Early Modern Jewish Civilization

Book Description

This collection is an introductory historical survey and selective cultural analysis of the development, coalescence, and eventual waning of a diasporic civilization—that of the Jews of the early modern period (ca. 1391–1789) in Europe, the Ottoman Empire, and key nodes of the Iberian Empires in the Americas. Each chapter explores key factors that shaped both distinctive early modern Jewish communities and a remarkably coalescent and far broader community-of-communities. The contributors engage and answer the following questions: What do historians mean by “early modernity,” and to what extent does the concept illuminate the history and culture(s) of Jews from the end of the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment? What were the general demographic contours of the Jewish diaspora over this period and how did they change? How did culture, politics, technology, economics, and gender shape diasporic Jewish communities across eastern and western Europe and the New World over the course of some 400 years? Ultimately, the work renders a portrait of coherence and diversity, continuity and discontinuity, in early modern Jewish life within and across temporal and geographic boundaries. Early Modern Jewish Civilization is essential reading for all students of Jewish history and civilization and early modern history more broadly.

Espiritualidad para la Nueva Civilización. Los monjes del ciberespacio en la Abadía de Ura

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Internet ha permitido la creación de los más diversos mundos virtuales para satisfacer múltiples inquietudes y curiosidades. La Abadía de Ura es ejemplo de una comunidad virtual selecta e intimista. Siberius de Ura y Dominicus Jerónimos, pastores de este espacio cibernético, nos cuentan cómo funciona y qué normas rigen este lugar de reflexión y recogimiento.

Military Entrepreneurs and the Spanish Contractor State in the Eighteenth Century

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Military Entrepreneurs and the Spanish Contractor State in the Eighteenth Century offers a new approach to the relationship between warfare and state construction. Historians looking at how war funding impinged on state development, and how state growth made wars more significant, have tended to downplay the role of military-provisioning entrepreneurs. Written off as corrupt and selfish, these entrepreneurs jarred with the received view of a rationally growing and modernising state. This volume shows that the state-entrepreneur relationship was much more fluid and constant than previously thought. The state was not able to enforce a top-down military supply policy; at the same time it benefited from the entrepreneurs' collaboration and their shared mercantilist ambitions. The entrepreneurs' mobilisation of military supplies was crucial for extending state authority and helped to knit together national and colonial markets. But this fluid state-entrepreneur relationship gradually became shrouded in privileges and monopolies, not so much ideology driven or imposed by the entrepreneurs but rather as an arrangement exploited by the state to boost its control over them, whittling down middlemen and ensuring the solvency and creditworthiness of the chosen few. This arrangement spiralled into a risky inter-dependence and cramped entrepreneurial competition. Rafael Torres Sánchez furnishes new insights into the role of military entrepreneurs in debates about warfare and state construction.

Cultural Memory and Western Civilization

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This book provides an introduction to the concept of cultural memory, offering a comprehensive overview of its history, forms and functions.

Por Que Recordar?

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Varios de los ms prestigiosos historiadores, bilogos, filsofos y politlogos de nuestro tiempo presentan en este libro una reflexin plural acerca de los vnculos que unen y distinguen la memoria y la historia. En el foro de la Academia Universal de las Culturas, han analizado los aspectos contradictorios que estn sujetos al trabajo de la memoria, trabajo a la vez inevitable e indispensable cuyo corolario es el olvido y, a veces, el perdn. El anlisis da comienzo con una revisin histrica, apoyada en documentos del pasado y sus propios mtodos cientficos. El hombre recuerda, mejor o peor, con ms o menos sinceridad, con ms o menos libertad. La historia forma incesantemente el presente, y puede servir para formar el futuro. En los caminos de la memoria y el olvido, de la historia y del juicio, se cruzan las voces de los ms grandes pensadores: Elie Wiesel, Umberto Eco, Paul Ricoeur, Ren Rmond, Jacqueline de Romilly, Jorge Semprn, Wole Soyinka, Gao Xingjian y muchos otros, todos presentes en el Frum Internacional sobre Memoria e Historia celebrado en marzo de 1998.

Equipo Realidad

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Culturas de la memoria

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Monarchy and Liberalism in Spain

Book Description

Bringing together the work of top specialists and emerging scholars in the field, this volume is the first book-length study of the rapport between liberalism and the Spanish monarchy over the long nineteenth century in any language. It is at once a general overview and a set of original contributions to knowledge. The essays discuss monarchy’s rapport with the pre-liberal, liberal and post-liberal nation-state, from the eve of the French Revolution, when the monarchy regulated a ‘natural’ order, to the unstable reign of Isabel II, fraught by revolutions that ended in her exile, to the brief republican monarchy of Amadeo I, the much-maligned foreign king, to Alfonso XIII’s expulsion from Spain following the failure of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. The essays approach the subject through two main thematic-analytical axes. The first, political axis examines the monarchy’s confrontation with, and adaptation to, liberalism as a political force that aimed to nationalize the Spanish people. The second axis is cultural, and studies the Crown’s support of liberalism’s nationalizing aims through various staging strategies that comprised visits, rituals, ceremonies, iconography, religiosity, and familial and military display. The dual approach invites the reader to question the boundaries between the political and the cultural, especially in regard to the ceremonial, and during critical times that witness the transformation of political power and the building of the nation-state. Designed for Hispanists and students of politics, ritual, liberalism and monarchy, this collection should appeal to academics and researchers as well as anyone interested in modern European history.