Management des risques pour un développement durable

Book Description

Pour faire face à la pression sociale, économique et réglementaire, les entreprises s'orientent aujourd'hui vers un management global et de qualité, qui inclut les préoccupations de santé, de sécurité et d'environnement. Cet ouvrage propose une réflexion pratique autour des notions de risque, de qualité et de développement durable. Il aborde de manière détaillée : les enjeux, les théories, le vocabulaire et le contexte juridique ; la gestion des systèmes qualité (cartographie et gestion des processus), la gestion de projet et l'activité (ergonomie) ; les systèmes et les outils d'analyse et de gestion des risques santé/sécurité au travail, environnement et risques majeurs. Au-delà des connaissances pratiques complètes sur les outils de gestion qu'il développe, l'ouvrage apporte des éclairages plus approfondis sur les principes de négociation et médiation, sur la fiabilité organisationnelle, la gestion des compétences, les risques financiers et ceux liés aux systèmes d'exploitation. Cet ouvrage s'adresse particulièrement aux dirigeants, cadres et futurs cadres en charge du développement ou de l'amélioration des systèmes de management pour un développement durable, dans tout secteur d'activité.

OECD Reviews of Risk Management Policies Étude de l'OCDE sur la gestion des risques d'inondation: Bassin de la Loire, France 2010

Book Description

Les évolutions urbanistiques, démographiques, et même climatiques, ont un impact sur les questions auxquelles doivent répondre les pays de l’OCDE en matière de protection de la vie et du bien-être des citoyens ou de garantie de la continuité de ...

Book Description


Book Description

The management of flood risk seems to be facing a daunting paradox. Despite increasingly effective risk knowledge tools and the efforts of international institutions to place risk reduction at the top of the agenda, the cost of disasters continues to increase. It is also increasingly difficult to avoid the urbanization or development of potential flood zones. The fundamental issue involves determining the conditions necessary for efficient prevention by focusing on adaptability to risk, which implies coping with the risk of flooding rather than directly fighting against it or simply ignoring it. This second volume of the Floods series of books explores existing policies and tools which mitigate the impact of flooding: the construction of protective structures, the reduction of vulnerability, land use planning, the improvement of crisis management, etc. The closing chapters focus on the question of adaptation through post-flood reconstruction, integrating disaster risk reduction measures, e.g. through resilient urbanism. - Presents the state-of-the-art surrounding flood issues, from the description of the phenomena, to the management of risk (dikes, dams, reducing vulnerability and management of crisis) - Written by specialists, but accessible to mainstream scientists - Exposes knowledge, methodologies, scientific locks and the prospects of each discipline on the theme of floods

Development and Territorial Restructuring in an Era of Global Change

Book Description

Thinking about development and the environment simultaneously is one of the biggest scientific and societal challenges of the 21st century. Understanding the interactions between biophysical systems and human activities in an era of global change requires overcoming disciplinary divides and opening up new epistemological perspectives. This book explores these challenges using a territorial lens. Combining various scales of analyses (from global to local) and contexts (both urban and rural) in the North and in the South, it analyzes the relationships between environment and development through a variety of geographical objects (i.e. cities, rural and agricultural areas, coastlines, watershed), themes (i.e. ecological transitions, food, energy, transport, agriculture, mining activities) and methodologies (i.e. qualitative and quantitative approaches, modeling, in situ measurements). By engaging in a dialogue between social science and natural science disciplines, within different fields and with a variety of forms of knowledge production, this book provides essential information for understanding and reading the complexity of a globalized world. This book is targeted at academics and students in social sciences and at stakeholders in the field of territorial and environmental management.

Risk Communication for the Future

Book Description

The conventional approach to risk communication, based on a centralized and controlled model, has led to blatant failures in the management of recent safety related events. In parallel, several cases have proved that actors not thought of as risk governance or safety management contributors may play a positive role regarding safety. Building on these two observations and bridging the gap between risk communication and safety practices leads to a new, more societal perspective on risk communication, that allows for smart risk governance and safety management. This book is Open Access under a CC-BY licence.

Management des risques pour un développement durable

Book Description

Pour faire face à la pression sociale, économique et réglementaire, les entreprises s'orientent aujourd'hui vers un management global de la qualité, qui inclut les préoccupations de sécurité et d'environnement. Ces démarches suivent globalement le même processus (amélioration continue, PDCA) et conduisent chacune à la mise en place de manuels descriptifs, de procédures, de plans d'action et d'outils de traçabilité. Cet ouvrage est le premier à faire la synthèse des trois concepts, qualité, sécurité et environnement, en détaillant pour chacun les bases réglementaires et normatives, et en donnant les méthodes et les outils qui permettent leur mise en oeuvre dans l'entreprise.

Sustainable Development (2 Volume Set)

Book Description

This collection of research papers, presented at meetings organised by the Wessex Institute of Technology (WIT), concerns a variety of issues relating to the area of sustainable development. WIT has a long and very successful record of organising conferences on the topic of sustainability, which requires an interdisciplinary approach. Any sustainable solutions that are derived solely from the perspective of a single discipline may have unintended damaging consequences that create new problems. Thus effective sustainable solutions require the collaboration of scientists and engineers from various disciplines, as well as planners, architects, environmentalists, policy makers, social scientists, and economists. The contents of this book reflect that interdisciplinary approach, and include topics under the main areas of: Sustainable development and planning; Disaster management; Air pollution; Urban transport; Ecosystems and Water resources management.

Spatial Management of Risks

Book Description

Spatial analysis is an increasingly important tool for detecting and preventing numerous risk and crisis phenomena such as floods in a geographical area. This book concentrates on examples of prevention but also gives crisis control advice and practical case studies. Some chapters address urban applications in which vulnerabilities are concentrated in area; others address more rural areas with more scattered phenomena.