Modern Oral Amdo Tibetan

Book Description


Book Description


Book Description

This work has 19 chapters, a section on verb conjugation, three appendices, and a bibliography. Numerous exercises, dialogues, texts, and special phrases are also provided. Each chapter consists of course texts, language notes, exercises, a vocabulary list, examples, and supplementary grammar. The texts focus on daily Tibetan life. Sentences are short and syntactically not overly complex. Exercises provide focus-related examples to reinforce chapter contents and include dialogues, sentences, and phrase completion. Dialogues are a major focus and provide a backdrop of communication for practice. Language notes deal with various grammatical, syntactic, and semantic points. A Tibetan-English wordlist is at the end of each chapter. The supplemental grammar section addresses unique grammatical concepts, new phrasal words, and function words and phrases. 《ཨམ་སྐད་ལམ་འཇུག》ཅེས་པ་ཨམ་སྐད་སྤྱི་མཚན་ཁོལ་ཕྱུང་མ་འདི་ནི་ས་བཅད་བཅུ་དགུ། བྱ་ཚིག་འགྱུར་ལྡོག་ཚན་པ་གཅིག ལེ་ལག་གསུམ་དང་དཔེ་ཆའི་ཐོ་གཞུང་གཅིག་བཅས་ཀྱིས་གྲུབ་ཅིང་། གཤར་སྦྱང་། ཁ་བརྡ། སློབ་ཚན་དང་ཡིག་ཚོགས་ལྷག་པོས་མཚན་ཡོད། ས་བཅད་རེ་རེ་ལ་སློབ་ཚན། བརྡ་དོན་གནད་འགྲེལ། གཤར་སྦྱང་། ཐ་སྙད་ཤན་སྦྱར། དཔེར་འཇོག་དང་བརྡ་སྤྲོད་ཁ་གསབ་བཅས་བྲིས་ཡོད། སློབ་ཚན་གྱིས་བོད་པའི་རང་གའི་འཚོ་བ་བྲིས་ཡོད། ཚིག་ཀ་ཐུང་ཞིང་ཚིག་སྡེབ་མི་ཉོག གཤར་སྦྱང་གི་ནང་དུ་མདོ་རྩ་གཟས་པའི་དཔེར་བརྗོད་བཞག་སྟེ་ས་བཅད་ཁག་གི་དོན་ཁོག་ཞིབ་རྒྱས་སུ་བཏང་ཡོད་ལ། ཁ་བརྡ་དང་ཚིག་ཀའམ་ཡིག་ཚོགས་ཁ་སྐོང་སོགས་ཤོང་ཡོད། ཁ་བརྡ་ནི་ཆེད་དམིགས་ཅན་ཏག་ཏག་ཡིན་པ་དང་ཤུགས་ནས་ཁ་བརྡའི་རྒྱབ་ལྗོངས་གོ་ཐུབ། བརྡ་དོན་གནད་འགྲེལ་གྱིས་བརྡ་དོན། ཚིག་སྡེབ་དང་ཚིག་དོན་ལྡེམ་པོ་བསེད་ཡོད། ས་བཅད་རེ་ལ་མཇུག་ན་བོད་དབྱིན་ཐ་སྙད་ཤན་སྦྱར་རེ་ཡོད། བརྡ་སྤྲོད་ཁ་གསབ་ཀྱི་ནང་དུ་བརྡ་དོན་སྒྲ་སྤྱི་ལྷག་པོ་དང་ཡིག་ཚོགས་ལྷག་པོ། རྐྱེན་ཡིག་དང་རྐྱེན་གྱི་ཡིག་ཚོགས་ཁན་འཇོག་བྱས་ཡོད། 《安多藏语导教》这本规范性的安多藏语专著由十九章、一节动词的时态变化、三个附件和一个书目提要组成,包含大量课文、会话、特殊用语和词组以及相关的练习。专著每章由课文、语法注解、练习题、单词表、例句和补充语法组成。课文以描述藏人日常生活的文章为主,句子简短、句法不甚复杂。练习题以会话、句型和词组的练习题为主,通过有针对性的例句来加强和丰富章节的内容。会话练习在强调内容的针对性的同时, 提供了会话的背景知识 。语法注解针对语法、句法和语义上的难点进行了解释。每一章的末尾有一个藏英词条对照。补充语法部分则强调一些藏语特有的语法概念和一些词组、助词和助词短语的用法。

Oral and Literary Continuities in Modern Tibetan Literature

Book Description

This is the first book-length study to appear in English on the literary, cultural and political roots of modern Tibetan literature. While existing scholarship on modern Tibetan writing takes the 1980s as its point of “birth” and presents this period as marking a “rupture” with traditional forms of literature, this book goes beyond such an interpretation by foregrounding instead the persistence of Tibet’s artistic past and oral traditions in the literary creativity of the present. While acknowledging the innovative features of modern Tibetan literary creation, it draws attention to the hitherto neglected aspects of continuity within the new. This study explores the endurance of genres, styles, concepts, techniques, symbolisms, and idioms derived from Tibet’s rich and diverse oral art forms and textual traditions. It reveals how Tibetan kāvya poetics, the mgur genre, life-writing, the Gesar epic and other modes of oral and literary compositions are referenced and adapted in novel ways within modern Tibetan poetry and fiction. It also brings to prominence the complex and fertile interplay between orality and the Tibetan literary text. Embracing a multidisciplinary approach drawing on theoretical insights in western literary theory and criticism, political studies, sociology, and anthropology, this research shows that, alongside literary and oral continuities, the Tibetan nation proves to be an inevitable attribute of modern Tibetan literature.

Amdo Tibetan: A Comprehensive Grammar Textbook

Book Description

Amdo Tibetan: A Comprehensive Grammar Textbook is a rigorous one-year college-level textbook for English speakers who wish to learn the Amdo dialect of the Tibetan language. This comprehensive introduction to the language provides dialogues at the start of each new lesson to illustrate the constructions covered in that lesson. Material from previous chapters is recycled within these dialogues to reinforce learning as the lessons progress. Each chapter unpacks the opening sample dialogue and provides an in-depth analysis and technical explanations of the specific constructions presented. Cultural sections are also included in each chapter, as well as a range of exercises and drills to reinforce learning and help students internalize the new information. The book will be of particular interest to linguists and students with some knowledge of either standard colloquial or literary Tibetan.

Muslims in Amdo Tibetan Society

Book Description

Muslims in Amdo Tibetan Society: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches offers nine case studies from several academic disciplines. The chapters describe the ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious diversity within the Muslim communities of Amdo and illustrate complex social interactions with other Amdo communities. While relations between Han Chinese and Tibetans, and between Han Chinese and Muslims in Qinghai and Gansu, have already attracted scholarly attention, this volume has a special focus on Tibetan-Muslim interactions. These are rarely discussed and if so, then mostly in the contexts of trade relations and conflicts. This volume challenges some established stereotypes of Tibetan-Muslim relations and also highlights new facets of cross-cultural contacts and religious and linguistic influences.

Evidential Systems of Tibetan Languages

Book Description

This edited volume brings together work on the evidential systems of Tibetan languages. This includes diachronic research, synchronic description of systems in individual Tibetan varieties and papers addressing broader theoretical or typological questions. Evidentiality in Tibetan languages interacts with other features of modality, interactional context and speaker knowledge states in ways that provide important perspectives for typologists and our general understanding of evidential systems. This book provides the first sustained attempt to capture this complexity and diversity from both a synchronic and diachronic perspective.

Amdo Tibetans in Transition

Book Description

This book investigates Tibetan recovery from the devastation of High Socialism and a new engagement with attempts to modernize the region in the era of 'reform and opening' in post-Mao China. A unique introduction to contemporary life and attitudes in north-eastern Tibet, invaluable for understanding modern Tibetan life in China today, how it developed, and what it is rapidly becoming.