Desafíos para una educación de calidad ante los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible

Book Description

A raíz de la publicación de la Agenda 2030 por la Unesco en 2015, se establecieron 17 objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS) y las pautas de cómo se ha de proceder con los mismos con la finalidad de hacer realidad los derechos de las personas y fortalecer la paz universal y el acceso a la justicia. Estos objetivos de desarrollo sostenible proponen, como meta educativa, que todos los estudiantes adquieran para 2030 «los conocimientos, las competencias, los valores y las actitudes que se precisan para construir sociedades sostenibles y pacíficas, mediante, entre otras, la educación para la ciudadanía mundial y la educación para el desarrollo sostenible». Los desafíos para una educación de calidad se centran en garantizar una educación inclusiva y equitativa así como promover oportunidades de aprendizaje durante toda la vida. Esta visión de la educación se recoge en el ODS 4: «Garantizar una educación inclusiva, equitativa y de calidad y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje durante toda la vida para todos». A partir de este objetivo principal, se establecen siete objetivos específicos de aprendizaje que todos los países deberán alcanzar para el año 2030. Existe entre los países un gran compromiso para poner en práctica distintas estrategias con el objetivo de alcanzar los 17 ODS. Esta propuesta implica un compromiso común y universal; no obstante, cada país tiene sus propias necesidades con respecto al desarrollo sostenible, por lo que fijarán sus propias metas a partir de los ODS. España ha diseñado su propio plan de acción para la implementación de la Agenda 2030.

Gender and Climate Change: An Introduction

Book Description

Although climate change affects everybody it is not gender neutral. It has significant social impacts and magnifies existing inequalities such as the disparity between women and men in their vulnerability and ability to cope with this global phenomenon. This new textbook, edited by one of the authors of the seminal Women and the Environment in the Third World: Alliance for the Future (1988) which first exposed the links between environmental degradation and unequal impacts on women, provides a comprehensive introduction to gender aspects of climate change. Over 35 authors have contributed to the book. It starts with a short history of the thinking and practice around gender and sustainable development over the past decades. Next it provides a theoretical framework for analyzing climate change manifestations and policies from the perspective of gender and human security. Drawing on new research, the actual and potential effects of climate change on gender equality and women's vulnerabilities are examined, both in rural and urban contexts. This is illustrated with a rich range of case studies from all over the world and valuable lessons are drawn from these real experiences. Too often women are primarily seen as victims of climate change, and their positive roles as agents of change and contributors to livelihood strategies are neglected. The book disputes this characterization and provides many examples of how women around the world organize and build resilience and adapt to climate change and the role they are playing in climate change mitigation. The final section looks at how far gender mainstreaming in climate mitigation and adaptation has advanced, the policy frameworks in place and how we can move from policy to effective action. Accompanied by a wide range of references and key resources, this book provides students and professionals with an essential, comprehensive introduction to the gender aspects of climate change.

Engaging People in Sustainability

Book Description

The book is based on the exchange of professional experiences which featured in an IUCN CEC workshop in August 2002. Practitioners from around the world shared their models of good practice and explored the challenges involved in engaging people in sustainability. The difficulties facing practitioners vary between country and context but some challenges are universal: A lack of clarity in communicating what is meant by sustainable development; An ambition to educate everyone to bring about a global citizenship; Social, organisational or institutional factors constrain change to sustainable development, yet there is an emphasis on formal education, and community educators do not receive the same support; A lack of balance in addressing the integration of environmental, social and economic dimensions leading to an interpretation that ESD is mainly about environment and conservation issues; New learning (rather than teaching) approaches are called for to promote more debate in society. Yet, few are trained or experienced in these new approaches. Practitioners need support to explore new ways of promoting learning. [Foreword, ed].

Glosario Del Banco Mundial

Book Description

This edition of the World Bank has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit in the Languages Services Division of the World Bank in collaboration with the English, Spanish, and French Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using French and Spanish in their work, and free-lance translator's and interpreters employed by the Bank. For this reason, the Glossary contains not only financial and economic terminology and terms relating to the Bank's procedures and practices, but also terms that frequently occur in Bank documents, and others for which the Bank has a preferred equivalent. Although many of these terms, relating to such fields as agriculture, education, energy, housing, law, technology, and transportation, could be found in other sources, they have been assembled here for ease of reference. A list of acronyms occurring frequently in Bank texts (the terms to which they refer being found in the Glossary) and a list of international, regional, and national organizations will be found at the end of the Glossary.

Handbook of Bibliometric Indicators

Book Description

At last, the first systematic guide to the growing jungle of citation indices and other bibliometric indicators. Written with the aim of providing a complete and unbiased overview of all available statistical measures for scientific productivity, the core of this reference is an alphabetical dictionary of indices and other algorithms used to evaluate the importance and impact of researchers and their institutions. In 150 major articles, the authors describe all indices in strictly mathematical terms without passing judgement on their relative merit. From widely used measures, such as the journal impact factor or the h-index, to highly specialized indices, all indicators currently in use in the sciences and humanities are described, and their application explained. The introductory section and the appendix contain a wealth of valuable supporting information on data sources, tools and techniques for bibliometric and scientometric analysis - for individual researchers as well as their funders and publishers.

The North American Mosaic

Book Description

The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.

Transformative Approaches to Sustainable Development at Universities

Book Description

This book documents and disseminates experiences from a wide range of universities, across the five continents, which showcase how the principles of sustainable development may be incorporated as part of university programmes, and present transformatory projects and programmes, showing how sustainability can be implemented across disciplines. Sustainability in a higher education context is a fast growing field. Thousands of universities across the world have signed declarations or have committed themselves to integrate the principles of sustainable development in their activities: teaching, research and extension, and many more will follow.

Improving Financial Literacy Analysis of Issues and Policies

Book Description

This book describes the different types of financial education programmes currently available in OECD countries, evaluates their effectiveness, and makes suggestions to improve them.

Ecuador Poverty Report

Book Description

"Valuable report based on the Ecuador Living Standard Measurement Survey (1994). Uses total consumption expenditures. Provides a baseline reference for future work. Contrast with INEC's basic needs survey (item #bi 97002637#)"--Handbook of Latin AmericanStudies, v. 57.

Technology, Sustainability and Educational Innovation (TSIE)

Book Description

This book presents the proceedings of International Conference on Knowledge Society: Technology, Sustainability and Educational Innovation (TSIE 2019). The conference, which was held at UTN in Ibarra, Ecuador, on 3–5 July 2019, allowed participants and speakers to share their research and findings on emerging and innovative global issues. The conference was organized in collaboration with a number of research groups: Group for the Scientific Research Network (e-CIER); Research Group in Educational Innovation and Technology, University of Salamanca, Spain(GITE-USAL); International Research Group for Heritage and Sustainability (GIIPS), and the Social Science Research Group (GICS). In addition, it had the endorsement of the RedCLARA, e-science, Fidal Foundation, Red CEDIA, IEEE, Microsoft, Business IT, Adobe, and Argo Systems. The term “knowledge society” can be understood as the management, understanding and co-creation of knowledge oriented toward the sustainable development and positive transformation of society. In this context and on the occasion of the XXXIII anniversary of the Universidad Técnica del Norte (UTN), the Postgraduate Institute through its Master of Technology and Educational Innovation held the I International Congress on Knowledge Society: Technology, Sustainability and Educational Innovation – TSIE 2019, which brought together educators, researchers, academics, students, managers, and professionals, from both the public and private sectors to share knowledge and technological developments. The book covers the following topics: 1. curriculum, technology and educational innovation; 2. media and education; 3. applied computing; 4. educational robotics. 5. technology, culture, heritage, and tourism development perspectives; and 6. biodiversity and sustainability.