Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes Part C

Book Description

DNA in the nucleus of plant and animal cells is stored in the form of chromatin. Chromatin and the chromatin remodelling enzymes play an important role in gene transcription. Genetic assays of chromatin modification and remodeling Histone modifying enzymes ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes

Chromatin and Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes, Part A

Book Description

DNA in the nucleus of plant and animal cells is stored in the form of chromatin. Chromatin and the Chromatin remodellng enzymes play an important role in gene transcription. *Histone Bioinformatics *Biochemistry of histones, nucleosomes and chromatin *Molecular cytology of chromatin functions

Chromatin Structure and Gene Expression

Book Description

Since publication of the first edition in 1995, there have been significant advances and understanding of chromatin structure and its relation to gene expression. These include a high-resolution structure of the nucleosome core, discovery of the enzymes and complexes that mediate histone acetylation and deacetylation, discovery of novel ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, new insights into nuclear organization and epigenetic silencing mechanisms. In light of these advances, Chromatin Structure and Gene Expression (2ed.) includes updated chapters and additional material that introduce new concepts in the process of gene regulation in chromatin.

Regulation of Gene Expression in the Nervous System

Book Description

Offers an up-to-date account of the latest research findings concerned with the regulatory mechanisms of gene expression in neuronal and glial cells under different conditions. The book explores the cellular and neurobiological aspects of important phenomena of the nervous system and its role in health, disease and injury. Contributions from prominent scientists in the field address a variety of specific topics concerned with gene expression in the nervous system--from growth, hormonal and trophic factors to neural tissue reactions in injury or aging.

Chromatin Remodeling Around Nucleosome Free Regions Represses Non-coding RNA by DNA Looping and Transcription Factor Dependent Targeting of Isw2

Book Description

The efficient three-dimensional packaging of DNA into eukaryotic nuclei is accomplished through spatially organizing and compacting DNA into chromatin. Maintaining proper access to DNA, by modulation of either the location of DNA within the nucleus or the positions of nucleosomes, is essential for regulating DNA-dependent processes. The work in this dissertation focuses on elucidating the functions and molecular mechanisms by which the three-dimensional packaging of eukaryotic DNA affects DNA-dependent processes. Here I show that the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzyme Isw2 is a global repressor of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) transcription that initiates from the edges of nucleosome free regions (NFRs) genome-wide. Isw2-dependent chromatin remodeling activity is required to reduce accessibility to DNA by sliding nucleosomes toward NFRs and occluding transcription start sites. This work establishes Isw2 as the first factor that functions to reduce the size of NFRs in vivo. My evidence also suggests that proper repression of ncRNA by Isw2 prevents transcriptional interference of mRNA, providing an important biological role for Isw2-dependent chromatin remodeling. Analysis of the targeting mechanisms of Isw2 to NFRs uncovered the sequence-specific transcription factors (TFs) Ume6, Nrg1, Cin5, and Sok2 as globally required for Isw2 recruitment to many target loci genome-wide. This establishes the first comprehensive genome-wide map for TF-dependent targeting of a chromatin remodeling enzyme. The observation that Isw2 is targeted in a TF-dependent fashion to a large number of loci not containing an annotated TF binding site led to the discovery that Isw2 can also be targeted to specific loci via Ume6- and TFIIB-dependent DNA looping. Both Ume6 and TFIIB-dependent DNA looping are required to maintain transcriptional repression at target loci. I have thus identified DNA looping as a previously unknown mechanism to target a chromatin remodeling enzyme and uncovered a novel physiological role for DNA looping. My work has led to a better understanding of how the three dimensional packaging of DNA into eukaryotic nuclei affects a DNA-dependent process in which transcriptional repression is facilitated by DNA-looping mediated TF-dependent targeting of a chromatin remodeling enzyme.

Transcription Factor Networks and Chromatin Remodeler Function in Gene Regulation on the Eukaryotic Genome

Book Description

Numerous events – from histone modification and transcription factor binding to gene expression – take place on eukaryotic chromatin, while cells are constantly exposed to dynamic stimuli ranging from spatial and temporal cues to environmental and extracellular signals. The cell’s ability to respond and adjust accordingly is directly related to cell fitness and viability. With the advent of next-generation sequencing, investigating these events has been enabled at nucleotide resolution but across the entire genome. In this dissertation, I investigate changes on eukaryotic genomes including yeast and human, which are triggered by stress and by loss of a protein of interest, by analyzing genomics data generated mainly through next-generation sequencing. In Chapter 1, I determine how yeast cells achieve transcriptional reprogramming in response to heat stress by first identifying the complete set of transcription factors that are essential for heat stress conditions. This is further explored by identifying both the target loci bound by the transcription factors under conditions of heat-stress, as well as the genes that require the function of the transcription factor for normal transcriptional response to heat stress. In Chapter 2, I study a chromatin remodeling factor, CHD1 (Chromodomain Helicase DNA binding protein 1) with regard to two aspects: first, what factors provide specificity for Chd1 positioning on chromatin, by examining the role of proteins that physically or genetically interact with Chd1, and second, what is the relationship of Chd1 with the hallmark of chromatin modifications, histone H3 tri-methylation at Lys 4 and Lys 36, by investigating changes in these histone methylation marks in the absence of Chd1. Additionally, I show a novel functional link between Chd1 and RNA splicing through analysis of intron retention in transcripts produced in the Chd1 mutant. Lastly, I investigate Chd1 role in human glioblastoma cell line by generating a Chd1 knock-out via the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system. Taken together, the work presented in this dissertation provides novel approaches, discoveries, and intriguing insights into how eukaryotic chromatin experiences dynamic alterations in response to various perturbations on a genome-wide scale.

Introduction to Epigenetics

Book Description

This open access textbook leads the reader from basic concepts of chromatin structure and function and RNA mechanisms to the understanding of epigenetics, imprinting, regeneration and reprogramming. The textbook treats epigenetic phenomena in animals, as well as plants. Written by four internationally known experts and senior lecturers in this field, it provides a valuable tool for Master- and PhD- students who need to comprehend the principles of epigenetics, or wish to gain a deeper knowledge in this field. After reading this book, the student will: Have an understanding of the basic toolbox of epigenetic regulation Know how genetic and epigenetic information layers are interconnected Be able to explain complex epigenetic phenomena by understanding the structures and principles of the underlying molecular mechanisms Understand how misregulated epigenetic mechanisms can lead to disease

RNA Abundance Analysis

Book Description

This book examines a wide range of techniques on RNA extraction, detection, quantification, visualization, and genome-wide profiling, from conventional methods to state-of-the-art high throughput approaches.

Mechanisms of Gene Regulation

Book Description

This textbook aims to describe the fascinating area of eukaryotic gene regulation for graduate students in all areas of the biomedical sciences. Gene expression is essential in shaping the various phenotypes of cells and tissues and as such, regulation of gene expression is a fundamental aspect of nearly all processes in physiology, both in healthy and in diseased states. This pivotal role for the regulation of gene expression makes this textbook essential reading for students of all the biomedical sciences, in order to be better prepared for their specialized disciplines. A complete understanding of transcription factors and the processes that alter their activity is a major goal of modern life science research. The availability of the whole human genome sequence (and that of other eukaryotic genomes) and the consequent development of next-generation sequencing technologies have significantly changed nearly all areas of the biological sciences. For example, the genome-wide location of histone modifications and transcription factor binding sites, such as provided by the ENCODE consortium, has greatly improved our understanding of gene regulation. Therefore, the focus of this book is the description of the post-genome understanding of gene regulation. The purpose of this book is to provide, in a condensed form, an overview on the present understanding of the mechanisms of gene regulation. The authors are not aiming to compete with comprehensive treatises, but rather focus on the essentials. Therefore, the authors have favored a high figure-to-text ratio following the rule stating that “a picture tells more than thousand words”. The content of the book is based on the lecture course, which is given by Prof. Carlberg since 2001 at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio. The book is subdivided into 4 sections and 13 chapters. Following the Introduction there are three sections, which take a view on gene regulation from the perspective of transcription factors, chromatin and non-coding RNA, respectively. Besides its value as a textbook, Mechanisms of Gene Regulation will be a useful reference for individuals working in biomedical laboratories.