Book Description

El capitán LaFontaine Rousseau, militar condecorado francés con licencia, emigra a la ciudad de Puebla, México, a establecer un negocio de esencias, ahí conoce a Ana María, pero para conseguir su amor, deberá cambiar sus malas costumbres y con una nueva actitud decide recuperar la confi anza de su amada. Poemas de amor, refl exión, canciones y cuentos, dan un realce y matizan esta narración de fi delidad a la familia y honor a la patria. De esta relación nacen unos gemelos, uno amable y el otro cruel, y la pequeña María Teresa (Mariquita), juntos enfrentaran el camino de la desventura y una posible traición. Inicia la batalla del 5 de Mayo, el capitán es requerido para combatir con las tropas Francesas en Italia, Edmud se enlista en las fi las mexicanas y Dubois en las Francesas, Edmud toma prisionero a Dubios, por lealtad a su familia y hermano, lo ayuda a escapar, al terminar la batalla, Edmud es apresado por las tropas enemigas, su vida estará en manos de su hermano egoísta y fi el a Francia. Valentina y Tolin, eternos enamorados, con un alto sentido de la amistad, ayudaran a la familia LaFontaine a enfrentar esta batalla de egos, soberbia y honor.

Soy Mam@ Digital

Book Description

A través de historias de la vida cotidiana, , nos brinda conocimientos fundamentales sobre cómo lograr mayor pro-vecho manejando recursos como FACEBOOK, MESSENGER, TWITTER, BLOGGS, SKYPE, GPS, YOUTUBE, LA NUBE DIGITAL, MOTORES DE BÚS-QUEDA, HISTORIAL DEL NAVEGADOR, ETC. De igual manera, mediante el ejemplo de anécdotas reales, el libro nos induce en la vida moderna, mostrándonos las REGLAS PARA USO DE INTERNET, CÓMO APROVECHAR LA POLICÍA CIBERNÉTICA, CÓMO PONER UNA EMPRESA A TRAVÉS DE LA WEB, CÓMO EVITAR EL CIBERBULLYING, y muchos otros temas de gran interés actual. Si tú eres mamá, descubre a través de estas historias la grandeza y el poder de influencia que puedes tener, apoyada en el mundo digital.

Beginning Spanish

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Spanish Today 2

Book Description

Repase y escriba

Book Description

Repase y escriba, 7th Edition combines solid grammar coverage with contempo­rary readings from a variety of sources, including literature, maga­zines, and newspapers. Readings are preceded by a short passage introducing the author and the context, and are followed by vocabulary, comprehension questions, and conversation prompts. The Sección léxica teaches students proverbs, idioms, and word families. There are also topics for creative compositions with guidelines. With updat­ed literary and cultural readings, Repase y Escriba includes an “oral exchange,” to make the text more useful when stressing conversation.

Spanish Short Stories

Book Description

Have you ever wanted to learn Spanish and have fun at the same time? Most of the time, teaching books are boring. They always have the same kind of format: Two (sometimes more) people talking about where the library is, or where to find Juan. That's boring, and to be honest, it's not a great way to learn the language (not to mention that they don't always talk about things that you might encounter in your daily life, for example, a judgmental ghost, being the last man on Earth, or maybe find that the love of your life has been stolen). But in this book, I will give you 20 short stories that will range from science fiction to romance, everything in between and sometimes even more. These stories will give you an entire picture of the Spanish language, and how to appreciate the subtlety of the language. The Spanish language is rich, full of small differences between the different countries. Things that might be one way in Argentina might be different in Spain or Mexico. But don't worry, with this book, you will have a firm grasp on the language, and you will be able to understand and have a conversation with any Spanish speaker. After each story, there will be a questionnaire section where you will answer questions about the stories in Spanish. I really suggest to grab a blank page, and write down the answers, or the small assignments that you will be given (don't worry, they won't be long!). Remember to write them in Spanish, so you can practice and use the language. Also, in this section, you will find grammar and fun facts not just from the stories themselves, but from the inspirations behind them, and facts about living in a Spanish country. I hope you like them. All these stories are written from my heart, and I deeply hope that you will find them funny, mysterious, romantic, or at least entertaining. That's my goal as a writer, and I hope you enjoy your time reading (and learning!) Get your copy now!


Book Description

Es una obra filosófica en versos. Tiene sus raices en la filosofía existencialista, con un nuevo acercamiento.La liberación y el devenir del ser humano forman el punto central de la obra.

Leute, echte Liebe jetzt !

Book Description

Past democracy ? Placebo democracy ? Where people take to the streets, to give vent to their pressure, with a growing administration the efficiency missed, dangers and their mechanisms in current situations the population, rural areas, economy and socio-cultural problems remain unspoken ? Who will learn to understand facts in the future ? geopolitics, philosophy, literature, Latin and the latter to master the modern language ? The West is becoming cognitively assimilated, to a disappearing mass of education, which is actually the mainstay a future society should be.

Miami mensual

Book Description