My First Book about the Alphabet of Big Cats - Amazing Animal Books - Children's Picture Books

Book Description

Introduction There are a few big differences between house cats and wild or big cats. One is big cats have round eyes; house cats have slits for their pupils. The biggest difference is in size wild cats are much larger than house cats. Lastly, house cats have been bred to live inside with humans; wild cats need to live in the wild where they can hunt.

My First Book about the Alphabet of Deer - Amazing Animal Books - Children's Picture Books

Book Description

Introduction There are over 100 subspecies of deer found all over the World, except in Antarctica. Baby deer are called fawns, mothers are called does, and the fathers are called bucks, they are easy to find, they usually have horns, called antlers.

My First Book about Big Cats - Amazing Animal Books - Children's Picture Books

Book Description

Table of ContentsIntroduction to Big CatsLeopardsWildcatsEndangered Big CatsWhere Big Cats LiveCougarsHave You Ever Heard Of An Ocelt?African CheetahsThe African CaracalWhat Big Cats EatCubs Or Baby Big CatsTigersA Cat Called a ServalSnow Leopards: King of The Frozen MountainsThe BobcatThe JaguarundiThe Lynx - A Majestic CatPumasJaguarsLionsConclusionPublisherIntroduction to Big CatsBig Cats means any cat that can roar. Big Cats are carnivores, which means they eat meat.They do their hunting at night, and lay down to eat.Lions, cheetahs, and tigers are the three greatest cats of Africa.