Minorías, inmigracion y democracia en Europa

Book Description

A partir de una aproximación histórica, conceptual y jurídica, se propone una reflexión sobre las sociedades actuales como espacios multiculturales y la necesidad de revisar las estructuras públicas que están apegadas a las identidades dominantes. En particular, se defiende la conveniencia de incorporar la realidad multicultural de la inmigración al discurso tradicional de la protección de minorías. Para ello se hace necesario revisar críticamente la idea de minoría y realizar una nueva lectura de los derechos humanos desde claves adaptadas a la pluralidad cultural e identitaria de las sociedades europeas contemporáneas.

Challenging the Paradoxes of Integration Policies

Book Description

This book traces Latin American migration to Europe since the 1970s. Focusing on Amsterdam, London, and Madrid, it examines the policies of integration in a comparative perspective that takes into account transnational, national, regional and local levels. It examines the entire mechanism that Latin American migrants confront in the European cities they settle, and provides readers with a theoretical framework on integration that addresses the concepts of multiculturalism, interculturality, transculturality and transnationalism. This work is based on rich qualitative data from in-depth interviews, focus groups and participant observation complemented by a substantial documentary and legislative analysis. It reveals that current policies are limited and migrants are excluded in most of the formal venues for integration. In addition, the book shows the many ways that migrants negotiate the constraints and imperatives of integration. In Western Europe today, immigrants are largely assuming the entire responsibility of their integration. This book provides readers with much needed insight into why European integration policies are not responding to the needs of immigrants nor to society as a whole.

The integration of regionar or minority languages in the European Higher Education Area

Book Description

The Integration of Regional or Minority Languages in the European Higher Education Area. Galician as a Case Study presents an in-depth analysis of the data received in response to a questionnaire sent to higher education institutions across Europe, with provision including Galician language and culture. This study is indicative of the changes affecting the teaching of regional or minority languages at university level as a result of the process of convergence of higher education systems in Europe.

Human Rights and Diversity: New Challenges for Plural Societies

Book Description

The democratic management of cultural diversity is the greatest political challenge for present-day European societies. The plural character of our societies forces us to rethink the basic political concepts, starting off from a new idea of inclusive and plural d¬emocracy. The application of human rights must be reconsidered in the light of presentday reality so that democratic states are able to guarantee the benefi t of these rights to all persons through their identity and not in spite of it, thus creating political spaces that are open to a multi-identity coexistence.

Migration Policymaking in Europe

Book Description

Deze studie ontwikkelt een geheel nieuwe benadering van het vraagstuk: Hoe wordt migratie- en integratiebeleid in tien Europese landen gemaakt? Wie is daarbij betrokken? Welke invloed hebben wetenschappers en maatschappelijke partners op de vorming en uitvoering van beleid? De auteurs concluderen dat beleid begrepen moet worden als resultaat van nationale historische verhoudingen en opvattingen binnen nationale contexten enerzijds, en anderzijds ontstaan is onder invloed van wereldwijde en supra-nationale invloeden.

The Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics

Book Description

This major new survey of sociolinguistics identifies gaps in our existing knowledge base and provides directions for future research.

Institutional Accommodation and the Citizen

Book Description

The question of accommodations that institutions and citizens must make to ensure social cohesion in pluralist societies is of concern to the Council of Europe. How will we live and interact together in diversity? It is becoming increasingly important to provide responses and devise innovative frameworks (in the legal sphere, in national education and training in competences and in institutional practice) which can help build a shared vision while at the same time respecting each individual. By comparing European and Canadian responses, among others, the articles featured in this volume explore this complex issue. They contribute to a major social debate and outline a vision of the future that allows us to set aside mutual suspicion and develop institutional arrangements and forms of social interaction capable of making diversity a factor for progress, well-being and social justice. They also remind us that poverty combined with stigmatisation based on identity leads to stasis, social malaise and an increase in security measures, which ultimately prevent societies from evolving through risk taking, shared responsibility, dialogue and consultation.

Human Rights Encounter Legal Pluralism

Book Description

This collection of essays interrogates how human rights law and practice acquire meaning in relation to legal pluralism, ie, the co-existence of more than one regulatory order in a same social field. As a social phenomenon, legal pluralism exists in all societies. As a legal construction, it is characteristic of particular regions, such as post-colonial contexts. Drawing on experiences from Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe, the contributions in this volume analyse how different configurations of legal pluralism interplay with the legal and the social life of human rights. At the same time, they enquire into how human rights law and practice influence interactions that are subject to regulation by more than one normative regime. Aware of numerous misunderstandings and of the mutual suspicion that tends to exist between human rights scholars and anthropologists, the volume includes contributions from experts in both disciplines and intends to build bridges between normative and empirical theory.

Democracy in Mexico

Book Description

The Life and Death of Democracy

Book Description

John Keane's The Life and Death of Democracy will inspire and shock its readers. Presenting the first grand history of democracy for well over a century, it poses along the way some tough and timely questions: can we really be sure that democracy had its origins in ancient Greece? How did democratic ideals and institutions come to have the shape they do today? Given all the recent fanfare about democracy promotion, why are many people now gripped by the feeling that a bad moon is rising over all the world's democracies? Do they indeed have a future? Or is perhaps democracy fated to melt away, along with our polar ice caps? The work of one of Britain's leading political writers, this is no mere antiquarian history. Stylishly written, this superb book confronts its readers with an entirely fresh and irreverent look at the past, present and future of democracy. It unearths the beginnings of such precious institutions and ideals as government by public assembly, votes for women, the secret ballot, trial by jury and press freedom. It tracks the changing, hotly disputed meanings of democracy and describes quite a few of the extraordinary characters, many of them long forgotten, who dedicated their lives to building or defending democracy. And it explains why democracy is still potentially the best form of government on earth -- and why democracies everywhere are sleepwalking their way into deep trouble.