Book Description

Employability and Industrial Mutations

Book Description

Industrial, economic and organizational mutations are creating a transformation in employment, skills and work. Developing the employability of the workforce is one response to these challenges. However, the link between mutations and employability is not obvious: it must be constructed and implemented in order to ensure that employees are able to reach satisfying professional situations. Employability and Industrial Mutations presents a definition of employability and the associated challenges for public authorities, organizations and employees: managing unemployment, successful change and employee empowerment. It then examines several worker profiles to better understand what "being employable" means. It goes on to analyze several examples of management systems for employability at different stages of an individual’s career, and finally explores the issue of developing or maintaining employability in real-life situations and contexts. This book brings together researchers and practitioners from a range of different fields in order to shed light on the complex relationship between mutations and employability.

Gouvernance de l’information pour l’entreprise numérique

Book Description

Les entreprises utilisent trop souvent des recettes clés en main pour améliorer leurs systèmes d’information. Or, ces solutions sont peu efficaces et même contre-productives au regard des vrais enjeux. Cet ouvrage présente les nouvelles stratégies, les business models émergents et les méthodes de management imposés par le défi du numérique. Il crée une dynamique collaborative avec les clients et les fournisseurs et permet d’établir un dialogue constructif entre la direction générale, les acteurs des systèmes d’information et les métiers. Une Carte d’orientation est proposée afin de diagnostiquer la situation entre les processus et les technologies relationnelles de l’organisation. Elle permet l’élaboration d’une Feuille de route indispensable à l’innovation et à la transition vers le numérique. Pour dégager des plans d’action arbitrés et pilotés en commun, il faut pouvoir assurer une véritable « cogouvernance », c’est-à-dire une gouvernance conjointe de l’information, multi-acteurs, multicompétences et multi-domaines qui transforme avec lucidité l’organisation et s’engage avec succès dans l’entreprise numérique. L’auteur Ancien professeur à Supélec, Gérard Balantzian a dirigé l’Institut du Management de l’Information (IMI) de l’UTC pendant plus de 20 ans. Il est aussi un pionnier dans le domaine des schémas directeurs. Expert, formateur et consultant, il intervient auprès des organisations dans le domaine du numérique et de la nouvelle gouvernance de l’information.

Employer Branding for Competitive Advantage

Book Description

This book shows how to build and maintain a distinctive and credible employer brand and develop a set of relevant success metrics to help measure return on investment (ROI). Starting with the current interest in employer branding, this book looks at the historical roots of brand management and the practical steps to achieve employer brand management success. The book will review the pressures that have generated current interest in employer branding. It goes on to look at the historical roots of brand management and the practical steps necessary to achieve employer brand management success. The book includes the business case, research, positioning, implementation, management and measurement, and case studies of big-named employer brand stories. This book will provide new insights into the field of employer branding and provide directions and tools for organizational brand building. It will be beneficial for research scholars, engineers, practitioners, and management students.

Concilier Flexibilité Du Travail Et Cohésion Sociale

Book Description

This, the second volume on labour flexibility, deals with how it can be reconciled with social cohesion. Following the Council of Europe's Forum 2005: Reconciling labour flexibility with social cohesion, it aims to present ideas useful for political action for integration with the European social model. It is divided into three parts. The first looks at the framework of reconciliation and describes the complexity of uncertainty and changes in the structure of labour markets. The second part is entitled the space for reconciliation and covers mobility, social protection, the quality of transitions and the quality of family life. The final part covers the methodology of reconciliation, including the model proposed by the Council of Europe.


Book Description

This book concentrates on how small European countries coped with economic integration and disintegration during the twentieth century. Small countries had to adapt flexibly to the drastically changing conditions outside their borders. They had to find ways of maintaining their political autonomy notwithstanding their economic dependence, and they have been quite successful in accomplishing this difficult balancing act. The authors analyse how small countries responded to the challenges of the international system and describe the different policies and strategies pursued by governments, industries and firms. Originating from the XIII. Congress of the International Economic History Association (IEHA), the contributions to this volume offer new perspectives on a widely debated topic and contribute to a better understanding of the current process of globalisation in small and large countries. The volume is divided into three sections: I. Coping with Different Regimes for International Trade and Changing Competitiveness; II. From an Open World Economy to Economic Disintegration and Protectionism; III. Trade Liberalisation, European Integration and Deregulation.

Dictionnaire canadien des relations du travail

Book Description

Dans la première section, chaque notice comprend la traduction anglaise et une définition du terme et son contexte. Plusieurs annexes : sigles et abréviations; conventions et recommandations de l'OIT, Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, Charte québécoise des droits et libertés de la personne, des textes de législation du travail, les événements marquants en relation de travail au pays et des statistiques syndicales. Plus de 2500 termes et quelque 600 locutions et maximes latines ajoutés à cette édition.