Logica Magna

Book Description

In this fascicule Paul examines conditional propositions and inferences. Detailed notes make Paul's terminology and background ideas and assumptions more accessible to the modern reader, and an appendix contains substantial extracts from the writings of two fourteenth-century logicians, Ralph Strode and John Venator, both of whose works Paul makes extensive use of in this part of the Logica Magna.

Logica Magna

Book Description

Part of text with translation from Paul of venice's lengthy and elaborate work on logic written in the 139os.

Logica Magna

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Logica Magna

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Pauli Veneti Logica Magna

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Logica magna

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Logica Magna

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Logica magna

Book Description

Paul of Venice, 'Logica Magna'

Book Description

Paul of Venice joined the Austin Friars at an early age and was sent by them from Padua to study at Oxford in 1390. When he returned, full of ideas and laden with books, he began his prodigious writing career with several books on logic, including the Logica Magna, which runs to some half a million words. The current volume contains the final treatise, on insolubles - that is, logical paradoxes. After surveying fifteen previous solutions, Paul develops his own, based on the idea that such propositions falsify themselves. Besides a critical edition of the Latin text, the volume also contains an English translation, a detailed commentary, excerpts from two other logical works of Paul, and a substantial introduction. The introduction describes the fourteenth-century background to Paul's treatise; it also gives a detailed rebuttal of a recent claim that the Logica Magna is not by Paul because its content clashes with genuine works of his. All in all, the volume greatly enhances our understanding of the development of logic, in particular of the semantics of propositions, during a crucial century in its history.