Animal Salvaje y otros cuentos

Book Description

Amigo mio, que esta buscando un libro para distraerse, relajarse despues de un dia de estres. Le recomiendo estos 17 cuentos, donde una lectura amena, entretenida y reflexiva, con valores como la amistad, la confianza, la paciencia, la tolerancia, la fidelidad, el valor, la trascendencia que le sugeriran algo mas profundo que sus problemas domesticos, personales, laborales, el estres, la hipoteca, el giro del carro y todos esos asuntos que le conciernen y alteran su equilibrio emocional Si esta saturado de la tematica recurrente de la T.V., de la rutina de Internet y el automatismo de los videos juegos reinicie un pasatiempo ancestral que nos ha acompanado y nos seguira acompanando: UNA BUENA LECTURA. Con la ventaja de que la puede compartir con sus hijos, su pareja, sus amigos, sus companeros de trabajo, sus companeros de deporte, sus companeros de aventuras. Los temas que se abordan le permitirian romper el hielo en una reunion o encuentro embarazoso. No se arrepentira. ANIMESE

El Secreto de Una Sola Carne

Book Description

Si usted le pregunta a diez parejas casadas ¿cuál es el secreto de su matrimonio?, probablemente obtendrá diez respuestas diferentes. Alguien mencionará “mi secreto es el amor”, mientras otra persona dirá, “el respeto”, y habrá otros que dirán, la comunicación, la intimidad, o algún otro factor. No existe una respuesta correcta o incorrecta a esta pregunta. Todas estas respuestas son buenas y necesitamos de todos y cada uno de estos ejemplos. Pero, ¿qué hay de usted? ¿Cuál es su secreto para un matrimonio feliz? Si aún no está casado, ¿cuál le parece que es el secreto para un matrimonio bendecido? En este libro usted encontrará el secreto de un matrimonio bendecido y aprenderá cómo usar ese secreto para construir una familia fuerte y llegar a ser quien Dios quiere que sea. Prepárese a descubrir el secreto de una sola carne.


Book Description

Issued 1931- in two parts: Bulletin and Statistiques; in two volumes, one consisting of regular monthly numbers, the other the Compte rendu of the annual sessions of the Comité de l'office.

Animal Smell / El olfato en los animales

Book Description

Covers general information about the sense of smell, and the diverse ways in which different animals smell.

Salvaje de corazon

Book Description

Gran Libro de Los Mejores Cuentos: Volumen 6

Book Description

Este libro contiene 70 cuentos de 10 autores clásicos, premiados y notables. Los cuentos fueron cuidadosamente seleccionados por el crítico August Nemo, en una colección que encantará a los amantes de la literatura. Para lo mejor de la literatura mundial, asegúrese de consultar los otros libros de Tacet Books. Este libro contiene: Rabindranath Tagore: - El héroe. - La patria del proscrito. - Nubes y olas. - El cortejo invisible. - El fin. - La ladrona del sueño. - BendiciónAlexander Puchkin: - La Dama de Espadas. - El pescador y el pez dorado. - El jefe de posta. - El fabricante de ataúdes. - El disparo memorable. - La tempestad de nieve. - La zarevna muerta y los siete guerreros.Katherine Mansfield: - Las hijas del difunto coronel. - La mosca. - Felicidad. - Fiesta en el jardín. - Vida de Ma Parker. - Sopla el viento. - La señorita BrillJack London: - El silencio blanco. - Encender una hoguera. - Odisea en el norte. - El diente de ballena. - Amor a la vida. - Un buen bistec. - El pagano.Alejandro Dumas: - Deseo y posesión. - La Dama Negra. - Historia de un muerto contada por él mismo. - Las tumbas de Saint Denis. - Los caballeros templarios. - Un alma por nacer. - Lo que es ignorar la lengua del país.Virginia Woolf: - El vestido nuevo - Un resumen - El cuarteto de cuerdas - El foco - La casa encantada - La duquesa y el joyero - Lunes o martesF. Scott Fitzgerald: - Berenice se corta el pelo - Diamante Dick y el primer derecho de la mujer - El diamante tan grande como el Ritz - La tarde de un escritor - Último beso - Uno de mis más viejos amigos - Volver a BabiloniaRudyard Kipling: - El Hombre que pudo reinar - El gato que caminaba solo - El jardineiro - El judío errante - Georgie Porgie - La Casa de los Deseos - Rikki tikki taviJosé Enrique Rodó: - Cuento simbólico - El monje Teótimo - Hylas - Peer Gynt - Ariel - Mi retablo de Navidad - La inscripción del Faro de AlejandríaFelisberto Hernández: - Cartas a los muertos. - El acomodador. - La envenenada. - Muebles "El canario". - Nadie encendía las lámparas. - Elsa. - El corazón verde.

Book Description

In the Beginning

Book Description

About the Author and his Blessings The sky was so beautiful with its background of pale blues and white clouds. It was so quiet that it seemed as if time had stood still. It just did not seem possible that only a few miles away in the jungle, the war was still raging on. As I sat on the rooftop reading a western paperback, I heard a voice that seemed to say my name. I saw no one and continued to read. Again, I heard a voice, this time I looked all around and saw no one and then I looked at the sky and saw our Savior, Jesus Christ, all in white with the gold sash around his middle and he was standing in the sky with his arms outstretched, you could see the nail holes in his hands. As I looked upon his face I saw tears flowing down his cheeks. I looked away for I could not believe what I saw, but as I looked again Jesus Christ was still there. The tears were there as if he was taking all the suffering going on in Vietnam upon himself. Needless to say, I fell to my knees with tears flowing from my eyes. After a few moments I opened my eyes again and Jesus was gone. As God is my Heavenly Father, I was blessed to see his Son. I asked others if they saw, but no one had. I was doing nothing related to religion, so my question has always been ... "Why me Lord?" Maybe this book is the reason. My second Blessing occurred on December 14, 1988, at my church. I had just learned that my son David had died. The pain was so intense, it was if I had a nail in my heart. I went into the sanctuary and sat down. My grief was so great I could hardly breathe. My tears would not stop. My Pastor came to me and asked what was wrong. I told him and he said, "let us pray." We did and afterwards I said I would like to be alone. After he left, I arose and knelt at the altar and cried out to God saying, "You lost your Son and you know the pain, now I have lost mine, please take this pain from me." At that very instant the pain was gone and a peace came upon me. To this day I think of my son only with tears, but no pain. My third Blessing was more recent. My knees had been injured when I was in the Army paratroopers and I had to use crutches when the pain became unbearable. The doctors said I must have both knees replaced but I said later. Again I went to God and asked for his help and praying to him to take this pain away and immediately I got up and walked without crutches. Additional help also came from a stranger who asked if I had tried a herb compound called Glucosamine/ Chondroitin/MSM. I said no, but I'll try anything. He emphasized it must contain 'MSM. I take 3 tablets a day and with faith in God, I put the crutches away. Some would say that I am witnessing and they would be right. I want everyone in the world to know God is always there for you. You may receive an answer to your request immediately or it may come about in another way. The main thing is always have faith, read your Bible and praise God. The author is a retired officer who served in the United States Marine Corps and the United States Army and was medically discharged on May 1, 1972. Jim and his wife, Brenda, now resides in Broad Creek, North Carolina, where they can look upon God's beautiful array of wondrous works displayed in his bountiful waters and glorious sunsets. God's works are all around us. Just look, listen and hear - His Miracles - they are all around you.

Natural Disasters

Book Description

This work is aimed primarily at health sector professionals who participate in disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation. The intersectoral perspective is now so essential, however, that anyone interested in disaster reduction will find here a useful primer. Public health students and professors also can rely on this book as a manual for formal or informal courses.

El Libro de la Fotografía Digital

Book Description

Scott Kelby, el hombre que revolucionó "el cuarto oscuro digital" con Manipula tus fotografías digitales con Photoshop, el libro pionero más premiado y vendido de todos, nos invita nuevamente a incursionar en la fotografía digital al develarnos los secretos de los fotógrafos profesionales más conocidos, y así sacar fotografías de alta calidad (es más fácil de lo que se piensa). He aquí la brillante premisa de este libro en palabras del propio Scott: "Imagínate que estamos tomando fotos juntos y de repente me dices: ‘Oye, ¿cómo le hago para que la flor quede bien enfocada pero el fondo fuera de foco?’” No me pondría a darte toda una cátedra de fotografía. En esa circunstancia, simplemente te diría: "coloca tu teleobjetivo zoom, ajústalo a una abertura de f/2.8, enfoca la flor y dispara". De eso se trata este libro: tú y yo tomando fotos, y yo contestando a todas tus preguntas, dándote consejos y compartiendo contigo todos los secretos que he aprendido, tal y como lo haría con un buen amigo, evitándote además el lastre de los tecnicismos. Este no es un libro de teoría, repleto de palabras técnicas y confusas, y de conceptos complicados. Este libro te indicará qué botón apretar, qué configuración usar y cuándo. Con cerca de 200 de los trucos más preciados del gremio fotográfico, este libro te ayudará a mejorar dramáticamente tus fotografías, haciéndolas más nítidas, más coloridas y mucho más profesionales. En cada página se desarrolla un concepto que te ayudará a mejorar la calidad de tus fotos. A cada vuelta de página te encontrarás con otra configuración, mecanismo o truco de profesional, que convertirá tus instantáneas en fotografías dignas de una galería. Si estás harto de sacar fotos que sólo se ven más o menos bien, y nunca como las que aparecen en las revistas de fotografía, entonces este es el libro que necesitas. Scott Kelby, the man who changed the "digital darkroom" forever with his groundbreaking, #1 bestselling, award-winning book The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers, now tackles the most important side of digital photography—how to take professional-quality shots using the same tricks today's top digital pros use (and it's easier than you'd think). Here’s how Scott describes this book’s brilliant premise: "If you and I were out on a shoot, and you asked me, 'Hey, how do I get this flower to be in focus, but I want the background out of focus?' I wouldn't stand there and give you a photography lecture. In real life, I'd just say, 'Put on your zoom lens, set your f/stop to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and fire away.' That's what this book is all about: you and I out shooting where I answer questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I've learned just like I would with a friend—without all the technical explanations and techie photo speak." This isn't a book of theory—full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts. This is a book on which button to push, which setting to use, and when to use it. With nearly 200 of the most closely guarded photographic "tricks of the trade," this book gets you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos every time. Each page covers a single concept that makes your photography better. Every time you turn the page, you'll learn another pro setting, tool, or trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. If you're tired of taking shots that look "okay," and if you’re tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, "Why don't my shots look like that?" then this is the book for you.