MES Compendium

Book Description

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is the central part and data hub in a manufacturing environment, connecting ERP and shop floor through horizontal and vertical integration. As a perfect example of modern and Industry 4.0 orientated MES, HYDRA is described, basically modular structured with plenty of standard functions, covering all production areas and departments in a factory, such as machine connectivity, production management, production logistics, quality management, resource management, energy management, and HR. Collecting vast real-time production data is just the very first step, where many MES systems linger about. More important is to analyze and utilize mass production data, turning Big Data into Smart Data. MES Hydra offers various analysis tools and reports for the sake of efficiency and transparency.

Astrological Compendium

Book Description

This book contains the Astrological Compendium of the late Classical astrologer Rhetorius the Egyptian. It contains his Explanation and Narration of The Whole Art of Astrology, and was translated from the Greek by James Herschel Holden, M.A., Research Director of the American Federation of Astrologers. Also included are the treatises by Teucer of Babylon on the Nature of the Signs of the Zodiac and the Nature of the Seven planets. Rhetorius was the last major astrological writer of the Classical period of Greek Astrology.

The Etymological Compendium

Book Description

Library Catalogue

Book Description

American English Compendium

Book Description

A compendium of American proverbs, expressions, slang, colloquialisms; British-US glossary; abbreviations and acronyms; and other various odds and ends. Widely used by non-native speakers and translators.

The Submariner's Dictionary Or Submariner's Compendium of Terms & Tar's Handbook of Naval Verbiage and Retired Guy's Re-familiarization Manual

Book Description

Submariners are a tight knit group of men bound together by training and experience, and with a language all their own. That language is perhaps a little vulgar, but never intentionally demeaning, and a little irreverent but still worldly. This work is an attempt to preserve and explain some of these curious guys who so proudly wear a shiny metal pin that looks like a strange pair of fish on their left breast. This process of accumulating this new language begins in Boot Camp, and is added to with every change of duty station the sailor undergoes. It is heard aboard the boats and, unknowingly, by family members who can't understand terms like head, deck, and overhead, and who think SOS is a distress signal.