Mil ejercicios de preparación física (2 Vol)

Book Description

La preparación física es una parte componente del proceso del entrenamiento deportivo que consiste en el desarrollo del potencial funcional del deportista y de sus cualidades físicas hasta los niveles más elevados posibles. Estas cualidades, o bien todas o bien algunas de ellas, se trabajan en función del deporte practicado, del sujeto que lo practica y de su grado de entrenamiento. La preparación física es el conjunto de actividades físicas que preparan al deportista para la competición. Representan el aspecto físico del entrenamiento, con un fin eminentemente competitivo (no de mantenimiento) y con un carácter específico. Su finalidad es la mejora de las cualidades físicas del sujeto para un posterior rendimiento más elevado. A la preparación física también se la conoce con los nombres de preparación condicional, porque desarrolla las capacidades condicionales, o acondicionamiento físico. Presentado en dos volúmenes aborda la preparación física desde una perspectiva global y abierta para todos. Por un lado, abarca todas las parcelas de la moderna preparación física y las agrupa racionalmente y, por otro, da soluciones válidas a la preparación física en los diferentes deportes. Dosifica cualitativa y cuantitativamente las mil propuestas de ejercicios, las cuales se presentan para dos tipos de usuario, aquellos que quieren estar en forma a través de un programa equilibrado de actividades físicas sin ningún tipo de exigencia competitiva y, para aquellos que necesitan un estado de forma preciso para competiciones de carácter deportivo, con un alto nivel de exigencias físicas.

PHTLS Spanish: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario

Book Description

PHTLS: Soporte Vital de Trauma Prehospitalario, octava edición, es el siguiente paso en la evolución del principal programa educativo de Trauma Prehospitalario. Durante tres décadas, el PHTLS ha mejorado la calidad del cuidado del paciente traumatizado y ha salvado vidas. La octava edición del PHTLS continúa con la misión de promover la excelencia en el manejo del paciente traumatizado en todos los proveedores involucrados en el cuidado prehospitalario por medio de una educación global.Este programa legendario fue desarrollado a principios de la década de los ochenta del siglo pasado por la Asociación Nacional de Técnicos en Urgencias Médicas (Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, NAEMT), con la cooperación del Comité para el Trauma del Colegio Americano de Cirujanos (American College of Surgeons Commitee on Trauma, ACS-COT). El contenido médico se revisa y actualiza de manera continua para que refl eje lo último y lo más actualizado del conocimiento y la práctica. El PHTLS promueve el pensamiento crítico como la base para proporcionar un cuidado de calidad. Se fundamenta en la creencia de que los practicantes de los servicios médicos de urgencia toman las mejoresdecisiones en benefi cio de sus pacientes cuando se les da una buena base de conocimiento y principios clave. La octava edición de PHTLS presenta un nuevo capítulo, Fisiología de la vida y la muerte, que crea un entendimiento sólido de la fi siología de la vida y de la fi siopatología que puede llevar a la muerte. Ese entendimiento es esencial para el proveedor del cuidado prehospitalario para que pueda tratar las anormalidades rápidamente, en caso de encontrarlas en el paciente traumatizado.Para ordenar estos títulos en México, favor de llamar al: 01 800 134 6720. Para ordenar en América Central y del Sur, favor de comunicarse con Intersistemas al 011800 134 6720 o visitar:

Endurance in Sport

Book Description

Endurance in Sport is a comprehensive and authoritative work on all aspects of this major component of sports science. The book also embraces medical and sport-specific issues of particular relevance to those interested in endurance performance. The scientific basis and mechanisms of endurance - physiological, psychological, genetic and environmental - are all considered in depth. Measurement of endurance is extensively reviewed as is preparation and training for physical activities requiring endurance.

Tennis Medicine

Book Description

This book will serve as a key resource for all clinicians working in orthopedics, sports medicine, and rehabilitation for the sport of tennis. It provides clinically useful information on evaluation and treatment of the tennis player, covering the entire body and both general medical and orthopedic musculoskeletal topics. Individual sections focus on tennis-related injuries to the shoulder, the elbow, wrist, and hand, the lower extremities, and the core/spine, explaining treatment and rehabilitation approaches in detail. Furthermore, sufficient sport science information is presented to provide the clinical reader with extensive knowledge of tennis biomechanics and the physiological aspects of training and rehabilitation. Medical issues in tennis players, such as nutrition and hydration, are also discussed, and a closing section focuses on other key topics, including movement dysfunction, periodization, core training, and strength and conditioning specifics. The expansive list of worldwide contributors and experts coupled with the comprehensive and far-reaching chapter provision make this the highest-level tennis medicine book ever published.

Glosario Del Banco Mundial

Book Description

This edition of the World Bank has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit in the Languages Services Division of the World Bank in collaboration with the English, Spanish, and French Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using French and Spanish in their work, and free-lance translator's and interpreters employed by the Bank. For this reason, the Glossary contains not only financial and economic terminology and terms relating to the Bank's procedures and practices, but also terms that frequently occur in Bank documents, and others for which the Bank has a preferred equivalent. Although many of these terms, relating to such fields as agriculture, education, energy, housing, law, technology, and transportation, could be found in other sources, they have been assembled here for ease of reference. A list of acronyms occurring frequently in Bank texts (the terms to which they refer being found in the Glossary) and a list of international, regional, and national organizations will be found at the end of the Glossary.

Volcanic Unrest

Book Description

This open access book summarizes the findings of the VUELCO project, a multi-disciplinary and cross-boundary research funded by the European Commission's 7th framework program. It comprises four broad topics: 1. The global significance of volcanic unrest 2. Geophysical and geochemical fingerprints of unrest and precursory activity 3. Magma dynamics leading to unrest phenomena 4. Bridging the gap between science and decision-making Volcanic unrest is a complex multi-hazard phenomenon. The fact that unrest may, or may not lead to an imminent eruption contributes significant uncertainty to short-term volcanic hazard and risk assessment. Although it is reasonable to assume that all eruptions are associated with precursory activity of some sort, the understanding of the causative links between subsurface processes, resulting unrest signals and imminent eruption is incomplete. When a volcano evolves from dormancy into a phase of unrest, important scientific, political and social questions need to be addressed. This book is aimed at graduate students, researchers of volcanic phenomena, professionals in volcanic hazard and risk assessment, observatory personnel, as well as emergency managers who wish to learn about the complex nature of volcanic unrest and how to utilize new findings to deal with unrest phenomena at scientific and emergency managing levels. This book is open access under a CC BY license.

Clinical Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Book Description

Maternal-fetal medicine has evolved over the last three decades to become a well-established discipline. The current understanding of maternal physiology and pathophysiology has allowed us to obtain more accurate diagnoses and to provide more effective treatments of medical, surgical, and obstetrical maternal complications. More importantly, the fetus has become a distinct individual whose in utero environment has become much more accessible to study, diagnose, and treatment. Clinical Maternal-Fetal Medicine addresses the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of common medical and obstetrical maternal complications and fetal complications. It provides a concise and timely review of clinically relevant topics in this discipline. The textbook is a comprehensive reference covering the wide range of disciplines that make up maternal-fetal medicine.


Book Description

Obesity: Oxidative Stress and Dietary Antioxidants cover the science of oxidative stress in obesity and associated conditions, including metabolic syndrome, bariatric surgery, and the potentially therapeutic usage of natural antioxidants in the diet or food matrix. The processes within the science of oxidative stress are not described in isolation, but in concert with other processes, such as apoptosis, cell signaling and receptor mediated responses. This approach recognizes that diseases are often multifactorial and oxidative stress is but a single component. The book is designed for nutritionists, dietitians, food scientists, physicians and clinical workers, health care workers and research scientists. - Covers the basic processes of oxidative stress, from molecular biology, to whole organs - Highlights antioxidants in foods, including plants and other components of diet - Provides the framework for further, in-depth analysis or studies via well-designed clinical trials or via the analysis of pathways, mechanisms and componentsa