship and transferring knowledge and innovation to enterprises and discusses how they should develop this role in the future.

Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Designing Local Skills Strategies

Book Description

Drawing from a wide array of case studies, this book analyses best-practice local strategies for increasing workforce skills. And it also takes a close look at the opportunities and challenges presented by international migration.

Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2020 Rebuilding Better

Book Description

The impact of COVID-19 on local jobs and workers dwarfs those of the 2008 global financial crisis. The 2020 edition of Job Creation and Local Economic Development considers the short-term impacts on local labour markets as well as the longer-term implications for local development.

Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Business Clusters Promoting Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

This book looks at the importance and potential of cluster initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe. Existing clusters are mapped, recent policy advances are described and conclusions are drawn on the potential of business clusters to foster economic growth.