Northridge Earthquake Recovery

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Business Losses, Transportation Damage and the Northridge Earthquake

Book Description

The January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake damaged four major freeways in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, creating the pospect of gridlock in the nation's prototypical automobile city. Based on survey responses from 559 firms in the Los Angeles area, this paper summarizes the extent and magnitude of the business losses that can be attributed to transportation disruptions.

California Earthquake Residual Transportation Capability Study

Book Description

This report addresses the ability of transportation facilities in California to survive four postulated earthquakes that are based on historical events. The survival of highways, railroads, ports, airports, and pipelines is investigated following indidicual earthquakes along the San Andreas and Hayward faults in Northern California and the San Andreas and Newport-Inglewood faults in Southern California. Each of the four example earthquakes would cause extensive damage to transportation routes in California; however, most damage would be of a local nature, affecting either the San Francisco Bay Area or the Los Angeles area. Major intercity routes would survive intact outside the damaged area. The report identifies critical routes and highlights the need for emergency planning to focus repairs on these routes.

The Big One

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1994 Northridge Earthquake

Book Description

Discusses the earthquake response and research on the unanticipated disruption of transportation operations following the 1994 Northridge earthquake in the greater Los Angeles area.