Manual para investigar en educación

Book Description

Este manual pretende ser una guía práctica para el desarrollo e implementación del proceso de investigación en el ámbito educativo, ofreciendo una descripción detallada de los métodos cuantitativos, cualitativos y otros. Se dirige, principalmente, a los estudiantes universitarios de los Grados en Educación Infantil y Primaria, Pedagogía, Psicología, Máster en Psicopedagogía y Formación del Profesorado, así como a docentes y orientadores educativos en activo. El libro ofrece orientaciones básicas sobre la investigación en educación y su puesta en práctica, presentando sus aspectos fundamentales a través de explicaciones y ejemplos que aportan claridad y sencillez a la complejidad de este campo. De esta forma, trata de relacionar la investigación educativa con sus aplicaciones prácticas, como punto de partida para la planificación y puesta en marcha de acciones inclusivas que impulsen la mejora de la calidad en educación. La obra incluye, además, orientaciones claras y pautas precisas, sobre cómo elaborar y difundir proyectos de investigación educativa, memorias de investigación, artículos de investigación y aportaciones en Congresos y en otros eventos profesionales.


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Glosario Del Banco Mundial

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This edition of the World Bank has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit in the Languages Services Division of the World Bank in collaboration with the English, Spanish, and French Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using French and Spanish in their work, and free-lance translator's and interpreters employed by the Bank. For this reason, the Glossary contains not only financial and economic terminology and terms relating to the Bank's procedures and practices, but also terms that frequently occur in Bank documents, and others for which the Bank has a preferred equivalent. Although many of these terms, relating to such fields as agriculture, education, energy, housing, law, technology, and transportation, could be found in other sources, they have been assembled here for ease of reference. A list of acronyms occurring frequently in Bank texts (the terms to which they refer being found in the Glossary) and a list of international, regional, and national organizations will be found at the end of the Glossary.

On the Development of Peoples

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National information needs on forests have grown considerably in recent years, evolving from forest area and growing stock information to key aspects of sustainable forest management, such as the role of forests in the conservation of biodiversity and the provision of other ecosystem services. More recently, information on changes in carbon stocks, socio-economic aspects including the contribution to livelihoods and poverty reduction, governance and broader land use issues has become critical for national planning.

Child Friendly Schools Manual

Book Description

This Child-Friendly Schools (CFS) Manual was developed during three-and-a-half years of continuous work, involving the United Nations Children's Fund education staff and specialists from partner agencies working on quality education. It benefits from fieldwork in 155 countries and territories, evaluations carried out by the Regional Offices and desk reviews conducted by headquarters in New York. The manual is a part of a total resource package that includes an e-learning package for capacity-building in the use of CFS models and a collection of field case studies to illustrate the state of the art in child-friendly schools in a variety of settings.