
Book Description

Who is Mashiach? What leadership qualities will he possess? What will life be like after he comes? What is Mashiach's mission? What must he do to bring the world to perfection? How will he achieve it? Why hasn't he arrived yet? And when is he coming? Based on Rebbe Nachman's teachings, along with additional insights from the Bible, Talmud and the Kabbalah, we not only find out more about Mashiach; we also learn how we can participate in this crowning divine revelation -- by cultivating Mashiach-qualities in our daily lives and personalities.


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חמשה חומשי תורה

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Until the Mashiach

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The Messiah of Brooklyn

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Shemoneh Esrei

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The Symbiotic Relationship

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Many people do not understand that we not only need "grace," but we also need the "law;" it can cause confusion. Consequently, we have two groups: • one that says all we need is “grace.” • while the other says all we need is the “law.” They both are wrong. We need “grace,” and we need the “law;” they go together. We need “grace” first, which is the blood of YAHUSHUA, to cleanse us from our sins because we did not keep the “law;” we transgressed the “law.” It is because we transgressed the “law” that we are given death. The Father sentenced us to death, this death being in the lake of fire, eternal death. All of creation was lost due to our sins, and we all have come short of the glory of YAHUAH; He sent His Son, YAHUSHUA, to shed His blood and to bring us out from under the death sentence. If transgressing the “law” got us in all of this trouble, then when YAHUSHUA came; sacrificed Himself and shed His blood, it caused us to have our past sins forgiven. This being the case, why would we continue to break the “law?” That is what got us in trouble in the first place. To avoid repeating this mistake, we must begin to keep the “law.” This book shows the importance of both; we need “grace” first and then the “law.” We will examine the writings of the Apostle Paul and see he was not speaking against the “law.” He was telling us because we had this death sentence hanging over our heads and we transgressed the “law” of YAHUAH: 1. Keeping the "law" is not going to help; 2. A "circumcision" is not going to help us; 3. Keeping the "Sabbath" day is not going to help us; 4. Keeping the "Feast days" will not help us. Those things are part of the “law” and we must do them but we have a problem coming out of the gate. We have transgressed the “law” of YAHUAH; therefore, we are “lawbreakers.” We need the blood to get back on track: on the road to righteousness and holiness, before our ELOHIM. There are many layers to unpack regarding “Grace and Law;” Get ready to dive deep into what will finally bring understanding to what it is all about. Remember, when it comes to whether we should keep the “law” and do away with “grace” or should we be under “grace” and do away with the “law?” We need them both. It is the blood of YAHUSHUA that justifies us and it is the “law” that will maintain our justification.

The Voice of the Turtledove

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The King Is Here

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From Mashiach to Rabbi Kaduri: "Dear Yitzhak It is written,"Th e Scripture cannot be broken", and I say to you the Mishnah cannot be ignored. The Holy Spirit is on the move. Hillel says "There is no more Mashiach for Israel". Akiva says "No, No, No, It is Bar Kosiba", Chabad says "But is it not Rabbi Sneerson of New York?" Israel's halakah as we see it today was born after the destruction of the first and second temple. It is a faith lived out from the center of the Synagogue not the Temple. Many of her Torah practices were responses to the Temple's destruction. Was it not born in Yavneh under the Sadducee Yochanan Ben Zaccheus? Is not its first book the Mishnah of Judah ha Nasi? They are waiting for Eliyah, the Mashiach and the Temple to be rebuilt. Was not the Bar Enosh given authority in Zion in year 3790? Was he not authorised at the resurrection of his head, Rav Yahushua seed of Eve? Th e Good News of the revival of the dead and the age to come was taken to the twelve tribes of Israel and the seventy nations. The age of righteousness and justice where the Bar Enosh will judge the world begins on the seventh day from Adam's descent from Paradise. (ca 5797). Is it time for the talmidim of Yavneh and the talmidim of Rabbi Yahushua to stop lying about one another and to start walking together in the Spirit? "It is not by might, nor by power but my my Spirit" Says Yahuah. "with the Spirit of his lips shall he slay the wicked" (Is 11) In year 5766 (2006) a great master of the secrets of the Torah the late Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri left a secret note with the name of Mashiach encoded on it and a prophecy. To the shock of the Jewish world the name he gave for the Mashiach was Yahushua, the same name as the head of the Notzrim, the anointed ones. How will Mashiach fulfill Rav Kaduri's prophecy? This book is about that.

God is Not Enough, Messiah Needed

Book Description

The Bible describes a whole lot of toys and technologies that our forefathers thought were magical and divine. Some of the toys were created to do the Gods' desires. Man is part of such toys and just like man, other toys were desired and created. Sometimes, toys were used to design other toys. And, man thought that such toys were divine. Today, we are also designing other toys. We have designed toys that are now probing mars. We shall soon send other toys to other planets like the Gods sent toys to earth. But, man decided to ascribe to such toys -- divinity. Our forefathers were not confused. We are. There is indeed, nothing divine in the Bible. There is technology, science and more science--not even magic or miracle. Now, imagine that your assignment is to write about what you observe for future generations. What a daunting job that would be! Will your observations make sense to those who come after you? This was the dilemma of messengers from ancient times. The Gods were wowing them with events they could not understand, and the people recorded what they saw. But, often we interpret these recordings without applying logic and science or both. For example, read Daniel Chapter 7. If that did not remind you of power rangers -- the TV series, you have not started to apply science and technology to Bible readings. Behold, in the Bible are the most technologies man is yet to understand. Many people believe what they believe because it is generally accepted. Some only accept interpretations that are confirmed by their version of The Holy Books, and they consider any use of reason in religious matters to be misleading and impermissible. According to such people, man is too mortal to understand the ways of God. In God Is Not Enough—a groundbreaking and thought-provoking book—the author attempts to deconstruct the puzzles surrounding the concept of God. Who is He? Why were we created? Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but which God? And are these questions really unanswerable?