Masonic Symbolism of the Apron and the Altar: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

A collection of seven essays exploring the symbolism behind two of freemasonry's most prominent symbols. Included here are: The Apron, The Masonic Apron, The Rite of Investiture, The Apron, Symbolism in the Apron, The Altar of Freemasonry and The Altar.

The Lost Key

Book Description

Symbols play a big part in our lives, but we often miss their full meaning. A book for Freemasons, and explains the meaning of their symbols. Masons are members of a longstanding fraternal order that functions as a mystical brotherhood. A number of rituals are performed as one progresses up the ranks, usually in the form of an initiation. Often times Masons may not fully understand the true purpose of the initiation. This book covers the symbols found within the first three degrees of Freemasonry, making it an excellent guidebook for the beginning Mason, and offers a more complete understanding for those who oversee their rituals.

Masonic Symbolism in Shakespeare: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Two masonic authors examine quotations from a number of William Shakespeare's plays, in which the Bard appears to leave clues familiar to members of a certain fraternity.

Masonic Symbolism of King Solomon's Temple: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Prominent masonic scholars explore the history, myth and symbolism behind Freemasonry's greatest edifice, the Temple of Solomon the King. Included here are: The Symbolism of Solomon's Temple, Solomon's Temple, The Middle Chamber of Solomon's Temple, Esoteric Symbolism of King Solomon's Temple, A Short Explanation of the Seal of Solomon and King Solomon's Temple and the Story of the Third Degree.

The Old Past Master: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Masonic author Carl Claudy presents 24 tales, in the form of advice being given to a younger mason, by the Old Past Master. These are all on masonic topics such as: brotherly love, charity, landmarks, symbols and much more. Any one of them is a great jumping off point for a lodge presentation or discussion.

The Badge of a Freemason

Book Description

Masonic Symbolism of Easter and the Christ in Masonry: Foundations of Freemasonry Series

Book Description

Several writers examine the symbolism of Easter and how it can be interpreted within the masonic arena. Included here are: Easter Eggs and Colored Veils, The Significance of Easter: A Masonic Interpretation, Acacia Leaves and Easter Lilies and The Christ in Masonry.

The Symbolism of Freemasonry

Book Description

Of the various modes of communicating instruction to the uninformed, the masonic student is particularly interested in two; namely, the instruction by legends and that by symbols. It is to these two, almost exclusively, that he is indebted for all that he knows, and for all that he can know, of the philosophic system which is taught in the institution. All its mysteries and its dogmas, which constitute its philosophy, are intrusted for communication to the neophyte, sometimes to one, sometimes to the other of these two methods of instruction, and sometimes to both of them combined. The Freemason has no way of reaching any of the esoteric teachings of the Order except through the medium of a legend or a symbol. Contents: Preface. I. Preliminary. II. The Noachidæ. III. The Primitive Freemasonry of Antiquity. IV. The Spurious Freemasonry of Antiquity. V. The Ancient Mysteries. VI. The Dionysiac Artificers. VII. The Union of Speculative and Operative Masonry at the Temple of Solomon. VIII. The Travelling Freemasons of the Middle Ages. IX. Disseverance of the Operative Element. X. The System of Symbolic Instuction. XI. The Speculative Science and the Operative Art. XII. He Symbolism of Solomon'S Temple. XIII. The Form of the Lodge. XIV. The Officers of a Lodge. XV. The Point Within a Circle. XVI. The Covering of the Lodge. XVII. Ritualistic Symbolism. XVIII. The Rite of Discalceation. XIX. The Rite of Investiture. XX. The Symbolism of the Gloves. XXI. The Rite of Circumambulation. XXII. The Rite of Intrusting, and the Symbolism of Light. XXIII. Symbolism of the Corner-Stone. XXIV. The Ineffable Name. XXV. The Legends of Freemasonry. XXVI. The Legend of the Winding Stairs. XXVII. The Legend of the Third Degree. XXVIII. The Sprig of Acacia. XXIX. The Symbolism of Labor. XXX. The Stone of Foundation.216 XXXI.