Mob Rule or the Wisdom of the Crowd?

Book Description

One of the tenets of democracy is that everyone has a voice in decision making and that the decisions made are what the majority wants. Many argue that wisdom of the crowd prevails in democracies, but are political decisions actually reached by a clear consensus, or does angry factionalism prevent this? Does irrational mob rule cause people to gang together and lash out against the opposition? Are the majority of citizens satisfied with the political situation? This volume explores whether political organization is possible without the force of mob rule, as well as how contemporary political events fit into this debate.

Mob Rules

Book Description

The average Mafia don knows more about effective leadership than a trunkful of Fortune 500 CEOs. For all the mob's well-deserved reputation for violence and immorality, its most successful members have always been remarkably astute businessmen. Former mobster Louis Ferrante reveals their surprisingly effective management techniques and explains how to apply them in any legitimate business.As an associate of the Gambino Family, Ferrante pulled off some of the biggest heists in U.S. history before the age of twenty-one, netting millions of dollars. His natural talent for management led bosses like John Gotti to rely on him. Now he offers time-tested Mafia wisdom, such as:* Three can keep a secret (if two are dead): Build trust with your colleagues.* You don't always need a gun to hit a target: Lead people without force.* It's never personal: When circumstances demand it, never hesitate to pull the trigger.Ferrante brings his real-life experience to the book, offering fascinating insights into Mafia behavior and sharing behind-the-scenes episodes almost as outrageous as those occurring on Wall Street every day.Louis Ferrante is a former Mafia associate and heist expert who served eight and a half years in prison after refusing to incriminate members of the Gambino family. He now lectures around the country to at-risk teens and other groups, and hosts an American TV series called Inside the Gangsters' Code.

Mob Rule and State Sovereignty

Book Description

Mob Rule Or the Wisdom of the Crowd?

Book Description

Introduction -- An overview of the wisdom of crowds phenomenon / Graham Kendall -- A view of the crowd from a traditional social sciences perspective / Floyd Henry Allport -- Democracy and the crowd / Talal Al -Khatib.

Nuclear Anxiety

Book Description

For many, nuclear anxiety is closely related to the Cold War between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. Following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II, the devastating potential of these weapons was all too clear, which led to significant anxiety among civilians, politicians, and military personnel over their use. Though the Cold War ended in 1991, anxieties surrounding nuclear armament remain, and the players involved in these nuclear standoffs have changed over recent decades. Your readers will explore the history and present status of nuclear weaponry, along with its social, political, and health impacts.

Food Security

Book Description

For a number of reasons, the global food supply is not as stable as it has been historically. The global population continues to grow, while catastrophic weather events like floods and droughts have an increasingly detrimental effect on crops around the world. Various political factors also impact food security, including violent conflicts within and between countries, trade wars and tariffs, and contentious decisions regarding which crops to subsidize. The viewpoints in this volume explore the causes of food insecurity around the world while also presenting potential solutions that could stabilize food supply at a local and global level.


Book Description

In 1948, the United Nations established the Genocide Convention to legally define genocide as actions intended to destroy a particular group of people based on race, religion, ethnicity, and other defining characteristics. The goal was to prevent and punish future acts of genocide, but a number of mass killings have followed since its establishment, and in some situations whether these executions qualify as genocides is surprisingly unclear. The viewpoints in this volume explore what genocide is and isn't, and provide historical and contemporary examples of genocide. Readers will examine potential political and social solutions to prevent future genocides.

Money Laundering

Book Description

When one thinks of money laundering, the first thing that might come to mind is its connection to organized crime, with gangs and drug cartels hiding away large amounts of illegally obtained cash. However, many other groups and individuals also partake in money laundering, including white-collar criminals, terrorists, and even politicians. The viewpoints in this book examine what money laundering is and how it occurs, what domestic and international efforts are in place to fight it, and how technology both aids and complicates these efforts.

Sexual Consent

Book Description

For many years, "no means no" served as the standard for whether sexual consent is granted, but valid concerns have called for an expansion of this standard. Factors that could prevent someone from rejecting an unwanted advance include coercion and intoxication, making the concept of verbal consent muddy. The debate over whether this standard should be replaced and what should replace it has brought forth various possible solutions, with some arguing that only enthusiastic verbal consent will do, and others asserting that this expectation is unrealistic. Factors like age, positions of trust and authority, and mental and emotional conditions and disabilities also factor into the discussion. The well-balanced articles found here will provide your readers with an intelligent understanding of this topic.

Open Borders

Book Description

The term "open borders" refers to a policy of allowing free movement between countries without restrictions or border control. In an era characterized by the Brexit referendum and the Trump administration's policy of restricting immigration in the U.S., the prospect of borders being open may seem improbable. A number of politicians, policymakers, economists, and citizens assert that referendums and restrictions are the best way to address the economic and social issues that the international community faces today. This volume helps readers examine the issue of open borders from a variety of angles, examining its economic, social, political, moral, and legal aspects.