Manten Encendido Tu Amor!: Conexion, Comunicacion Y Limites (Spanish Edition)

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Manten Encendido Tu Amor. Es algo difi ́cil de hacer. A veces es la cosa ma ́s difi ́cil de hacer. Pero si quieres construir relaciones sanas con Dios y con los dema ́s, aprender a mantener tu amor encendido no es negociable. Los adultos al igual que los nin os florecen en relaciones sanas cuando es seguro amar y ser amado, conocer y ser conocido. Sin embargo, para muchos, las relaciones son cualquier cosa menos seguras, amorosas o i ́ntimas. Se definen por la ansiedad, la manipulacio ́n, el control y el conflicto. La razo ́n es que la mayori ́a de las personas nunca ha sido educada para ser lo suficientemente poderosas como para mantener su amor encendido en medio de los errores, el dolor y el temor. Manten Encendido Tu Amor revela el mayor esta ́ndar centrado en Jesu ́s definido por un amor maduro, amor que se mantiene encendido sin importar que ́ ocurre. Los ejemplos pra ́cticos de Danny Silk y sus pertinentes historias te capacitara ́n para poder disen ar li ́mites saludables, comunicar amor y asi ́ proteger tus conexiones para poder amar contra todo prono ́stico. Como resultado de esto, tu relacio ́n se vera ́ radicalmente transformada para la eternidad. Cuando aprendes a mantener tu amor encendido, te haces como Jesu ́s.

Manten Encendido Tu Amor

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Tomás y las vírgenes

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Keep Your Love On

Book Description

Keeping your love on. It's a hard thing to do. Sometimes it's the hardest thing to do. But if you want to build healthy relationships with God and others, learning to keep your love on is non-negotiable. Adults and children alike thrive in healthy relationships where it is safe to love and be loved, to know and be known. Yet for many, relationships are anything but safe, loving, or intimate. They are defined by anxiety, manipulation, control, and conflict. The reason is that most people have never been trained to be powerful enough to keep their love on in the face of mistakes, pain, and fear. Keep Your Love On reveals the higher, Jesus-focused standard defined by mature love--love that stays 'on' no matter what. Danny Silk's practical examples and poignant stories will leave you with the power to draw healthy boundaries, communicate in love, and ultimately protect your connections so you can love against all odds. As a result, your relationships will be radically transformed for eternity. When you learn to keep your love on, you become like Jesus.

Loving Our Kids on Purpose

Book Description

Here is a fresh look at the age-old role of parenting.Loving Our Kids on Purpose brings the principles of the Kingdom of God and revival into our strategy as parents. 2 Corinthians 3:17 tells us that Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. Most parenting approaches train children to learn to accept being controlled by well meaning parents and adults. Unfortunately, God is not going to control us as we gain independence from our parents.We must learn to control ourselves.This book will teach parents to train their children to manage their freedoms and protect their important heart to heart relationships.


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Most human cultures govern through the fear of punishment. Yet the New Testament calls the body of Christ to a very different style of government--the government of mature love, which drives out the fear of punishment (1 John 4:18), and leads people who sin on a journey of repentance, restoration, and reconciliation. Unpunishable lays out a roadmap for making this cultural shift, challenging all believers, and especially leaders, to leave the familiar tools of punishment behind and learn the practices that empower people to walk in the light of freedom and love, own and clean up their messes, and mature into sons and daughters who look like their Heavenly Father.


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This play is based on David R. Slavitt's translation of The Metamorphoses of Ovid - Monologues.

The Getty Murua

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Here is a set of essays on Historia general del Piru that discuss not only the manuscript's physical components--quires and watermarks, scripts and pigments--but also its relation to other Andean manuscripts, Inca textiles, European portraits, and Spanish sources and publication procedures. The sum is an unusually detailed and interdisciplinary analysis of the creation and fate of a historical and artistic treasure.

Dreaming with God

Book Description

Forget about redesigning your living room or adding curb appeal-how about redesigning the world! Author Bill Johnson reveals the secrets of using God's unlimited supply of everything to transform your family and community, your job or business, the nation and the world. You were created to be a design star by using your unique: Imaginati...