Multi-wavelength Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for High-temperature Reaction Kinetics

Book Description

This dissertation presents advanced measurement science that ultimately supports the design, development, and characterization of next-generation energy systems. Part I presents a mathematical framework and approach for measuring the composition of complex, reacting gaseous mixtures with multi-wavelength laser-absorption spectroscopy. Suites of laser systems were interfaced with shock tubes to measure the composition of mixtures during the pyrolysis of a single-component fuel (1-butene), alternative (carbon-neutral) jet fuel mixtures, and traditional jet fuels. These methods were established to help determine the time-dependent composition of complex high-temperature chemistry. With the framework of Part I in place, Part II presents work that increases the number of laser wavelengths used by a factor of 10, while reducing the hardware needed to acquire this extra information. The second part of this thesis adopts an emerging technology, known as dual-comb spectroscopy, for use in high-temperature reaction kinetic studies. This approach provides ultra-fast broadband absorption data used in a variety of conditions in the different chapters of Part II. Taken together, the two parts of this thesis provide a framework for characterizing complex and reacting high-temperature gas mixtures and introduce advanced tools that push the boundary of measurement capability.

Chemical and Biochemical Applications of Lasers V5

Book Description

Chemical and Biological Applications of Lasers, Volume V focuses on the laser applications in photochemistry and spectroscopy. This book examines the spectroscopic detection of single atoms and explores the purification of industrial chemicals. Organized into seven chapters, this volume starts with an overview of the methods developed for laser detection of single atoms, including fluorescence, photoionization, photodeflection, and their combinations. This text then discusses the methods of high resolution spectroscopy, which provide detailed information on molecular structure and reaction kinetics studies. Other chapters review several laser photodissociation studies, which explain dissociation dynamics. This book discusses as well the possibilities for selective photochemical reactions and examines the potential of lasers for practical application in chemical processing. The final chapter considers the various metals that can undergo a photochemical change in oxidation state in ordinary solvents. This book is a valuable resource for physicists, chemists, electrochemists, photochemists, electrical engineers, and chemical engineers.

Spectroscopy and Optical Diagnostics for Gases

Book Description

This text provides an introduction to the science that governs the interaction of light and matter (in the gas phase). It provides readers with the basic knowledge to exploit the light-matter interaction to develop quantitative tools for gas analysis (i.e. optical diagnostics) and understand and interpret the results of spectroscopic measurements. The authors pair the basics of gas‐phase spectroscopy with coverage of key optical diagnostic techniques utilized by practicing engineers and scientists to measure fundamental flow‐field properties. The text is organized to cover three sub‐topics of gas‐phase spectroscopy: (1) spectral line positions, (2) spectral line strengths, and (3) spectral lineshapes by way of absorption, emission, and scattering interactions. The latter part of the book describes optical measurement techniques and equipment. Key subspecialties include laser induced fluorescence, tunable laser absorption spectroscopy, and wavelength modulation spectroscopy. It is ideal for students and practitioners across a range of applied sciences including mechanical, aerospace, chemical, and materials engineering.

Shock Tube and Laser Absorption Studies of Small Alkene Spectroscopy and Real Fuel Kinetics

Book Description

Growing demand for energy coupled with increased awareness of various deleterious effects of current energy generation techniques drive a demand for more efficient utilization of current feedstocks and addition of new streams. Accomplishing both more efficient utilization of current fuels and interoperability of new streams requires detailed chemical kinetic understanding of both existing and novel fuels. Shock tube/laser absorption strategies are well-suited for these fuel kinetics studies. In this work, several new infrared laser sensor strategies have been developed that have enabled the quantitative time-history measurements of critical fuel decomposition products. Using these sensors, the decomposition products of several fuels were measured. These data have been used in the development of the HyChem model for jet fuel. An existing facility, the Kinetic Shock Tube, has been modified through heating to more readily handle distillate fuels with low vapor pressures at ambient conditions. Additionally, the fuel handling and mixing system was modified allow for the production of mixtures of distillate fuels and oxidizers or inert diluents. A novel laser-absorption-based propene diagnostic was developed using an external cavity quantum cascade laser to allow measurement of the second-smallest alkene in shock tube experiments. Existing room-temperature resolved spectra spanning the infrared absorption of propene from 1.5 to 15 microns was considered to select a target wavelength region. A series of experiments at high temperatures were done to ensure that a maximally-absorbing wavelength was selected at high temperatures. The temperaturedependence of this propene absorption feature was then measured. This diagnostic was combined with an existing CO2 gas laser ethylene diagnostic to study the decomposition of propene at elevated temperatures. Simultaneous laser-based measurements of propene and ethylene were recorded for the first time. Propene decomposition measurements were reported between 1360 and 1710 K and compared to models in the literature to provide recommendations for further model refinement. These diagnostics were then combined with other laser diagnostics, including a HeNe gas laser fuel-absorption diagnostic at 3.39 microns and an interband cavity laser diagnostic for measuring methane at 3.18 microns, to measure a variety of species during the pyrolysis of two gasolines, two jet fuels, and a synthetic jet fuel Ethylene and iso-butene were measured during the pyrolysis of two Shell gasolines between 1050 and 1390 K; propene was also measured during these experiments for one of the gasolines. These measurements were compared to predictions from a recent gasoline surrogate mechanism. Ethylene and propene were measured during the pyrolysis of two distillate jet fuels between 1070 and 1440 K; iso-butene was also measured during these experiments for one of the jet fuels. Ethylene, propene, iso-butene, and methane formation were measured during the pyrolysis of a synthetic jet fuel between 1071 and 1317 K. These measured mole fractions were then compared to an existing model for large, branched hydrocarbons. These measurements were also used to constrain in-development hybrid chemistry (HyChem) models for the respective fuels. These studies demonstrate the utility of laser absorption studies in shock tubes to investigate real fuel pyrolysis kinetics through the measurement of both product formation rates and product distributions. Subsequently, these measurements can be used to constrain new chemical kinetic models, evaluate the accuracy of existing chemical kinetic models, and select appropriate surrogate compositions for surrogate-based models.

Multi-species Measurements at High Temperatures Using Advanced Mid-infrared Laser Schemes

Book Description

High-temperature reacting systems are central to many fields including propulsion, power generation, and transportation. Studying such systems requires the use of experimental facilities such as shock tubes to obtain the relevant high temperature conditions, and non-intrusive diagnostic tools for monitoring parameters of interest in the reaction zone, including temperature and species concentration time-histories. Laser absorption spectroscopy offers high-speed, in-situ measurements of the reacting flow field and provides direct measurements of species concentrations and temperature. Applying absorption spectroscopy via different diagnostic strategies enables tailored measurements of these parameters across a variety of combustion systems for chemical kinetic model refinement and enhancing the fundamental understanding of combustion over a broader range of conditions, ultimately aiding in the development of more efficient and lower-emissions fuels and engines.

Mathematical Modelling of Gas-Phase Complex Reaction Systems: Pyrolysis and Combustion

Book Description

Mathematical Modelling of Gas-Phase Complex Reaction Systems: Pyrolysis and Combustion, Volume 45, gives an overview of the different steps involved in the development and application of detailed kinetic mechanisms, mainly relating to pyrolysis and combustion processes. The book is divided into two parts that cover the chemistry and kinetic models and then the numerical and statistical methods. It offers a comprehensive coverage of the theory and tools needed, along with the steps necessary for practical and industrial applications. Details thermochemical properties and "ab initio" calculations of elementary reaction rates Details kinetic mechanisms of pyrolysis and combustion processes Explains experimental data for improving reaction models and for kinetic mechanisms assessment Describes surrogate fuels and molecular reconstruction of hydrocarbon liquid mixtures Describes pollutant formation in combustion systems Solves and validates the kinetic mechanisms using numerical and statistical methods Outlines optimal design of industrial burners and optimization and dynamic control of pyrolysis furnaces Outlines large eddy simulation of turbulent reacting flows

Laser Spectroscopy and Photochemistry on Metal Surfaces

Book Description

Using lasers to induce and probe surface processes has the advantages of quantum state specificity, species selectivity, surface sensitivity, fast time-resolution, high frequency resolution, and accessibility to full pressure ranges. These advantages make it highly desirable to use light to induce, control, or monitor surface chemical and physical processes. Recent applications of laser based techniques in studying surface processes have stimulated new developments and enabled the understanding of fundamental problems in energy transfer and reactions. This volume will include discussions on spectroscopic techniques, energy transfer, desorption dynamics, and photochemistry.

High-resolution Nonlinear Multi-photon Laser Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic Probe for Isotopes and Molecules in Biophysical and Geochemical Applications

Book Description

Laser wave mixing is presented as a sensitive absorbance-based detection method for very low activity levels of protease enzymes. Trypsin and proteinase K enzyme activities are analyzed using casein protein covalently labeled with multiple fluorescent BODIPY dye molecules. A preliminary detection limit for trypsin is determined to be 6.34 × 10−14 M or 1.51 pg/mL. For anisotropy studies, wave mixing and fluorescence trends have inverse relationships at the onset of catalysis. Wave mixing is also investigated as a new optical method for the measurement of FRET. The relationship between the wave-mixing signal and FRET is verified using the acceptor/donor pair malachite green and erythrosin B. Resonance energy transfer between a fluorophore and a quencher molecule bound to complimentary oligonucleotide strands is studied to calculate the dye-to-dye distance on a 31-bp curved DNA fragment. The result suggests that there is a direct measurable relationship between the efficiency of resonance energy transfer and the wave-mixing signal. For the first time, wave mixing is applied to the measurement of analyte species in the inductively coupled plasma atomizer. The use of counter-propagating input beams yields sub-Doppler spectral resolution. Nonlinear optical coherence theory is used to predict and study the intensity and hyperfine profiles of atomic populations in the plasma torch. Wavelength modulation and ion line detection in the ICP are investigated for S/N enhancement. Laser wave mixing is also presented as an effective technique for kinetic temperature measurement in an atmospheric-pressure RF inductively coupled plasma using the 4s3P2 2!4p3D33 argon transition probed by a tunable 811.5-nm diode laser. Kinetic temperature measurements are made at five radial steps from the center of the torch and at four different torch heights. The kinetic temperature is determined by simultaneously measuring the line shapes of the sub-Doppler backward phase-conjugate wave-mixing signal and the Doppler-broadened forward-scattering wave-mixing signal.