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Changing the Rules

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Brother Bear learns about fear and getting back in the saddle when a ghost haunts the riding academy.

Funktionalistische Rezeptionstheorie

Book Description

I.S. 1 II. Zur Autonomie der Literaturwissenschaft S. 14 A. Textbedeutungssuche als selbstverstandliche Aufgabe der Literaturwissenschaft S. 14 R. UmriB eines funktionalistischen Ansatzes S. 18 1. Zur Evidenz von Alltagssprache S. 22 2. Sprachgebrauch und Leserfreiheit S. 26 3. Innovation und Konsistenz S. 29 C. Methodologische Konsequenzen einer rezeptions theoretischen Orientierung S. 34 1. Der als-Charakter von Bedeutung(en) S. 45 2. Die Unmoglichkeit objektgebundener Inter pretation S. 52 3. Grundlagendiskussion statt Krisenbeschworung S. 55 D. Literaturwissenschaft als Wissenschaft von lliterarischen Texten? S. 59 Literaturwissenschaft zwischen Text und Leser III. S. 70 A. Hannelore Links paradigmatisches Programm einer Uberzeitlichen und methodenpluralistischen Literaturwissenschaft S. 70 1. Das literaturwissenschaftliche Selbst verstandnis des neuen Paradigmas S. 70 2. Die Rezeptionsaktivitat in einem geschlosse nen ~ommunikationssystem S. 75 3. Historische Rekonstruktion und Inter pretation S. 85 4. Totalanspruch und Systemdenken S. 94 B. Wolfgang Isers Wirkungstheorie als Beispiel eines innerliterarischen Fragehorizonts S. 109 1. Die Rolle des Lesers und die Struktur des Werkes S. 109 2. Die Wirkungstheorie und der reale Leser 5. 120 3. Pluriformitat als Ausgangspunkt einer Rezeptionsanalyse und wirkungstheoretische Offenheit 5. 130 4. 5prechakttheorie als ontologische Basis eines Literaturbegriffs 5. 141 5. L iterarische Rezeption oder Rezeption von Literatur? 5. 155 IV. Anmerkungen 5. 162 V. Benutzte Literatur 5. 168 VI. 5amenvatting in het Nederlands 5. 175 I. EINLEITUNG Die vorliegende Arbeit war ursprUnglich als Untersuchung Uber den komisch-satirischen Roman der Spataufklarung geplant. Ausgangspunkt war Friedrich Nicolais Roman 'Sebaldus Nothanker'.

Managing the University Campus

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This book summarizes the results of ten years of research on a wide range of topics on campus management: from generating references for planning purposes - like current replacement costs and new space standards for the changing academic workplace - to strategies for the sustainable campus and new models that merge the campus and the knowledge city. The book includes profiles of fourteen campuses and forty campus projects to illustrate trends. The content of this book combines insights from theory - adding to new real estate management theories and the required management information for real estate decisions - and lessons for practice. The book can support the decisions of the policy makers, architects, campus and facility managers about the campus of the future.

Designing and Conducting Business Surveys

Book Description

Designing and Conducting Business Surveys provides a coherent overview of the business survey process, from start to finish. It uniquely integrates an understanding of how businesses operate, a total survey error approach to data quality that focuses specifically on business surveys, and sound project management principles. The book brings together what is currently known about planning, designing, and conducting business surveys, with producing and disseminating statistics or other research results from the collected data. This knowledge draws upon a variety of disciplines such as survey methodology, organizational sciences, sociology, psychology, and statistical methods. The contents of the book formulate a comprehensive guide to scholarly material previously dispersed among books, journal articles, and conference papers. This book provides guidelines that will help the reader make educated trade-off decisions that minimize survey errors, costs, and response burden, while being attentive to survey data quality. Major topics include: • Determining the survey content, considering user needs, the business context, and total survey quality • Planning the survey as a project • Sampling frames, procedures, and methods • Questionnaire design and testing for self-administered paper, web, and mixed-mode surveys • Survey communication design to obtain responses and facilitate the business response process • Conducting and managing the survey using paradata and project management tools • Data processing, including capture, editing, and imputation, and dissemination of statistical outputs Designing and Conducting Business Surveys is an indispensable resource for anyone involved in designing and/or conducting business or organizational surveys at statistical institutes, central banks, survey organizations, etc.; producing statistics or other research results from business surveys at universities, research organizations, etc.; or using data produced from business surveys. The book also lays a foundation for new areas of research in business surveys.

The Research Relationship

Book Description

Originally published in 1987, it seemed likely that by the end of that decade, if current trends continued, the majority of social researchers would be working under contract to government and other agencies which commissioned policy-relevant investigations. This shift towards contracted and commissioned research threw into heightened relief the importance of greater understanding of the often problematic relationship between researchers on the one hand, and funding agencies and policy-making bodies on the other. This book was directed at both social scientists who were or would in the future be involved in social policy research, and at administrators, planners and policy makers who often had responsibility for funding such research and who were also its potential users. The authors provide accounts of research in a wide variety of settings, conducted on behalf of a diverse range of sponsors, in order to confront, describe and try to understand the tensions which develop between the two sides of the policy research relationship. While there is, of course, no suggestion here that there are tailor-made solutions that can eradicate difficulties, the feeling is expressed that improvements in the research relationship are possible and highly desirable. The primary objective of the book was to provide an impetus for greater understanding and collaboration that could lead to such improvements.