Mystic Secrets of the Bible

Book Description

This book will WAKE UP millions, but it could SHAKE UP those controlling our religious systems. It may even surprise and electrify a few, but it will definitely liberate and enlighten all who will dare to read it, and apply it. What are these mysteries? What secrets have been kept from us for way too long? What is the knowledge to be gained and the wisdom to be attained? This book will answer questions you have asked to which you've never received answers based in spiritual fact. You will also find answers here to questions that you have never dared to ask, for fear you would be looked upon as someone strange, bizarre, or even outlandish and unconventional. These are the MYSTIC SECRETS OF THE BIBLE. (c) 2017 By Steven D. Jones, All Rights Reserved. Written in simple, plain language, and easy to understand. It's time for us to get some real answers. It's time for us to know the truth. ****IT'S TIME FOR US TO FIND OUT****

21 Secrets of the Bible

Book Description

Spiritual seekers, shamanic journeyers, and those with an interest in cross-cultural mythology will find Rudolph's work invaluable as readers look back in order to look forward. The Bible as we know it today is actually a mishmash of translations, from ancient Hebrew into Greek and Latin and, from there, into English and a host of other languages. What began as oral lore became written verse, which in turn became holy text. Much has been lost over the course of these translations-sometimes unintentionally, sometimes deliberately by religious authorities pursuing their own agendas. The earliest earth-based spiritual teachings found in the Bible were actually driven underground, their messages hidden and virtually inaccessible. The word pagan merely means countryside and it was used to identify people who lived close to the Earth, followed the seasons, looked to the stars, and learned from the cycles of life that surrounded them. These were the people of ancient times who transmitted the original oral lessons that were later codified within the Bible. 21 Secrets takes readers on a shamanic quest to discover these long-forgotten oral teachings of some of the world's most influential tales and journeys. Through cross-cultural shamanic eyes there are numerous surprising revelations including Eve as the hero of the Garden of Eden, and the serpent as the agent of creation here on Earth.


Book Description

You're beholding a new world. Aside from an array of brand new compelling facts in spiritual history, there is also an abundance of aha moments right here before your eyes and heart. Did you know, for example, the Latin word-name Jesus only became popular, about 400 years after the crucifixion of he who was truly known as Yeshua. His actual name in Israel, Palestine, Samaria, Capernaum and Jerusalem, was Yeshua. Yeshua became so famous the Greeks called him Iesous, and in Aramaic (his 2nd language) he was called Isa. When the Bible was published in Latin (in 405 AD) Jesus was used as the name for the first time, but only in written material. Through stunning archeological revelations in recently discovered 'codices and scrolls' we've realized something pivotal. As passed down through millennia, a world-transforming story was, in fact, incomplete and flawed. What if the greatest story ever told was consistently modified? Has humanity digested a poorly informed recitation of the past? Unfortunately, it has. The most crucial word in scripture was never translated to English. To this day it remains a foreign word. Bringing that key-word into English changes the whole meaning and full implication of scripture. That one foreign word fully alters Yeshua's real message. However, when it is properly translated into English, an exhilarating life-transforming message is there for us. Now you'll know what has been kept from you, and all of us, until now. Yeshua's brother, apostle Thomas, wrote a gospel conveying Yeshua's spoken quotations. It was unearthed in 1945 after World War II, in the ancient sands of Egypt; and it was held safe in an earthenware jar under the sand for near 2000 years. It is now right here in your hand. It has withstood tests of evaluation and scholarship, in many linquistic verifications. Scholars from all over are now extolling this ancient document. You'll find perhaps your heart's true desire in the pages of this book, because it has the ancient original message of Yeshua which heals and refines life today. We now have the full story, interwoven with the most advanced science of quantum physics (known as the science of God) as it reveals the nature of mind, spirit and energy. Welcome to the actual original message of Christ.

Secrets from the Lost Bible

Book Description

Ancient scriptures, hidden from the world for centuries, have recently attracted unprecedented popular attention. Some were found among the ancient library of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Others include assorted mystical writings known as Kabbalah, and a host of books that never made it into the Bible, called Apocrypha (which means "hidden") and the Pseudepigrapha (called "false writings" by those who suppressed them). Additionally, there are the Gnostic texts of Nag Hammadi -- a location in Egypt where a treasure trove of lost books was discovered in the middle of the twentieth century. Collectively, they comprise the "Lost Bible." For centuries, these manuscripts were systematically suppressed because their liberating messages of individual power and worth challenged the authority and pet philosophies of political and religious leaders.

Secrets of the Holy Bible

Book Description

This book thoroughly documents traditions and beliefs, using concrete biblical references, that every religious denomination is wrong about, and it proves how all biblical references must work together without contradiction to tell us the whole truth. This book also reveals secrets of the entire Holy Bible and the book of Revelation in detail, and solves the mystery of the Trinity which has been debated by the churches for decades. This book also contains crucial information concerning apocalyptic events that have been kept secret from the general public for centuries. There are secrets disclosed in detail in this book that no mortal man or religious scholar has ever figured out prior to it being written in this book. The biblical secrets in this book have been researched, studied, and thoroughly documented. This book is not only biblically accurate. It is predominantly indisputable, philosophically profound, prophetically insightful, and extremely overwhelming.

The Occult Christ

Book Description

Great mystical secrets lie hidden within the teachings of Christianity - secrets of the laws of the universe and their application in our lives. THE OCCULT CHRIST reveals this hidden knowledge within Biblical scripture and presents Christianity as a modern Mystery School. Learn how to unfold the Divine Feminine within your life through means of the Christ Mysteries. Back in print by popular "demand," revised and expanded!

The Mystic Awakening

Book Description

Unlock An Ancient Faith That Will Change Your Life… Today! These are not far-fetched, new age experiences. They are your inheritance as a believer in Jesus Christ! Get ready to tap into the supernatural realm that saints of old and forerunners of yesteryears have walked in for centuries. This is not new truth or extra-Biblical revelation—it is a transition to normal living in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Enoch. Abraham. Moses. Elijah. Elisha. These great patriarchs of old experienced God in ways that seem foreign and inaccessible today. Yet, because of Jesus, a New and Living Way was made so you could enjoy a new level of supernatural lifestyle that our ancestors longed to see and experience. You will learn how to experience: • A deeper fellowship with God • The Holy Spirit’s voice with greater clarity • Supernatural encounters that produce spiritual maturity • The untapped power of speaking in tongues… from the Old Testament The Mystic Awakening is coming to the body of Christ. Are you ready?

The Complete Book of Bible Secrets and Mysteries

Book Description

Volumes in the “Complete Book of” series are an excellent resource for any home library or for pastors and lay leaders to use for sermon preparation, small group, and Sunday school. In The Complete Book of Bible Secrets and Mysteries, J. Stephen Lang deciphers puzzling Bible mysteries such as, Who is the Antichrist? and What does the Bible say about ghosts?

Bible Secrets Revealed

Book Description

Wood illuminates the Scriptures in order to open the door to the realm of the Spirit; to give understanding that leads people out of the bondage of "religious tradition" into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. (Christian)

Secrets of the Bible

Book Description