Mommie's Bright Sunshine

Book Description

Death is an expected part of the completion of life. We know that everything born has a designated time to die and sometimes death arrives much earlier than we could have ever anticipated. Those who have a child diagnosed with an illness often have to watch their child suffer and then die if a cure is not found. For those of us who awake one morning with promises and plans for the future and then have our life suddenly to take another unanticipated, unknown course when our child is unexpectedly taken from us, is an unthinkable tragedy that only those who have experienced it can describe the lack of preparation. To lose a child - any child, by any means - is horrific. This book is a humble attempt to share my story and prayerfully to help heal others without judgment as we have endured enough. My sincere prayer is that all who touch this book will be moved to greater blessings and comfort as we overcome each day knowing that it is one day closer to being reunified with our child.


Book Description

When we are born into this life, we are raised with certain ideas. And, whatever ideas, suggestions, and training we are raised with, we always have to decide if we will accept what is before us or decide otherwise. Without any ideas in our head, we are simply a 'view,' an awareness, which may sound strange to the Literally Educated Senses, but this is what we are. The RealU, is simply Your RealAwareness. The religious term would be 'soul.' But, the reality of 'soul' has always escaped the understanding of the over-educated Literal Person, as they have conditioned themselves into viewing and looking to their mind and all the facts and figures they have accumulated, instead of their RealAwareness. In a way, we must take steps to Recognizing who we really are, and one of those first steps is educating ourselves in the Literal Sense, but if we stop there, then that is all we will ever know about The Whole of Life, which is far more than one's imagination can handle. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info

The Doctor and the Single Mom

Book Description

Why had she rented her upstairs apartment to another doctor? Single mom Jill Beck knew the type, especially one as handsome as Adam Stone. The M.D. would stick it out in Blackwater Lake, Montana...until the first snowstorm. And then he'd leave everyone behind. But this time she wasn't getting involved. Yes, he thought Jill was one fine-looking landlady, but Adam knew romancing the town sweetheart wouldn't win him any points. Still, they could be friends and he could be the male influence her young son needed--no romantic strings involved. Well, perhaps he needed to check his temperature and be certain he hadn't misdiagnosed true love as just a simple case of friendship


Book Description

"No one on the earth knows what really took place before Paul Twitchell arrived here and was brought into The TruReality of THE ALLIS, or what he termed as 'The Rod of Power, ' which is for those on the earth in a literal sense. The Six Levels of Creation are power areas, and this was his definition at the time of his presence into The RealPosition in 1965 from Rebazar Tarzs. Before coming here, Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides were preparing our adventure into the PsycRealms of time and space. I had just finished the first part of my preparation that took lifetimes with The RealGuides, and then to finish with my life before this one as a half-breed Indian in the southwest of the US, known as 'Goldie, Golden Winged Warrior.' For what seemed like eternity in The Seventh LifeLevel, I was with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides, along with the Being who would be known as Paul Twitchell on the earth...


Book Description

People are waking up to what is really taking place on the earth. The Religious, Political and Educational Systems have been controlling people since their inceptions, and now they have gone far off the scale of any human decency. Because humans have mainly been taught to be one-dimensional and emotionally attached to the Marketing Ploy of the Ruling Systems, it has taken them the longest time to wakeup to the 'bought-off' people who are in charge of the Government Agencies. All these 'agency people' are paid money that is created out of nothing, and at the same time are part of the annihilation that is taking place with the GMO TechFood, ChemTrails, Toxic Vaccines, Fema Camps, HAARP, Pharmaceuticals and a host of other programs and agencies that have been created to eliminate the majority of people on the planet. Laws are being passed by the politicians in secret to destroy every right that people have. it is time for everyone to Become MoreAware Now with RealFreedom! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info

Why Does the Sun Set, Mommy?

Book Description

Why does the Sun Set, Mommy is a captivating conversation between a mother and son where the mother describes the miraculous daily journey of the rising and setting of the sun. This story is a beautiful narrative that combines the development of analytical and cognitive skills with storytelling that your child will truly enjoy. The book concludes with questions to ask your child about details of the story.


Book Description

REBAZAR TARZS IS The TruReality in My NUBooks. Rebazar & The Real UNUversal Guides are Wonderful FreeBeings of RealLight from THE ALLIS. Most of this world looks to the Gods of Man, which were born 'ideas' from the Reptilian Alien TapLiners (RATS) who rule the earth and the KEK Systems (Kontrolling Earthly Korporations). Sing The NU~U, The NUSound LifeIS, and Watch Your DreamVisions. Life will show YU, The RealU, 'What IS Real Now!' / ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook


Book Description

There is a real 'Magic Show' that has been taking place and will continue to become even moreso. Most of the 'seeing' public cannot 'see' what is taking place, as it all looks so 'official' and well documented with the media and the World Controllers. The brilliant creativeness of those who purposely deceive others is an amazing demonstration of how unaware so many of the highly educated people of the planet are, because they are the one's doing most of the deception to others for a takeover of everything. The Special Few, want the entire world to buy into their Magic Show, and agree it is the best idea ever. And it is so, that a lot of innocent people, just like in Nazi Germany, have agreed to what the Deceptive Rulers have proposed and are planning for everyone on the planet earth. Those who have tested what I am presenting with RealGuidance and a RealEducation, they now See Through what others are doing from The RealSide of Life into this limited arena. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Where is it with The Natural Environment that any 'belief' exists? The idea of 'belief' has been a creation of the same people who use the Political Ploy of running their campaigns with 'hope,' as they want you to have 'faith' in them. So, we have 'hope, belief and faith,' and what are they really? They are all big 'MAYBES,' and nothing more! Humans are the victims of their own created circumstances. Humans have been trying to compete with The Natural Environment since time began, and all it has done is damage themselves and the world they live on. No matter what the Dumbed Down Humans do, they still have not learned to work with The Natural Environment and The TruReality LifeIS. I suggest to you to carefully read this NUBook and then test what I am presenting and you will soon discover, by starting with Your DreamVisions at night, Rebazar Tarzs and The Real UNUversal Guides will show you 'What IS Real Now!' Take the risk and Dare to Explore! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info

Whippoorwill Chronicles

Book Description

Sam and George are childhood friends, sharing a deep loyalty that is cemented when George, the older by three years, saves Sam from drowning. When George decides to enlist during Vietnam, and Sam’s first sexual experiences lead to a pregnancy, the stress and pressures are too much for Sam’s mind to process. He breaks and has his first experience of a psychiatric hospital. As he faces the stigma of mental illness, his girlfriend Delores is ostracized after having an abortion. The two run away to join a commune. When the consequences of their choices unfold, Sam faces the frailty of relationships, the danger of misplaced emotion, and a complete loss of control. Returning home again, Sam begins a long journey to regain a sense of what is real, what is true and what is his responsibility.