Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating: The Measurement of Ultrashort Laser Pulses

Book Description

The Frequency-Resolved Optical-Gating (FROG) technique has revolutionized our ability to measure and understand ultrashort laser pulses. This book contains everything you need to know to measure even the shortest, weakest, or most complex ultrashort laser pulses. Whether you're an undergrad or an advanced researcher, you'll find easy-to-understand descriptions of all the key ideas behind all the FROG techniques, all the practical details of pulse measurement, and many new directions of research. This book is not like any other scientific book. It is a lively discussion of the basic concepts. It is an advanced treatment of research-level issues.

Measurement of Complex Ultrashort Laser Pulses Using Frequency-resolved Optical Gating

Book Description

In this thesis, we compare the performance of three versions of FROG to measure complex ultrashort laser pulses: second-harmonic-generation (SHG) FROG, polarization-gate (PG) FROG, and cross-correlation FROG (XFROG). We found that the XFROG algorithm achieves 100% convergence, while PG FROG and SHG FROG GP algorithm achieve 100% convergence after doing the noise deduction and increasing the sampling range.

Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena

Book Description

Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena, Second Edition serves as an introduction to the phenomena of ultra short laser pulses and describes how this technology can be used to examine problems in areas such as electromagnetism, optics, and quantum mechanics. Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena combines theoretical backgrounds and experimental techniques and will serve as a manual on designing and constructing femtosecond ("faster than electronics") systems or experiments from scratch. Beyond the simple optical system, the various sources of ultrashort pulses are presented, again with emphasis on the basic concepts and how they apply to the design of particular sources (dye lasers, solid state lasers, semiconductor lasers, fiber lasers, and sources based on frequency conversion). Provides an easy to follow guide through "faster than electronics" probing and detection methods THE manual on designing and constructing femtosecond systems and experiments Discusses essential technology for applications in micro-machining, femtochemistry, and medical imaging

Single-shot Measurements of Complex Pulses Using Frequency-resolved Optical Gating

Book Description

Frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG) is the standard for measuring femtosecond laser pulses. It measures relatively simple pulses on a single-shot and complex pulses using multi-shot scanning and averaging. However, experience from intensity autocorrelation suggests that multi-shot measurements may suffer from a coherent artifact caused by instability in the laser source. In this thesis, the coherent artifacts present in modern pulse measurement techniques are examined and single-shot techniques for measuring complex pulse(s) are proposed and demonstrated. The study of the coherent artifact in this work shows that modern pulse measurement techniques also suffer from coherent artifacts and therefore single-shot measurements should be performed when possible. Here, two single-shot experimental setups are developed for different scenarios. First, an extension of FROG is developed to measure two unknown pulses simultaneously on a single-shot. This setup can measure pulses that have very different center wavelengths, spectral bandwidths, and complexities. Second, pulse-front tilt is incorporated to extend the temporal range of single-shot FROG to tens of picoseconds which traditionally can only be attained by multi-shot scanning. Finally, the pulse-front tilt setup is modified to perform a single-shot measurement of supercontinuum, one of the most difficult pulses to measure due to its long temporal range, broad spectral bandwidth, and low pulse energy.

Femtosecond Laser Pulses

Book Description

This smooth introduction for advanced undergraduates starts with the fundamentals of lasers and pulsed optics. Thus prepared, the student is introduced to short and ultrashort laser pulses, and learns how to generate, manipulate, and measure them. Spectroscopic implications are also discussed. The second edition has been completely revised and includes two new chapters on some of the most promising and fast-developing applications in ultrafast phenomena: coherent control and attosecond pulses.

Phase Retrieval and Time-frequency Methods in the Measurement of Ultrashort Laser Pulses

Book Description

Recently several techniques have become available to measure the time- (or frequency- ) dependent intensity and phase of ultrashort laser pulses. One of these, Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating (FROG), is rigorous and has achieved single-laser-shot operation. FROG combines the concepts of time-frequency analysis in the form of spectrogram generation (in order to create a two-dimensional problem), and uses a phase-retrieval-based algorithm to invert the experimental data to yield the intensity and phase of the laboratory laser pulse. In FROG it is easy to generate a spectrogram of the unknown signal, and inversion of the spectrogram to recover the signal is the main goal. Because the temporal width of a femtosecond laser pulse is much shorter than anything achievable by electronics, FROG uses the pulse to measure itself. In FROG, the laser pulse is split into two replicas of itself by a partially reflecting beamsplitter, and the two replicas interact with each other in a medium with an instantaneous nonlinear-optical response. This interaction generates a signal field that is then frequency-resolved using a spectrometer. The spectrum of the signal field is measured for all relevant values of the temporal delay between the two pulses. Here, the authors employ FROG and FROG related techniques to measure the time-dependent intensity and phase of an ultrashort laser pulse.

Femtosecond Optical Frequency Comb: Principle, Operation and Applications

Book Description

Over the last few years, there has been a convergence between the fields of ultrafast science, nonlinear optics, optical frequency metrology, and precision laser spectroscopy. These fields have been developing largely independently since the birth of the laser, reaching remarkable levels of performance. On the ultrafast frontier, pulses of only a few cycles long have been produced, while in optical spectroscopy, the precision and resolution have reached one part in Although these two achievements appear to be completely disconnected, advances in nonlinear optics provided the essential link between them. The resulting convergence has enabled unprecedented advances in the control of the electric field of the pulses produced by femtosecond mode-locked lasers. The corresponding spectrum consists of a comb of sharp spectral lines with well-defined frequencies. These new techniques and capabilities are generally known as “femtosecond comb technology. ” They have had dramatic impact on the diverse fields of precision measurement and extreme nonlinear optical physics. The historical background for these developments is provided in the Foreword by two of the pioneers of laser spectroscopy, John Hall and Theodor Hänsch. Indeed the developments described in this book were foreshadowed by Hänsch’s early work in the 1970s when he used picosecond pulses to demonstrate the connection between the time and frequency domains in laser spectroscopy. This work complemented the advances in precision laser stabilization developed by Hall.

Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers

Book Description

Hardly any other discovery of the nineteenth century did have such an impact on science and technology as Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen’s seminal find of the X-rays. X-ray tubes soon made their way as excellent instruments for numerous applications in medicine, biology, materials science and testing, chemistry and public security. Developing new radiation sources with higher brilliance and much extended spectral range resulted in stunning developments like the electron synchrotron and electron storage ring and the freeelectron laser. This handbook highlights these developments in fifty chapters. The reader is given not only an inside view of exciting science areas but also of design concepts for the most advanced light sources. The theory of synchrotron radiation and of the freeelectron laser, design examples and the technology basis are presented. The handbook presents advanced concepts like seeding and harmonic generation, the booming field of Terahertz radiation sources and upcoming brilliant light sources driven by laser-plasma accelerators. The applications of the most advanced light sources and the advent of nanobeams and fully coherent x-rays allow experiments from which scientists in the past could not even dream. Examples are the diffraction with nanometer resolution, imaging with a full 3D reconstruction of the object from a diffraction pattern, measuring the disorder in liquids with high spatial and temporal resolution. The 20th century was dedicated to the development and improvement of synchrotron light sources with an ever ongoing increase of brilliance. With ultrahigh brilliance sources, the 21st century will be the century of x-ray lasers and their applications. Thus, we are already close to the dream of condensed matter and biophysics: imaging single (macro)molecules and measuring their dynamics on the femtosecond timescale to produce movies with atomic resolution.