Hearts and Minds Matter

Book Description

Hearts and Minds Matter: Creating Learning Environments Where All Students Belong is an invaluable resource for all educational stakeholders, including teachers, school administrators, classroom support personnel, students and parents. The work is based on the understanding that human potential, given the right learning conditions, is boundless. In it, authors Jackie Eldridge and Denise McLafferty explore the many positive and necessary attributes of inclusion. To maximize a child’s potential, they must feel they belong to, and are in, a predictable learning environment. Only through inclusion and the creation and sustainability of a safe community can children survive, thrive, and become resilient adults. Grounded in research on human needs and wants, emotional intelligence, brain-compatible learning, and resilience, Hearts and Minds Matter: Creating Learning Environments Where All Students Belong provides educators with the foundation necessary to understand the power of belonging in safe, inclusive classrooms. This work provides a balance of theory and practice, with a wide variety of engaging strategies, tactics, and skills that can be immediately incorporated into the classrooms of today. The approach allows students to maximize their academic and social-emotional skills with trust and confidence. People can and will make a difference in the world, given optimal circumstances. Hearts and Minds Matter: Creating Learning Environments Where All Students Belong is here to help you build and sustain these conditions.

Hearts and Minds

Book Description

Parenting is about more than molding the behavior of our kids. It's about influencing a child's heart and mind. Hearts and Minds shows parents the most effective way to influence a child's heart. This book applies the principles of Christian worldview in How Now Shall We Live to the process of raising children. It deals with issues like educational choices, how to handle the teaching of non-Christian worldview in secular schools, and how Christian worldview informs parenting choices.

Marriage from the Heart

Book Description

Marriage is God's idea. He has no bad ideas. He brought Eve to Adam, married them and they lived as husband and wife for over 900 years (Genesis 2:21-25 and 5:5). By this, we can conclude that divorce was not God's idea but Satan's idea, to destroy God's ideas, plans and purpose of marriage between a man and a woman. We seek to find the right person when the greater picture is to be the right person. Man sets the time for the wedding, but God sets the time for the marriage. There is a great difference between a wedding and a marriage. Many walk down the aisle to be wedded for all the wrong reasons. Saying "I do" and placing wedding rings upon fingers does not always mean they are married within their hearts. This book reveals that a man and a woman may marry, and yet not be a true husband and wife. It stresses the importance of friendship, courtship, engagement and being married from the heart. Introducing a revolutionary approach to the covenant of marriage, this book addresses commitment, romance, love, keeping a right heart, a sound mind and a pure relationship. Dr. Donald R. Downing is a heart physician and specialist from God to the body of Christ. He has written over 12 books, and considers Marriage from the Heart to be one of his most important writings. He believes the only way to defeat the high rate of divorce and separation is to restore romance to the relationship and to be truly married from the heart. FEATURING DRS. MELVIN AND ROBIN THORNHILL Melvin and Robin Thornhill are the founders and presidents of Destiny New Image Ministries. They have a combined 50 years of experience in family and marriage counseling.

Walking in Alignment With the Leading of the Holy Spirit

Book Description

In "Walking in Alignment With the Leading of the Holy Spirit" journey with us into the profound realms of spiritual growth and divine guidance. From understanding the fundamental role of the Holy Spirit in our lives to recognizing His voice amidst the noise of the world, this book is a comprehensive guide to aligning with the Spirit's leading. Discover how inner transformation through humility, surrender, and mind renewal paves the way for a receptive and obedient heart that welcomes the Holy Spirit's guidance. Explore the power of prayer and fasting as tools to strengthen your spiritual alignment and gain insight into navigating life's decisions, finding faith in the midst of challenges, and experiencing the life-changing fruits of alignment. Learn how alignment with the Holy Spirit is not just an individual journey but a call to serve others, fostering compassion, kindness, and a commitment to social justice. In the final chapters, gain practical advice on sustaining and deepening alignment, ensuring that this journey continues long after you finish reading. Embrace a life aligned with the Holy Spirit your path to personal transformation, inner peace, and a deeper connection with God.

A Holistic Lemma Science of Mind

Book Description

Nakazawa connects Buddhist philosophy with modern sciences such as psychology, quantum theory, and mathematics, as well as linguistics and the arts to present a perspective on understanding the mind in a world built on interconnection and networks of relations. While Lemma Science is a new and modern study of humans, its provenance is deeply rooted in the Eastern thought tradition. The ancient Greeks identified two modes of human intelligence: the logos and lemma intellects. Etymologically, logos signifies to "arrange and organize what has been gathered in front of one's self." To practice logos-based thinking, one must rely on language. Thus, humans organize and understand the objects in the universe according to linguistic syntax. In contrast, lemma etymologically signifies the intellectual capacity to "grasp the whole at once." Instead of arranging objects along a time axis, as language does, the lemma intellect perceives the world in an intuitive, non-linear and non-causal manner, comprehending the whole in an instant. This book embarks on a venture to establish a new science based upon the lemma intellect. Using non-logos-based materials, rigorously following lemma-based methods, and transgressing the boundaries of academic fields, Nakazawa seeks to construct this new science as a fluid, dynamic entity. This book will be of great interest to researchers across the fields of Japanese studies, Buddhist studies, psychology and linguistics.

Recalibrating the Heart and Mind Back to God

Book Description

Recalibration is the way God frees and propels us to fulfill the destiny that the enemy once stole. Being recalibrated is more than repenting and apologizing to God; it is a process of pruning, chastening, and testing that will prove the believer to be strong in the Lord to resist Satan. In Recalibrating the Heart and Mind Back to God, author Tammie Eyvette Monroe examines the vulnerability of every believer in Christ Jesus to make wrong turns and poor decisions to live in iniquity and falter on their God-given assignment. Even so, God is faithful and redirects and recalibrates our direction so that we can fulfill the destiny that God has chosen for us from the earth’s foundation. Monroe considers the spiritual ramifications of sin and how it negatively influences our lives, going beyond recognizing the effects sin brings and dealing with the resulting pull away from God. She also explores what it takes to be recalibrated to the Father and how it can change your life. Using God’s Word as a tool of deliverance, this guide teaches believers how to overcome and overthrow the enemy from every area of their lives through different types of prayer and the use of the Word of God as a weapon.

My Soul to Keep

Book Description

As nasty as I knew Peter Terry to be, I never expected him to start kidnapping kids. Much less a sweet, funny little boy with nothing to protect him but a few knock-kneed women, two rabbits, and a staple gun… It’s psychology professor Dylan Foster’s favorite day of the academic year–graduation day. A day of pomp, circumstance, and celebration. And after all the mortar boards are thrown, Dylan and some of her best friends will gather around a strawberry cake to celebrate Christine Zocci’s sixth birthday. But the joyful summer afternoon goes south when a little boy is snatched from a neighborhood park, setting off a chain of events that seem to lead exactly nowhere. Police are baffled, but Christine’s eerie connection with the kidnapped child sends Dylan on a chilling investigation of her own. Is the pasty, elusive stranger Peter Terry to blame? Exploding light bulbs, the deadly buzz of a Texas rattlesnake, and the vivid, disturbing dreams of a little girl are just pieces in a long trail of tantalizing clues leading Dylan in her dogged search for the truth.

Training Hearts, Teaching Minds

Book Description

Supplies two needs: (1) profitable, useable material for family devotions and (2) a practical guide for parents helping their children learn the catechism.

Latin America

Book Description

This is a broad introduction to Latin America, ranging from religion and history to literature and education, with a focus on cultures and cultural change. With lively prose and a variety of informative inserts, Williamson draws the reader in to the diverse realities of a continent in flux, holding it together by a strong theoretical framework.

War In The Heart And Mind: The Moral Domain Of The Guerrilla Warrior

Book Description

This monograph seeks to determine if the moral detrain of battle for guerrilla soldiers is different from that of conventional soldiers. The works of classical and contemporary military theorists address various factors that impact on the moral domain of battle for the individual soldier. These works discuss the moral domain almost exclusively from the perspective of conventional soldiers. As the United States faces the challenges of the post-Cold War world, the likelihood of military intervention in conflicts involving guerrilla warfare may increase, if established moral domain theory does not apply to guerrilla warfare then new paradigms addressing the guerrilla merit investigation. Understanding what motivates the guerrilla soldier in combat will assist the U.S. Army in the development of tactics, techniques and procedures to defeat guerilla movements. This study focuses on rural-based guerrillas in combat at the tactical level of war. The evidence includes a review of theory on the moral domain and case studies on the guerrilla forces of the Yugoslavian Partisans (1941-44) and the Viet Cong (1960-75). Classical and contemporary theories describing the moral domain of conventional soldiers provide a base line for comparisons with guerrilla fighters. The monograph employs Anthony Kellett’s “factors affecting combat motivation” as criteria in a comparative analysis of the guerrilla’s moral domain. Those factors are: importance of the primary group; unit esprit; manpower allocation; socialization; training; discipline; leadership; ideology; rewards; preconceptions of combat; aspects of combat; combat stress; and combat behavior. The monograph concludes that Kellett’s factors and much of the classical moral domain theory do apply to the guerrilla. However, while the basic construct is applicable, the nature of some factors is significantly different. The Monograph explores these differences and their implications for counterguerrilla doctrine.