Napoleon's Campaigns in Miniature

Book Description

Bruce Quarrie's Napoleonic Campaigns in Miniature a Wargamers' Guide to the Napoleonic Wars 1796-1815

Book Description

Packed with information on every aspect of Napoleonic warfare, both land and sea, this book shows the wargamer how to make their miniature battles even more realistic and exciting. It contains detailed information on how armies were raised, trained, provisioned, led and equipped. The book describes the weapons and tactics of the period, giving precise information down to the price of a single musket ball or pair of boots! Stimulating and full of ideas, this book has stood the test of time and is valuable to anyone interested in the Napoleonic period. The original book went onto four editions and was reprinted five times. The book is published by the History of Wargaming Project as part of a series to make key developments in wargaming available to the modern enthusiast.

The Hundred Thousand Sons of St Louis

Book Description

This book sheds lights on an almost unknown military campaign , The Campaign of 1823, conducted by a French army in Spain.


Book Description

* If you are interested in painting, collecting or war-gaming with model soldiers, or interested in the Napoleonic era any way, then this book is for you; it has many articles that set the scene and mood for ensuing battles by detailing the historical background and build up to the many Napoleonic wars and campaigns that took place. * For the miniature painters and collectors Matthew Fletcher has written a section showing how to speed paint an army that any wargamer would be proud of, and Kevin Dallimore reveals his secret of painting outstanding Napoleonic models using his world renowned three color method. * For the gamer, Matthew Fletcher has created a truly unique set of rules that are simple to understand and play; rules that will provide an evening of fun and entertainment for all. * In short, this book contains everything you will need to enjoy yourself painting and collecting miniatures and gaming in the Napoleonic era. I first met Matt Fletcher when he was employed by a well known fantasy games company based in Nottingham; he was an 18 year old, wide eyed, fresh faced teenager looking like he had found Aladdin's Cave as he scanned all of the models, games and books stacked on the warehouse shelves. Two of Matt's childhood dreams had been realised; he was not only involved in a rapidly growing company making and selling the products he loved, he was also heavily involved with the team responsible for the play testing and development of games and the writing of books. Everyone was impressed by Matt's energy, enthusiasm and knowledge; he had a great knowledge of all things fantasy and, as I was later to find out, an even greater knowledge of all things historical. Matt soon realised that these new experiences might lead to the fulfillment of yet another childhood dream; to write a book that combined his extensive historical knowledge of all things Napoleonic with the new experiences gained in the creation and development of books, games and game mechanics. Little did he realise how much time it would take for this dream to be fulfilled. Eighteen years have since passed and I think Matt has been very surprised (and sometimes frustrated) with the length of time that it has taken to produce the book that you now hold; not only for the time it has taken him to produce and structure a script suitable for submission, but also for the time it has taken for his script to be edited and augmented to reach the high standard expected from any Foundry publication. If you are interested in painting, collecting or wargaming with toy soldiers, or interested in the Napoleonic era any way, then this book is for you; it has many articles that set the scene and mood for ensuing battles by detailing the historical background and build up to the many Napoleonic wars and campaigns that took place. For the miniature painters and collectors, Kevin Dallimore has added his own article on painting Napoleonic models using his unique and world renowned three color method. For the wargamer, Matt has created a truly unique set of rules that have been amended and developed many times over the years to provide an evening of fun and entertainment; he has also written his own article on how to speed paint an army to a standard that any wargamer would be proud of. Matt is very proud of this book and wants everyone who reads it to experience the great fun and pleasure he gets from painting and playing games with toy soldiers. For Matt, the book you now hold is another dream come true.

Napoleon's Regiments

Book Description

The best single-volume reference book on the regiments of Napoleon's army, with details of unit organization and history plus biographies of 200 regimental officers.

Wargaming on a Budget

Book Description

Wargaming can be a very expensive hobby, but it needn't be. Iain Dickie, one of the best-known names in the hobby shares dozens of hints and tips on how to cut the cost of your gaming and get 'more bang for your buck'. He offers sound practical advice on buying and building your armies (should you opt for metal, plastic, or even card, and in which scale?), gaming tables, terrain, buildings and even storage solutions. As well as purely financial constraints, Iain Dickie also recognizes the fact that available space is another major restriction for many gamers and tackles this issue too. Now you've got no excuse not to get wargaming!

The Silver Bayonet

Book Description

As the wars of Napoleon ravage Europe, chaos and fear reign and the darkness that once clung to the shadows has been emboldened. Supernatural creatures – vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and worse take advantage of the havoc, striking out at isolated farms, villages, and even military units. Whether they are pursuing some master plan or simply revelling in their newfound freedom is unknown. Most people dismiss reports of these slaughters as the rantings of madmen or the lies of deserters, but a few know better... The Silver Bayonet is a skirmish wargame of gothic horror set during the Napoleonic Wars. Each player forms an elite band of monster hunters drawn from the ranks of one of the great powers. Riflemen, swordsmen, and engineers fight side-by-side with mystics, occultists, and even those few supernatural creatures that can be controlled or reasoned with enough to make common cause. The game can be played solo, co-operatively, or competitively, with players progressing through a series of interlinked adventures with their soldiers gaining experience and suffering grievous wounds, and their units triumphing... or falling in the face of the shadows. It is a game of action and adventure, where musket and sabre meet tooth and claw.

Miniature Book

Book Description

Illuminated manuscripts - The art of the book - Bibles - Psalms - Religious texts - Almanacs for daily living - The smallest books - Books for the young - Presidents, politics and propaganda - Life's pleasures - Oddities and objects d'art.

The Napoleonic Source Book

Book Description

With a brief chronological account of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars to act as a quick reference, the remaining volume provides in sharp detail a survey of the basic capabilities and use of the weaponry of the era, a review of each state's participation in those ongoing conflicts, brief biographical notices of some of the leading military leaders, an update on the development of Napoleonic literature, a glossary of military terms, and a section devoted to miscellaneous facts and figures.