Masterlife Book Set

Book Description

The MasterLife - Book Set contains all 4 MasterLife Member Books (6 sessions each) in a slip case. An excellent resource to help persons move toward maturity in Christ, MasterLife is appropriate for both new Christians and experienced believers in Jesus Christ as Savior. In addition to gaining victory over areas of weakness, participants will be encouraged to master living in the Word, prayer, personal purity, witnessing, and other key disciplines of faith.


Book Description

The phenomenally popular MasterLife series is now in paperback! The four six-week courses in the series are all designed to revitalize practicing Christians -- enabling them to make Christ the Master of their lives -- and to master their own lives by developing a personal, lifelong, obedient relationship with Him.This remarkable study guide is divided into four complete and discreet parts. The Disciple's Cross, instructs Christians to practice the six biblical disciplines of a disciple. In The Disciple's Personality, they are taught to live in the Spirit and become more like Christ. The Disciple's Victory depicts the loyal Christian's triumphs over the world, the flesh, and the devil. And finally, Christians are asked to look within themselves and identify their stage of growth and role in ministry in The Disciple's Mission.

The Disciple's Cross

Book Description

MasterLife 1: The Disciple's Cross helps you experience life in Christ through practicing these six biblical disciplines: spending time with the Master, living in the Word, praying in faith, fellowshipping with believers, witnessing to the world, and ministering to others.

Masterlife Leader Guide

Book Description

MasterLife is an excellent family of resources to guide both new and experienced believers to develop lifelong, obedient relationships with Jesus Christ. There are four, six-week studies in this series: MasterLife 1: The Disciple's Cross; MasterLife 2: The Disciple's Personality; MasterLife 3: The Disciple's Victory; and MasterLife 4: The Disciple's Mission. It is recommended that participants complete all four studies in sequence. However, any of the four can be studied independently as a stand-alone study as well. The Leader Guide provides step-by-step guidance for facilitating a small-group study using all four MasterLife studies. Also includes instructions for leading brief workshops or retreats after each six-week study. Within the MasterLife process, participants will be encouraged to practice spending time with the Master; live in the Word; pray in faith; witness to the world; live victoriously; nurture new Christians; mature as a disciple; and learn other key disciplines of faith.

The Disciple's Personality

Book Description

MasterLife 2 in the series of four helps Christians experience life in the spirit and gain victory in their personal lives. In this six-week study disciples will learn how to share their personal testimonies. Topics include: doing God's will, renewing the mind, mastering the emotions, presenting the body, and being filled with the spirit. Additional available resources include leader helps and video.

The Disciple's Mission

Book Description

MasterLife 4: Disciple's Mission by Avery T. Willis, Jr. completes the series of MasterLife studies. This six-week study helps Christians understand how to be on mission with God and to help others develop growing relationships with Christ. Topics include righting wrong relationships, witnessing through relationships, nurturing new Christians, maturing as a disciple, making disciples, and developing co-laborers with a kingdom perspective. Additional available resources include leader helps and videos.

The Disciple's Victory

Book Description

MasterLife 3 in the series of four helps Christians gain victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. This six-week study helps believers develop their prayer lives and gain skills in using God's Word. A prayer retreat follows this study in which disciples experience God directing their future. Additional available resources include leader helps and videos.

Survival Kit

Book Description

Survival Kit: 5 Keys to Effective Spiritual Growth helps new and growing Christians understand and deal with conflicts between old and new patterns of thoughts and habits. It also helps believers develop a regular pattern of quiet time, prayer, Bible study, and Scripture memorization. Includes a small-group discussion guide and one-to-one counselor's guide. (6 sessions).

Master of Life and Death

Book Description

By the 23rd century Earth's population had reached seven billion. Mankind was in danger of perishing for lack of elbow room--unless prompt measures were taken. Roy Walton had the power to enforce those measures. But though his job was in the service of humanity, he soon found himself the most hated man in the world. For it was his job to tell parents their children were unfit to live; he had to uproot people from their homes and send them to remote areas of the world. Now, threatened by mobs of outraged citizens, denounced and blackened by the press, Roy Walton had to make a decision: resign his post, or use his power to destroy his enemies and become a dictator in the hopes of saving humanity from its own folly. In other words, should he become the MASTER OF LIFE AND DEATH?

Day by Day in God's Kingdom

Book Description