Make a Difference

Book Description

Do you ever feel like you aren’t connecting with someone in your life? Maybe it’s an employee, a co-worker, a boss, or a business partner. Maybe it’s a spouse, a child, a parent, or a friend. The truth is, at some point, we all struggle to maintain good relationships with the people with whom we live our lives. Healthy relationships don’t “just happen,” but rather are intentionally grown through work, investment, and dedication to connecting with another person where they are. Dr. Larry Little has made it his life’s work to help people cultivate healthy relationships, and this mission led him to write Make A Difference, the first book that inspired the four-part EAGLE Leadership Series. His model of creating self-awareness that leads to “others-awareness” has led thousands of individuals to grow meaningful and positive relationships with the people they love, live with, and lead. Make A Difference is powerful in its simplicity, and will walk you through a proven process of connecting with others by equipping you with the tools that you need to truly begin investing in the important relationships in your life. Dr. Little guides you to lead yourself and others better by choosing to intentionally invest in relationships. You can Make A Difference.

Making a Difference

Book Description

Meet 12 kids who have taken action to change their community, town, country, even the world in this inspiring new book! From donating birthday money to the local animal shelter to planting a billion trees worldwide, these kids stories will inspire you to make a difference!

Differences That Make A Difference

Book Description

Differences That Make A Difference written by Pedro David Espinoza and Jorge Luis Titinger highlights the importance of inclusion, belonging, and diversity for companies to innovate. Thank you!

Difference Making at the Heart of Learning

Book Description

Your students will change the world! Today’s learners know they face a complex future. They yearn to live in a world where people are working with purpose, leading with character and making a difference. Learning to identify problems and use smart tools to develop meaningful solutions will help them make a difference in their families, their communities and for society. They need your help. This inspirational, yet practical guide shows educators how to build on students’ own talents and interests to develop their desire for a better world, entrepreneurial mindset and personal leadership skills. Features include: New learning priorities centered around making a difference A framework based on the 25 most important issues of our time Examples and case studies from a diverse range of projects, people, and places Students learn more when they feel a sense of purpose. With adults like you to guide them, they’ll be ready to make a difference—and shape the world to come.

Use Your Difference to Make a Difference

Book Description

Become more culturally competent in an increasingly diverse world Recent years have seen dramatic changes to several institutions worldwide. Our increasingly interconnected, digitized, and globalized world presents immense opportunities and unique challenges. Modern businesses and schools interact with individuals and organizations from a diverse range of cultural and national backgrounds—increasing the likelihood for miscommunication, errors in strategy, and unintended consequences in the process. This has also spilled into our daily lives and the way we consume information today. Understanding how to navigate these and other pitfalls requires adaptability, nuanced cross-cultural communication, and effective conflict resolution. Use Your Difference to Make a Difference provides readers with a skills-based, actionable plan that transforms differences into agents of inclusiveness, connection, and mutual understanding. This innovative and timely guide illustrates how to leverage differences to move beyond unconscious biases, manage a culturally-diverse workplace, create an environment for more tolerant schooling environments, more trusted media, communicate across borders, find and retain diverse talent, and bridge the gap between working locally and expanding globally. Expert guidance on a comprehensive range of topics—teamwork, leadership styles, information sharing, delegation, supervision, giving and receiving feedback, coaching and motivation, recruiting, managing suppliers and customers, and more—helps you manage the essential aspects of international relationships and cultural awareness. This valuable resource contains the indispensable knowledge required to: Develop self-awareness needed to be a cross-cultural communicator Develop content, messaging techniques, marketing plans, and business strategies that translate across cultural borders Help your employees to better understand and collaborate with clients and colleagues from different backgrounds Help teachers build safe environments for students to be themselves Strengthen cross-cultural competencies in yourself, your team, and your entire organization Understand the cultural, economic, and political factors surrounding our world Use Your Difference to Make a Difference is a must-have resource for any educator, parent, leader, manager, or team member of an organization that interacts with co-workers and customers from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Learning to Make a Difference

Book Description

Today, more people want to know how to make a meaningful difference to what they care about. But for that, traditional approaches to learning often fall short. In this book, we offer a theoretical and practical way forward. We introduce the concept of social learning spaces for developing both new capabilities and a sense of agency. We provide a rich framework for focusing on the value of social learning spaces: how to generate this value, monitor it, and learn iteratively through the process. The book is a useful extension and refinement of 'communities of practice' for those familiar with the theory. For those who are not, the chapters will lay out a new way to approach learning. This volume is written to serve the needs of readers across fields, including researchers, educators, and leaders in business, government, healthcare, and international development.

You Were Made to Make a Difference

Book Description

This adaptation of "Outlive Your Life" for teens offers practical tips youth can take out into their community to make a difference, plus real-life stories about those who have done just that.

Making a Difference in Education

Book Description

What is working in education in the UK - and what isn't? This book offers a highly readable guide to what the latest research says about improving young people's outcomes in pre-school, primary and secondary education. Never has this issue been more topical as the UK attempts to compete in the global economy against countries with increasingly educated and skilled work-forces. The book discusses whether education policy has really been guided by the evidence, and explores why the failings of Britain's educational system have been so resistant to change, as well as the success stories that have emerged. Making a Difference in Education looks at schooling from early years to age 16 and entry into Further Education, with a special focus on literacy, numeracy and IT. Reviewing a large body of research, and paying particular attention to findings which are strong enough to guide policy, the authors examine teacher performance, school quality and accountability, and the problematically large social gap that still exists in state school education today. Each chapter concludes with a summary of key findings and key policy requirements. As a comprehensive research review, Making a Difference in Education should be essential reading for faculty and students in education and social policy, and of great interest to teachers and indeed to anyone who wants to know about the effectiveness of UK education policy and practice, and where they should be going.

Making a Difference

Book Description

Making a Difference: Challenges for Teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education has been written to provide an international forum of scholarly discussion around the theme of how teachers and teacher educators can make a difference. It examines some of the challenges that need to be addressed across the teaching profession. The chapters have been developed by the contributors from a set of keynote presentations and refereed papers given at the 2005 International Study Association for Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Conference, in Sydney, Australia. The conference was attended by 190 delegates, from a diverse range of countries: Australia, Belgium, Bosnia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Jamaica, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and the West Indies. A distinctive feature of the conference was the range of education systems, policies, teacher education programs, school districts, classrooms, teachers and students whose views were argued for and critiqued. This book has been prepared so that it reflects that breadth of contexts and issues. The book is presented in four sections, each emphasising a unique dimension of what is involved in making a difference. The authors offer a range of viewpoints from their different cultural, historical and professional contexts. While each section has a special emphasis, the major themes of heeding challenges and making a difference are woven into all the sections. The chapters in this book provide readers with frameworks, evidence and examples addressing challenges and making a difference. Evidence is presented as to how realities have been transformed for students, teachers and teacher educators as well as for the profession itself. We hope that your engagement with the authors and material in this ISATT forum will motivate you to transform realities in your own professional worlds. ISATT members please contact our Acquisitions Editors responsible for Brill's Education list, for the ISATT members discount.

Making All the Difference

Book Description

Should a court order medical treatment for a severely disabled newborn in the face of the parents' refusal to authorize it? How does the law apply to a neighborhood that objects to a group home for developmentally disabled people? Does equality mean treating everyone the same, even if such treatment affects some people adversely? Does a state requirement of employee maternity leave serve or violate the commitment to gender equality?Martha Minow takes a hard look at the way our legal system functions in dealing with people on the basis of race, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, and disability. Minow confronts a variety of dilemmas of difference resulting from contradictory legal strategies—strategies that attempt to correct inequalities by sometimes recognizing and sometimes ignoring differences. Exploring the historical sources of ideas about difference, she offers challenging alternative ways of conceiving of traits that legal and social institutions have come to regard as "different." She argues, in effect, for a constructed jurisprudence based on the ability to recognize and work with perceptible forms of difference.Minow is passionately interested in the people—"different" people—whose lives are regularly (mis)shaped and (mis)directed by the legal system's ways of handling them. Drawing on literary and feminist theories and the insights of anthropology and social history, she identifies the unstated assumptions that tend to regenerate discrimination through the very reforms that are supposed to eliminate it. Education for handicapped children, conflicts between job and family responsibilities, bilingual education, Native American land claims—these are among the concrete problems she discusses from a fresh angle of vision.Minow firmly rejects the prevailing conception of the self that she believes underlies legal doctrine—a self seen as either separate and autonomous, or else disabled and incompetent in some way. In contrast, she regards the self as being realized through connection, capable of shaping an identity only in relationship to other people. She shifts the focus for problem solving from the "different" person to the relationships that construct that difference, and she proposes an analysis that can turn "difference" from a basis of stigma and a rationale for unequal treatment into a point of human connection. "The meanings of many differences can change when people locate and revise their relationships to difference," she asserts. "The student in a wheelchair becomes less different when the building designed without him in mind is altered to permit his access." Her book evaluates contemporary legal theories and reformulates legal rights for women, children, persons with disabilities, and others historically identified as different.Here is a powerful voice for change, speaking to issues that permeate our daily lives and form a central part of the work of law. By illuminating the many ways in which people differ from one another, this book shows how lawyers, political theorist, teachers, parents, students—every one of us—can make all the difference,