Microbial Strategies for Vegetable Production

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​This book provides a comprehensive information on basic and applied concepts of microbesial strategies adopted for the improvement of vegetables grown in various production systems. The beneficial role of soil microbes including plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), nitrogen fixers, and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in the improvement of vegetables grown both in normal and contaminated soils is discussed. The role of PGPR in tomato production is dealt separately. The impact of heavy metals on different vegetables and abatement of metal toxicity following metal tolerant PGPR and their consequential impact on vegetables grown in metal polluted soil is discussed. Moreover, recent advances in the management of vegetable diseases employing PGPR are addressed. This volume is therefore of special interest to both academics, professionals and practitioners working in the field of vegetable farming/horticulture, microbiology and plant protection sciences.

Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement

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With an ever-increasing human population, the demand placed upon the agriculture sector to supply more food is one of the greatest challenges for the agrarian community. In order to meet this challenge, environmentally unfriendly agroch- icals have played a key role in the green revolution and are even today commonly recommended to circumvent nutrient de?ciencies of the soils. The use of ag- chemicals is, though, a major factor for improvement of plant production; it causes a profound deteriorating effect on soil health (soil fertility) and in turn negatively affects the productivity and sustainability of crops. Concern over disturbance to the microbial diversity and consequently soil fertility (as these microbes are involved in biogeochemical processes), as well as economic constraints, have prompted fun- mental and applied research to look for new agro-biotechnologies that can ensure competitive yields by providing suf?ciently not only essential nutrients to the plants but also help to protect the health of soils by mitigating the toxic effects of certain pollutants. In this regard, the role of naturally abundant yet functionally fully unexplored microorganisms such as biofertilizers assume a special signi?cance in the context of supplementing plant nutrients, cost and environmental impact under both conventional practices and derelict environments. Therefore, current devel- ments in sustainability involve a rational exploitation of soil microbial communities and the use of inexpensive, though less bio-available, sources of plant nutrients, which may be made available to plants by microbially-mediated processes.

Assessing Microbial Risks and Management Strategies in Vegetables

Book Description

Abstract: For centuries plant pathologists have been investigating the interactions of microbes and plants and have come to understand many of the strategies that microorganisms have developed for niche adaptation, host range specificity, nutrient acquisition and utilization and mechanisms of pathogenicity. Using this broad knowledge base plant pathologists have, unbeknownst to most consumers and many producers, developed economically feasible and environmentally sustainable management strategies that have protected our crops from devastating diseases such as wheat stem rust, late blight of potato, bacterial wilt of tomato, papaya ring spot and most recently soybean rust. Research in plant pathology addresses issues of food security with a focus on fundamental research, teaching and extension outreach. Traditionally research has focused on crop protection with respect to plant pathogens and toxins. However, the occurrence of multiple foodborne outbreaks on fresh produce over the last 10 years has broadened the scope of plant pathology research to include food safety issues related to fresh produce. Various sources and kinds of risk factors can be associated with the contamination of fresh produce by both plant and foodborne pathogens, and all must be managed adequately such that diseases are minimized and no harm comes to the consumer. Crop production practices significantly influence the quality and safety of fresh produce. For the research presented in this dissertation a systematic approach was used to assess pre-harvest and post-harvest microbial risks and management strategies used by vegetable farmers in the Midwestern United States and Kentucky. A survey-based confirmatory assessment of Midwestern vegetable producers' perspectives and practices regarding fresh produce safety hazards showed that although the majority of vegetable producers considered themselves familiar with national Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and agreed that implementing GAPs could reduce the risk of produce contamination, they were not consistently practicing GAPs. Producers' acknowledged that irrigation and run-off water, worker hygiene, raw and composted animal manure, wildlife droppings, field proximity to livestock or wildlife habitats, plant diseases and insects were potential sources of pre-harvest microbial contamination of produce, but paradoxically, disagreed that contamination most frequently originated on-farm. Vegetable producers preferred in-person modes of communication over mass media, factsheets or electronic modes, with only 17% having a preference for Internet or email based information. In a second survey-based study, the GAPs and integrated pest management (IPM) strategies used by vegetable growers were identified and the impact that these practices had on the microbial quality and safety of fresh produce was assessed. Although few differences in produce quality amongst management strategies used to produce leafy greens and tomato or peppers were identified the contamination of fresh produce with plant pathogens was identified as a risk factor for contamination of fresh produce with foodborne pathogens. In addition, fungicide treatments commonly used to manage plant fungal pathogens reduced the microbial quality of fresh produce. Cross-contamination of water used for agricultural purposes was also identified as an important risk factor. The majority of vegetable producers identified economic factors, management of wildlife intrusion and lack of knowledge and/or experience with GAPs as the main barriers to adopting GAPs. Plant and human pathogens contaminating surface water used for irrigation have the potential to significantly reduce yield and lower the microbial quality of vegetable produce, respectively. In combination with baiting and Phytophthora capsici-specific PCR, P. capsici was detected in five different sources of surface water used for routine irrigation of pepper and cucurbit crops in Ohio. This research represents the first report of P. capsici detection in surface waters used for irrigation in Ohio. Under field conditions, chlorine dioxide and chlorine gas injected into surface waters prior to rapid sand filtration was ineffective in reducing levels of P. capsici and variable in reducing fecal indicator microorganisms. The design and operational practices of treatment infection systems for management of plant and human pathogens in irrigation water need to be optimized before vegetable growers in Ohio invest any further time and money into these systems. A model for a multiple barrier approach to treating surface water for irrigation is described. The primary method to reduce spoilage and foodborne pathogens on produce is adherence to management strategies that prevent contamination, however post-harvest disinfection remains a critical step in the production of high microbial quality, safe produce. The microbial quality of fresh cut and whole head lettuce, whole tomatoes and detached grapes after exposure to micro-droplets of the sanitizing agents StorOx (hydrogen dioxide) or KleenGrow (quaternary ammonium) produced using de-correlation humidification technology was evaluated in this research. High concentrations of both disinfectants eradicated Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium on whole tomatoes but not E. coli O157 populations on whole or cut heads of lettuce. Coliform and lactobacilli, E. coli and yeast and molds were not detected on non-treated grapes and aerobic bacteria were less than or equal to Log10 2.7. Populations of aerobic and lactobacilli bacteria were significantly higher on grapes exposed for 10 sec to 1% and 4% StorOx than the non-treated controls, but were not higher after a 30 sec exposure time at the same concentration.

Advances in Agricultural and Industrial Microbiology

Book Description

This book is developed in a lucid manner for readers to grasp information about the role and potential of microbes in sustainable agriculture & computational strategies associated with it. Present volume focuses on advancements of microbial research in increasing agricultural productivity and sustainability viz. plant growth promotion by rhizobacterial biostimulants, endophytes, actinobacteria, arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi and biocontrol. Present day research is focused on role of soil microbe’s in agriculture, diazotropic & azotobacterial N2 fixation, PGPR etc. However, there is dearth of information on bioremediation of agrochemicals, biocontrol etc. This book is a compilation of research advances in both the aspect from eminent experts around the globe. In addition, in-silico mediated understandings of plant pathology, use of artificial neural networks in phytopathogen prediction, computational approaches in enhancing secondary metabolites production will be beneficial to professionals and academicians for sustainable agriculture. This volume will be very helpful for the students, teachers, professionals, and scientists concerned in agricultural production, food security, soil microbiology, agricultural biotechnology, and computational techniques.

Microbial BioTechnology for Sustainable Agriculture Volume 1

Book Description

This volume explains the recent findings on the mutualistic plant–microbe interactions and how they can be utilized for sustainable agriculture practices including land reclamation. The book covers mainly plant growth promoting microorganisms (PGPMs) including both the symbiotic bacteria and fungi and their role in mobilization of nutrients, providing protection to the crops from phytopathogens and abiotic stresses. PGPMs play important roles in survival and health of the plant. These useful microorganisms provide plants with nutrients, protect them from pathogens and help them combat abiotic stresses. It is important that these mutualistic interactions between plant and soil microbes are well understood so as to develop reliable products in the form of biostimulants and biopesticides, as well as managing biotic and abiotic stresses in crops. Apart from enhancing crop productivity plant–microbe interactions can also perform activities such as reclamation of degraded lands, degradation of pollutants and remediation of saline or marginal lands. This book is of interest to teachers, researchers, plant scientists and microbiologists. Also, the book serves as additional reading material for undergraduate and graduate students of agriculture, microbiology, biotechnology, ecology, soil science and environmental sciences.

New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Book Description

New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Microbial Biotechnology in Agro-environmental Sustainability describes, in detail, the various roles of microbial resources in the management of crop diseases and how microbes can be used as a source of income for biomass and bioenergy production. In addition, the book covers microbial inoculants as bio-fertilizers to enhance crop productivity, along with degraded land restoration. Users will find the latest information in the field of microbial biotechnology and its further applications in bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, its generation as an alternative source of energy, restoration degraded and marginal lands, the mitigation of global warming gases, and more. Describes microbial biotechnology and its applications in sustainable agriculture Provides information on the use of a variety of microbes for crop production Outlines microbe-based separation techniques for the removal of metal contaminants from soil Describes the role of microbial agents in the generation of alternative sources of energy Includes microbial tools and technologies for the restoration of degraded and marginal lands, the mitigation of global warming gases, and the bioremediation of polluted sites

Handbook of Research on Microbial Remediation and Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Soil

Book Description

The introduction of contaminants, due to rapid urbanization and anthropogenic activities into the environment, causes distress to the physio-chemical systems including living organisms, which possibly is threatening the dynamics of nature as well as the soil biology by producing certain xenobiotics. Hence, there is an immediate global demand for the diminution of such contaminants and xenobiotics that can otherwise adversely affect the living organisms. Some toxic xenobiotics include synthetic organochlorides such as PAHs and some fractions of crude oil and coal. Over time, microbial remediation processes have been accelerated to produce better, more eco-friendly, and more biodegradable solutions for complete dissemination of these xenobiotic compounds. The advancements in microbiology and biotechnology led to the launch of microbial biotechnology as a separate area of research and contributed dramatically to the development of areas like agriculture, environment, biopharmaceutics, fermented foods, and more. The Handbook of Research on Microbial Remediation and Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Soil provides a detailed comprehensive account for microbial treatment technologies, bioremediation strategies, biotechnology, and the important microbial species involved in remediation. The chapters focus on recent developments in microbial biotechnology in the areas of agriculture and environment and the physiology, biochemistry, and the mechanisms of remediation along with a future outlook. This book is ideal for scientists, biologists, academicians, students, and researchers in the fields of life sciences, microbiology, environmental science, environmental engineering, biotechnology, agriculture, and health sciences.

Microbial Strategies for Techno-economic Biofuel Production

Book Description

Biofuels are one of the most sustainable options when it comes to renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels. Biotechnological processes, such as microbial fermentation, are used to produce energy from waste biomass by converting organic substrates into biofuels. This book discusses practices to improve and enrich various microbial communities in order to enhance sustainable and economical biofuel production. It also evaluates various strategies to develop potential microorganisms and microbial consortia to produce highly efficient biofuels at a relatively low cost.

Microbial Management of Plant Stresses

Book Description

Microbial Management of Plant Stresses: Current Trends, Application and Challenges explores plant microbiota including isolated microbial communities that have been used to study the functional capacities, ecological structure and dynamics of the plant-microbe interaction with focus on agricultural crops. Presenting multiple examples and evidence of the potential genetic flexibility of microbial systems to counteract the climate induced stresses associated with their host as a part of indigenous system, this book presents strategies and approaches for improvement of microbiome. As climate changes have altered the global carbon cycling and ecological dynamics, the regular and periodic occurrences of severe salinity, drought, and heat stresses across the different regimes of the agro-ecological zones have put additional constraints on agricultural ecosystem to produce efficient foods and other derived products for rapidly growing world population through low cost and sustainable technology. Furthermore chemical amendments, agricultural inputs and other innovative technologies although may have fast results with fruitful effects for enhancing crop productivity but also have other ecological drawbacks and environmental issues and offer limited use opportunities. Microbial formulations and/or microbial consortia deploying two or multiple partners have been frequently used for mitigation of various stresses, however, field success is often variable and improvement Smart, knowledge-driven selection of microorganisms is needed as well as the use of suitable delivery approaches and formulations. Microbial Management of Plant Stresses: Current Trends, Application and Challenges presents the functional potential of plant microbiota to address current challenges in crop production addressing this urgent need to bring microbial innovations into practice. Demonstrates microbial ecosystems as an indigenous system for improving plant growth, health and stress resilience Covers all the novel aspects of microbial regulatory mechanism. Key challenges associated with microbial delivery and successful establishment for plant growth promotion and stress avoidance Explores plant microbiome and the modulation of plant defense and ecological dynamics under stressed environment