Lumber Recovery of Douglas-fir from the Coast and Cascade Ranges of Oregon and Washington

Book Description

This report summarizes the results of lumber recovery studies at four sawmills in western Oregon and western Washington; two dimension mills, one grade mill, and one timber mill were included. Results from individual mills are reported and discussed. The four mills were also combined to approximate "average" conversion of logs to lumber for the region. Recovery information is presented by diameter and log grade for lumber volume, lumber grade, and lumber and log value.

Change of Grade and Volume of Douglas-Fir Shop and Better Lumber During Kiln Drying

Book Description

Results are reported for changes in grade and volume during kiln drying of Shop and Better grades of old-growth, coast range Douglas-fir lumber. Findings indicate that considerably more degrade occurs in the higher lumber grades than in the low. Wide thick lumber degraded more during drying than did narrow thin lumber. Log size and grade do not directly affect the amount of degrade, but may indirectly affect it through the grade and size of lumber produced.