Measuring Segregation Patterns and Change: a Co-location Quotient Approach

Book Description

There are many segregation measures introduced and utilized in geographic research up to this date. Because residential segregation can be defined in more than one way the measure’s formulation is dependent on the particular definition the researcher is trying to reflect. Another distinctive feature of the quantitative exploration of segregation is the role of geographic scale. In contrast, global indices focus on overall level of spatial separation of population in the urban area while local indices assume that the index magnitude varies from place to place across the city. The main purpose of this study is to introduce a new measure of segregation that focuses on the lack of interactions of the population groups and to explore its properties. The proposed measure is a modified co-location quotient (CLQ) that was originally applied to point data as a measure of spatial association between two categorical variables. The first part of this dissertation introduces two versions of modified CLQ that are applicable to categories of areally aggregated population. One is the global measure that captures the overall exposure of one population group given the presence of another group. The local version of the measure describes levels of exposure for every single spatial unit. Both, global and local quotients have two basic specifications – two-group CLQ and same-group CLQ. Each variant of the measure allows the option to include the neighborhood size in computation, which theoretically defines the space within which people have the possibility for interaction. The use of CLQ in the proposed mathematical configuration expands the discussion of dimensions of segregation by suggesting the connection between different dimensions that are covered by co-location measure. Using publicly available data from U.S. Census Bureau on racial composition of population CLQs were computed for thirty urban areas, where twenty nine are metro areas and one is Washington D.C. The basic units of analysis are census tracts and block groups that contain aggregated population counts. Three decennial releases are used: 1990, 2000 and 2010. The results suggest an overall, but uneven, increase in the exposure of white people in given urban areas. Patterns of concentration for white people remained stable over the time span. But the concentration of black people shows a substantial decrease indicating an increasing exposure of blacks in the global sense. Conversely, same-group CLQs for whites and for blacks indicate unequal experiences for these two population groups in America. Additionally, various visualization techniques related to co-location measure were explored. The pointillist approach, suggested in this study, is found to be particularly effective technique for displaying CLQ results compared to widely utilized choropleth mapping.

New Methods for Measuring and Analyzing Segregation

Book Description

This book is open access under a CC BY-NC 2.5 license. This book introduces new methods for measuring and analyzing residential segregation. It begins by placing all popular segregation indices in the “difference of group means” framework wherein index scores can be obtained as simple differences of group means on individual-level residential attainments scored from area racial composition. Drawing on the insight that in this framework index scores are additively determined by individual residential attainments, the book shows that the level of segregation in a given city can be equated to the effect of group membership (e.g., race) on individual residential attainments. This unifies separate research traditions in the field by joining the analysis of segregation at the aggregate level with the analysis of residential attainments for individuals. Next it shows how segregation analysis can be extended by using multivariate attainment models to assess the impact of group membership (i.e., the level of segregation for a city) while including controls for other relevant individual characteristics (e.g., income, education, language, nativity, etc.). It then illustrates how one can use these models to quantitatively assess the extent to which segregation traces to impacts of group membership on residential attainments versus other factors such as group differences in income. The book then shows how micro-level attainment models can be used to study macro-level variation in segregation; specifically, by estimating multi-level models of individual residential attainments to assess how the effect of group membership (i.e., segregation index scores) vary with city characteristics. Finally, the book introduces refined versions of popular indices that are free of the vexing problem of upward bias. This improves the quality of segregation measurement directly at the level of individual cases and expanding the number of cases that can be safely included in empirical studies.

Visualizing Racial Segregation Differently - Exploring Changing Patterns from the Effect of Underlying Geographic Distributions

Book Description

It has long been observed that minorities are often concentrated in impoverished areas and lack access to resources such as jobs, educational opportunities, good-quality food, life services, and face other disadvantages. As such, racial and ethnic segregation is an important factor to consider when crafting public policy. A first step in many analyses of segregation is the production of single racial or ethnic group percentage maps that show geographic patterns where one group is predominant and the other is not. At lower levels of geography, such as census block groups or tracts, these percentage maps are less problematic because the size of the unit is small enough and can reveal a concentration of single racial or ethnic groups within a small area. When examining trends across the United States at the city and county level, however, the percentage mapping approach becomes disadvantageous for two primary reasons.

Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation Across the United States

Book Description

This open access book provides new findings on and insights into trends and patterns in residential segregation between racial and ethnic groups in the United States. It draws on new methods that make it possible to investigate segregation involving small groups and segregation patterns in nonmetropolitan communities with greater accuracy and clarity than has previously been possible. As one example, the authors are able to track residential segregation patterns across a wide selection of nonmetropolitan communities where Black, Latino, and Asian populations are small but can still potentially experience segregation. The authors also track White-Latino segregation from its inception when Latino households first arrived in non-negligible numbers in new destination communities and then document how segregation changes over time as the Latino population grows over time to become larger and more established. Finally, this work shows how segregation of Latino and Asian households is fundamentally different from that of Black households based on the much greater role that cultural and socioeconomic characteristics play in shaping White-Latino and White-Asian segregation in comparison to White-Black segregation.

Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Change

Book Description

This book is an invaluable reference. First published in 1965, it is at once a snapshot of a moment in history and a timeless conceptualization of the issues inherent in societal segregation.Residential segregation historically occupies a key position in patterns of race relations in the urban United States. It not only inhibits the development of informal, neighborly relations between white people and African Americans, but ensures the segregation of a variety of public and private facilities. The clientele of schools, hospitals, libraries, parks, and stores is determined in large part by the racial composition of the neighborhood in which they are located. Problems created by residential segregation are the focus of this of this work.African Americans in cities resemble whites in cities. Both racial groups are highly urbanized, and most of the immigrants of either race to a city are former residents of another city. Within cities, racial groups display similar patterns of residential behavior, with those of higher incomes seeking out newer and better housing. Both races respond similarly to national, social, and economic factors which set the context within which local changes occur. Karl E. and Alma F. Taeuber's main approach to the analysis of residential segregation and processes of neighborhood change is comparative and statistical. By quantitative comparison of the situation in many different cities, they attempt to assess those patterns and processes which are common to all communities and those which vary.Residential segregation is shown to be a prominent and enduring feature of American urban society. By bringing empirical data to bear on an important and timely social problem, this book will aid in the search for reasonable solutions. All types of cities, southern and northern, large and small, are beset with the difficulties that residential segregation imposes on harmonious race relations and on the solution of pressing city prob

Segregation by Design

Book Description

Segregation by Design draws on more than 100 years of quantitative and qualitative data from thousands of American cities to explore how local governments generate race and class segregation. Starting in the early twentieth century, cities have used their power of land use control to determine the location and availability of housing, amenities (such as parks), and negative land uses (such as garbage dumps). The result has been segregation - first within cities and more recently between them. Documenting changing patterns of segregation and their political mechanisms, Trounstine argues that city governments have pursued these policies to enhance the wealth and resources of white property owners at the expense of people of color and the poor. Contrary to leading theories of urban politics, local democracy has not functioned to represent all residents. The result is unequal access to fundamental local services - from schools, to safe neighborhoods, to clean water.

Divided Neighborhoods

Book Description

To what extent has racial segregation -- in housing, education and other public services -- persisted over the last two decades? Have patterns of segregation changed in response to urban development? Divided Neighborhoods is a comprehensive study of an important and topical issue. It shows how racial segregation has been affected by gentrification, redevelopment, the emergence of suburbs and the growth of new minorities. The role of government -- both national and local -- is also examined in detail.

The Road to Resegregation

Book Description

How could Northern California, the wealthiest and most politically progressive region in the United States, become one of the earliest epicenters of the foreclosure crisis? How could this region continuously reproduce racial poverty and reinvent segregation in old farm towns one hundred miles from the urban core? This is the story of the suburbanization of poverty, the failures of regional planning, urban sprawl, NIMBYism, and political fragmentation between middle class white environmentalists and communities of color. As Alex Schafran shows, the responsibility for this newly segregated geography lies in institutions from across the region, state, and political spectrum, even as the Bay Area has never managed to build common purpose around the making and remaking of its communities, cities, and towns. Schafran closes the book by presenting paths toward a new politics of planning and development that weave scattered fragments into a more equitable and functional whole.

Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Change

Book Description

This book is an invaluable reference. First published in 1965, it is at once a snapshot of a moment in history and a timeless conceptualization of the issues inherent in societal segregation.Residential segregation historically occupies a key position in patterns of race relations in the urban United States. It not only inhibits the development of informal, neighborly relations between white people and African Americans, but ensures the segregation of a variety of public and private facilities. The clientele of schools, hospitals, libraries, parks, and stores is determined in large part by the racial composition of the neighborhood in which they are located. Problems created by residential segregation are the focus of this of this work.African Americans in cities resemble whites in cities. Both racial groups are highly urbanized, and most of the immigrants of either race to a city are former residents of another city. Within cities, racial groups display similar patterns of residential behavior, with those of higher incomes seeking out newer and better housing. Both races respond similarly to national, social, and economic factors which set the context within which local changes occur. Karl E. and Alma F. Taeuber's main approach to the analysis of residential segregation and processes of neighborhood change is comparative and statistical. By quantitative comparison of the situation in many different cities, they attempt to assess those patterns and processes which are common to all communities and those which vary.Residential segregation is shown to be a prominent and enduring feature of American urban society. By bringing empirical data to bear on an important and timely social problem, this book will aid in the search for reasonable solutions. All types of cities, southern and northern, large and small, are beset with the difficulties that residential segregation imposes on harmonious race relations and on the solution of pressing city prob