Malignant Pied Pipers of Our Time

Book Description

In this book, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr. Peter A. Olsson examines the phenomenon of destructive and apocalyptic cults, revealing the psychological roots of both cult leaders and cult members. Dr. Olsson calls the leaders (Rev. Jim Jones, David Koresh, Osama bin Laden, and others) malignant pied pipers for the way they lure followers to their deaths. Olsson uses concepts of psychology to analyze the lives of the cult leaders and the source of their powerful attraction to vulnerable converts. Dr. Olsson offers his vision for the book: aIt is my hope that this in-depth psychological study of destructive cult leaders of the last 30 years illuminates the roots of their malevolence and their power, a condition that has invariably led to murder, mass suicide, the destruction of families, and to the terrorist acts that dominate our headlines. By understanding them and their appeal, we increase our chance of averting future disasters.a Dr. Olsson has been a psychiatrist for more than 30 years in Texas and New Hampshire. He is a professor of psychiatry and has published many scholarly papers and contributed chapters to eight books about psychology. He won the 1979 Judith Baskin Offer Prize for his paper aAdolescent Involvement with the Supernatural and Cults.a

Malignant Pied Pipers

Book Description

For more than twenty years, I have studied destructive and apocalyptic cult leaders like Jim Jones, David Koresh (Waco), Shoko Asahara (Aum Shinriko), Marshall Applewhite (Heaven’s Gate), Charles Manson (Helter Skelter Murderers), and Luc Jouret and Joseph DiMambro (Suicidal Solar Temple). These cult leaders, the mesmerizing Malignant Pied Pipers of our time, led idealistic, father-hungry, or disillusioned young people away from their homes and toward destruction. Having an understanding of cult mentality and the pathological personalities of cult leaders is essential, for there are striking similarities between these deadly leaders and the newest examples, Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda cult of ultimate terror. The death toll from Jonestown, the Branch Davidian disaster at Waco, and Al Qaeda/ISIS terror cults of the last 30 years is horrendous. My previous book, A Boyish God, is a troubling novel with deep insights. I was jolted to my core when I learned that a college friend’s son died at the Rev. Jim Jones’s side at Jonestown. Over 30 years later, I am still searching for answers, especially about terror prevention.

Malignant Pied Pipers

Book Description

For more than twenty years, I have studied destructive and apocalyptic cult leaders like Jim Jones, David Koresh (Waco), Shoko Asahara (Aum Shinriko), Marshall Applewhite (Heaven’s Gate), Charles Manson (Helter Skelter Murderers), and Luc Jouret and Joseph DiMambro (Suicidal Solar Temple). These cult leaders, the mesmerizing Malignant Pied Pipers of our time, led idealistic, father-hungry, or disillusioned young people away from their homes and toward destruction. Having an understanding of cult mentality and the pathological personalities of cult leaders is essential, for there are striking similarities between these deadly leaders and the newest examples, Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda cult of ultimate terror. The death toll from Jonestown, the Branch Davidian disaster at Waco, and Al Qaeda/ISIS terror cults of the last 30 years is horrendous. My previous book, A Boyish God, is a troubling novel with deep insights. I was jolted to my core when I learned that a college friend’s son died at the Rev. Jim Jones’s side at Jonestown. Over 30 years later, I am still searching for answers, especially about terror prevention.

Delusions and the Madness of the Masses

Book Description

We all think that we can tell the difference between someone who is mad, or whom psychiatrists call psychotic, and someone who is sane. But can we really tell who is mad and who is not? Do we really know what madness is and how it should be recognized? Have psychiatrists made a sensible distinction between the patient who believes that aliens are beaming messages to him from a foreign planet, and the religious fanatic who believes God communicates to him via automatic writing? Is there a difference between the paranoid patient who believes that the FBI is after him, and the sizeable proportion of our normal population that believe that the US government orchestrated the 9-11 bombings? Here, Reznek hopes to shed light on the delusions of the masses-those delusions that are common to everyday people living so-called ordinary lives. He provides an understanding of madness and the psychological processes that drive us to adopt delusions, arguing that it is a mistake to view only schizophrenic patients as delusional, while excluding large groups of society from such an analysis. If we abandon the idea that whole communities cannot share a delusion, we can come to a better understanding about why the world is such a dangerous place.

A Boyish God

Book Description

The playground at Saint Thomas Moore School in Houston has become a terrifying place. When Sister Agnes hears young Will's fiery funeral sermon for a dead bird, she must comfort a group of fearful students. At the forceful insistence of his teachers, Will Powers reluctantly stops his explosive sermon. Will's teacher thinks that his parents, and particularly his father, seem very troubled. The parents won't return Sister Agnes's phone calls about similar events involving Will. School psychologist Sister Andrea Albright turns for help to a trusted psychiatrist friend, Dr. Tom Tolman. The ensuing therapy is seen from Will's perspective and the "helpful" adults around him. Those who would aid the boy instead reveal perspectives on psychotherapy's ability to thwart the evil of malignant self-absorption. And along the path of Will's therapy, Sister Andrea and her friend Tom find genuine love and romance. A Boyish God is a troubling novel with deep insights. Says the author, "I was jolted to my core when I learned that a college friend's son died at the Rev. Jim Jones's side at Jonestown. Two books and over thirty years later, I am still searching for answers...especially about terror prevention." Peter Alan Olsson is a retired psychiatrist/psychoanalyst. His four published nonfiction books are Malignant Pied Pipers of Our Time: From the Rev. Jim Jones to Osama Bin Laden; The Cult of Osama: Psychoanalyzing Bin Laden and His Magnetism for Muslim Youths; If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Advice to a Young Psychotherapist; and Poems Behind a Psychiatrist's Couch.

Systemic Humiliation in America

Book Description

This volume explores contemporary social conflict, focusing on a sort of violence that rarely receives coverage in the evening news. This violence occurs when powerful institutions seek to manipulate the thoughts of marginalized people—manufacturing their feelings and fostering a sense of inferiority—for the purpose of disciplinary control. Many American institutions strategically orchestrate this psychic violence through tactics of systemic humiliation. This book reveals how certain counter-measures, based in a commitment to human dignity and respect for every person’s inherent moral worth, can combat this violence. Rothbart and other contributors showcase various examples of this tug-of-war in the US, including the politics of race and class in the 2016 presidential campaign, the dehumanizing treatment of people with mental disabilities, and destructive parenting styles that foster cycles of humiliation and emotional pain.

Researching Power, Elites and Leadership

Book Description

This exciting new text consolidates the hows and whys of researching powerful people. Written by a leading authority in the field, this book introduces the reader to a significant area of methodology, and provides a research-based contribution to elite and leadership studies. It offers a truly international perspective that will appeal to those studying and engaging with powerful people in a variety of contexts. Useful features include: - A variety of case studies and examples linked to over 1000 sources and resources - Extensive use of figures throughout the text to illustrate key points - Templates and models for planning and presentations The book promotes a practical future-oriented approach to support and inspire academic, professional and civil society researchers at all levels. It introduces new research frameworks and facilitates critical techniques through Critical Process Analysis. This is a must-have resource and an excellent new addition to the field of elite and leadership studies.

Emotions, Decision-Making and Mass Atrocities

Book Description

This book rehumanizes perpetrators of mass atrocities. At present a victim/perpetrator dichotomy appears to be the dominant paradigm: perpetrators have either been ’mechanistically dehumanized’, that is, perceived as unemotional, hard-hearted and conforming and thereby lacking the core features of human nature or alternatively, they have been ’animalistically dehumanized’. In other words they are seen as immoral, unintelligent, lacking self-control and likened to animals. Within sociology and criminology the dominant view is that genocide and other mass atrocities are committed by technologically-lobotomized perpetrators. Somehow the process of rationalization is believed to have transformed these people from emotionally healthy people into hollow soulless shells of human beings or zombies, devoid of a full range of normal emotions. These people are considered bereft of any ability to reason, think or feel, yet ambulant and able to respond to surrounding stimuli. However it is difficult to imagine crime (especially those involving a group of people working together for the duration of a particular criminal activity) without emotions. For instance, there is ample evidence suggesting that both crimes of passion and pre-meditated crimes involve emotional arousal. Furthermore, research in fields such as evolutionary biology, psychology and sociology of work and organizations suggest that emotions are essential for human progress and survival. In addition, emotions help us make the right call in risky and uncertain situations, in other words, the majority of real life situations. There is, therefore, a need to revisit existing assumptions around the role of emotions in mass atrocities.

Religious Knives

Book Description

In this timely multidimensional study, historian Jouni Suistola and psychoanalyst Vamik D. Volkan draw on their respective disciplines and their own personal and professional experiences to investigate the historical and psychological roots of terrorism. Specifically, what is it in human nature that allows people to terrorize and kill the other, and what societal factors—whether political, economic, or religious—lead to terrorism? And, in turn, how might terrorist ideologies and groups be defeated, especially when a society's realistic fears are contaminated with xenophobia, racism, and fantasized dangers? Focusing specifically on modern-day radical Islamist terrorism, the authors argue that studying the minds of individual terrorists can tell us something about those individuals, but that only by examining the deeper historical, political, and society-wide psychological processes at work will we be able to uncover the core causes of terrorism. Only through such understanding, they conclude, will the world be positioned to prevent further radicalization and create lasting and peaceful solutions to the seemingly intractable problem of terrorist violence.

The Fifth Rule of Ten

Book Description

When a fundraising event for the local Buddhist temple goes awry, Ten Norbu finds himself mired in a web of crime that only a former monk turned private investigator can solve Be mindful, both making and keeping commitments, that they be springboards to liberation, instead of suffering. —The Fifth Rule of Ten Ten and his fiancée, Julie, excitedly await the arrival of Ten’s best friends, Lama Yeshe and Lama Lobsang. Ten’s boyhood friends are now the Head Abbots at Tenzing’s former monastic home in India. Ten has helped Yeshe and Lobsang organize a fundraising event sponsored by the Los Angeles Buddhist temple where Tenzing first taught years ago, before shedding his robes to attend the police academy. The big feature of the event will be the unveiling of a sacred sand-painted mandala that the monks will construct in the center of the temple. At the premiere, however, a group of hooligans commit an outrageous act that catapults the story into action. To complicate matters, one of the novice lamas—a brilliant protégé of Lobsang’s—goes missing. Soon a series of strange crimes beset the city, some physical, some cyber. Each crime is unique, but all are mysteriously interconnected. Ten’s attempts to solve those crimes pull him into a dark mirror-world of his sacred Tibetan Buddhist tradition; soon he is engaged in a life-and-death battle with a powerful shadow presence. He joins forces with Yeshe, Lobsang, his ex-partner, Bill, and his hack-tivist buddy, Mike, to track down the Patient Zero of this epidemic of criminal chaos. Finally, he must face the truth: the source of the evil, and the solution, are a lot closer to home than he first thought.