Microbeam and Nanobeam Analysis

Book Description

The European Microanalysis Society held its Fourth Workshop in Saint Malo in May 1995. This volume includes the revised presentations, 10 tutorial chapters and 50 brief articles, from leading experts in electron probe microanalysis, secondary mass spectroscopy, analytical electron microscopy, and related fields.

Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis

Book Description

This supplement of Mikrochimica Acta contains selected papers from the Fifth Workshop of the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) on "Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis" which th th took place from the 11 to 15 May 1997 in Torquay (UK). EMAS was founded in 1986 by scientists from many European countries in order to stimulate research in microbe am analysis and into its development and application. The society now has over 350 members from more than 20 countries. An important EMAS activity is the organisation of biennial workshops which focus upon the current status and developing trends in microanalytical techniques. For this meeting EMAS chose to invite speakers on the following subjects: Standardless analysis, EPMA techniques for quantitative near-surface analysis and depth profiling, Matrix corrections in Auger electron and X-ray photon spectroscopy, X-ray analysis and imaging using low voltage beams, Scanning probe and near field microscopies, EPMA of frozen biological bulk samples, Environmen tal SEM and X-ray microanalysis of biological materials, Quantitative elemental mapping of X-ray radiographs by factorial correspondence, X-ray spectrum processing and multivariate analysis, Thin film analysis and chemical mapping in the analytical electron microscope, Wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, High resolution non dispersive X-ray spectroscopy with state-of-the-art silicon detectors and Recent developments in instrumentation for X-ray analysis. These invited lectures were given by eminent scientists from Europe, the USA, and Australia In addition to the introductory lectures there were poster sessions at which some 110 posters were on display.

Microbeam Analysis

Book Description

Microbeam Analysis provides a major forum for the discussion of the latest microanalysis techniques using electron, ion, and photon beams. The volume contains 250 papers from the leading researchers in this advancing field. Researchers in physics, materials science, and electrical and electronic engineering will find useful information in this volume.

Microbeam Analysis

Book Description

Quantitative Microbeam Analysis

Book Description

Quantitative Microbeam Analysis provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of quantitative microbeam analysis (MQA). MQA is a technique used to analyze subatomic quantities of materials blasted from a surface by a laser or particle beam, providing information on the structure and composition of the material. Contributed to by international experts, the book is unique in the breadth of microbeam analytical techniques covered. For each technique, it develops the theoretical background, discusses practical details relating to choice of equipment, and describes the current advances. The book highlights developments relating to Auger electron spectroscopy in scanning electron microscopes and transmission electron microscopes and advances in surface analytical imaging and accelerated ion beam-surface interactions.

Microbeam Analysis, 1995

Book Description

Microbeam Analysis, 1979

Book Description

Problem Solving with Microbeam Analysis

Book Description

This book provides the reader with a working knowledge sufficient to select microbeam techniques for the efficient, cost-effective solution of complex problems arising in today's high-tech industries. Primarily written for the industrial analyst whose field of expertise is other than microbeam analysis, it will also be of help to engineers, plant chemists and industrial research scientists who often seek the aid of the microbeam analyst in their problem solving. Research and plant managers as well as administrators may also find this book helpful since they may be called upon to select and/or approve high-priced microbeam instruments.The book is organized into two parts. Part I gives a brief description of the various techniques and critically compares their capabilities and limitations. Part II consists of selected applications which show how the various techniques or their combinations are applied to characterize materials and to guide research in a wide variety of fields. The examples and case histories will undoubtedly aid the reader in problem solving, quality assurance and research-related tasks. Newcomers to the field will find enough information in the book to enable them to begin practical work and to apply the techniques.

Microbeam analysis, 1980

Book Description