English monolingual learners' dictionaries

Book Description

Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro- and macrostructure, typology, history of the discipline, and application-oriented lexicographical documentation.

English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners

Book Description

This is the first history of dictionaries of English for foreign learners, from their beginnings in Japan and East Asia in the 1920s to the present day. Anthony Cowie describes the evolution of the major titles, and their fight for dominance of what soon became an enormous market. He shows how developments in lexical and grammatical theory crucially affected the content and structure of ELT dictionaries.

Which dictionary for whom?

Book Description

Using Dictionaries

Book Description

This volume draws together highly detailed studies of how dictionaries are used by different types of users, from school students to senior professors, working with a foreign language with the help of different types of dictionaries, from monolingual dictionaries for native speakers of the foreign language, through bilingual dictionaries, to monolingual dictionaries in the language of the user. The tasks being carried out include L2-L1 translation, L1-L2 translation, L2 comprehension, self-expression in L2, and various project-specific linguistic exercises. The authors have tried to include enough detail to allow readers to replicate the tests, and adapt them to serve their own interests.

The Use and Abuse of EFL Dictionaries

Book Description

The book begins with a review of research into dictionary use. A number of experimental design problems are discussed, in particular the unreliability of questionnaire responses, and the need for detailed accounts of individual dictionary consultations whilst sampling in numbers sufficient to represent specified populations. The experiments reported in subsequent chapters investigate issues raised in the review. The first two studies find that dictionary use during a reading comprehension test affected completion speed but not test scores. The apparent failure of dictionary use to improve comprehension is attributed to the test itself, the dictionaries, and the users' choice of look-up words. The ability of users to interpret dictionary entries is investigated in three further studies which use computers to gather data on large numbers of individual consultations. The findings indicate that there is little difference between three major EFL dictionaries in terms of speed of consultation and overall productive success. They also indicate that Malaysian ESL subjects, who have higher vocabulary scores, are slower in their reading and less successfull in their interpretation of entries than Portuguese EFL subjects. Finally, the findings suggest that overall productive success is unaffected by the presence or absence of examples. The experimental findings lead to the conclusion that dictionary consultation is a process in which users match pre-existing beliefs about word meaning and behaviour against segments in the dictionary entry. Such segments are often selected because they are familiar-sounding and conceptually accessible, but may contain only incomplete or non-essential information. Where pre-existing beliefs and dictionary information conflict, dictionary information is sometimes overridden. Thus word knowledge acquired from a single consultation is often insufficient to ensure productive success. Although it is probably inevitable that word knowledge will be acquired slowly, through multiple encounters, modifications to the dictionary entry and the training of users might help to avoid serious misinterpretation of dictionary information.

Learners' Dictionaries

Book Description

A collection of articles on dictionaries for advanced second language learners includes essays on the past, present, and future of learners' dictionaries; alternative dictionaries; dictionary construction; and dictionaries and their users. Titles include: "Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow; or Vaticinations on the Learners' Dictionary" (Ladislav Zgusta); "Recent Developments in EFL Dictionaires" (Gabriele Stein); "Learners' Dictionaries--Recent Advances and Developments" (A.P. Cowie); "The Background and Nature of ELT Learners' Dictionaries" (Tom McArthur); "Dictionaries and Language Learning" (Paul Nation); "Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries: Fundamental Differences" (Tadeusz Piotrowski); "The Collocational Dictionary and the Advanced Learner" (Morton Benson); "Grammar in Dictionaries" (Thomas Herbst); "The Treatment of Pronunciation in Some Monolingual General Dictionaries Used by Learners of English" (W.R. Lee); "How Many Words Is a Picture Worth? A Review of Illustrations in Dictionaries" (Hilary Nesi); "Uncommonly Common Words" (John M. Sinclair); "A Vocabulary for Writing Dictionaries" (Gwyneth Fox); "Vocabulary, Culture, and the Dictionary" (Hilary Bool, Ronald Carter); "Which Dictionaries and Why? Exploring Some Options" (Makhan L. Tickoo); "How to Use a Dictionary?" (Soekemi); and What We (Don't) Know about the English Language Learner as a Dictionary User: A Critical Select Bibliography" (R.R.K. Hartmann). (MSE).

Research on Dictionary Use in the Context of Foreign Language Learning

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to conceptualise the research on dictionary use within a more general overview of language learning. It brings together some of the findings of studies on dictionary users and uses and shows how research into dictionary use can contribute to the improvement of dictionary design and the clarification of issues in language learning. The book also provides reports on a series of empirical studies on dictionary use in decoding activities (reading comprehension and L2/L1 translation) , which will shed some light on the nature of the issues discussed throughout the book. The book falls into two parts. Part I, »Research on Dictionary Use - State of the Art« is, as its title suggests, a summary of previous studies to tease out relevant issues in each area of inquiry. Part 2, »Empirical Studies« reports on a series of studies the author has conducted in the past 15 years. The first three studies (Chapter 5, 6, and 7) investigate dictionary use in the broader context of language learning. The next four studies (Chapter 8, 9, 10 and 11) report on a series of controlled experiments on the relationship between the macro- and microstructure of the dictionary and reference skills. Finally, the last two chapters (Chapter 12 and 13) report the use of learner language data for a better lexicographical output.