National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers. Interim Report. NCEE 2010-4033

Book Description

This first of two reports presents early findings from the National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers (Comprehensive Centers), a federally funded program that provides technical assistance to states in connection with the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. The law authorizing the Comprehensive Centers, the Educational Technical Assistance Act of 2002, mandated that a national evaluation of the program be conducted by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The legislation indicated that the evaluation should "include an analysis of the services provided...[and] the extent to which each of the comprehensive centers meets the objectives of its respective plan, and whether such services meet the educational needs of State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and schools in the region." The program evaluation is conducted by Branch Associates, Inc., Decision Information Resources, Inc., and Policy Studies Associates, Inc. This report addresses the first of the evaluation's three rounds of data collection, pertaining to the Centers' work of July 2006 through June 2007. It describes the program design and, drawing upon data provided by the Centers and their clients, program operations. It also describes assessments of Center activities and resources, reporting on quality as judged by panels of subject-matter experts, and on relevance, usefulness, and contributions to capacity as judged by practitioners (namely, state-level managers and also clients who participated directly in Center activities or received Center products). A final report will provide parallel findings for 2007-08 and 2008-09. In addition, it will present findings from case studies of capacity building at the state level and any changes in findings over time. Appendices include: (1) Comprehensive Center Lead Grantee and Subgrantee Organizations; (2) Study Sample; (3) Describing Center Operations; (4) Survey of Senior State Managers; and (5) Ratings of Q Relevance, and Usefulness. (Contains 58 exhibits, 6 tables and 70 footnotes.).

National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers. Final Report. Executive Summary. NCEE 2011-4032

Book Description

This final report presents findings from a multi-year evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers, a federally funded program that provides technical assistance to states in connection with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. With the redesign of the Center program, the primary focus of technical assistance was directed to states. In order to build states' capacity for carrying out NCLB responsibilities, which include assistance to struggling school districts and schools as well as other areas of NCLB program administration, the Center program was designed to supply ongoing technical assistance in using research knowledge and promising practices. There are two types of Centers: (1) Sixteen Regional Comprehensive Centers (RCCs) are responsible for providing ongoing technical assistance to states assigned to their region, working with a range of one to eight states per Center; and (2) Five Content Centers (CCs) are expected to supply knowledge to RCCs and work with RCCs to assist states in the CC's specialty area: Assessment and Accountability, Instruction, Teacher Quality, Innovation and Improvement, or High Schools. Given this program design, the evaluation provides a description of Center operations. It also reports on assistance delivery and contributions to state capacity as judged by managers in state education agencies (SEAs), on quality as judged by panels of subject-matter experts, and on relevance and usefulness as judged by practitioners who participated in Center activities or received Center products. The evaluation data, collected annually, pertain to the Center program years 2006-07, 2007-08, and 2008-09, covering three of the five program years starting with the second year of program funding. Findings include: (1) The operations of the RCCs and CCs were consistent with the Center program design; (2) Centers addressed the most frequently cited state priority of "statewide systems of support," and an increasing number of state managers reported each year that Center assistance served their purposes; (3) Center assistance was reported by state managers as having expanded state capacity in "statewide systems of support," which has been a predominant focus of Center assistance; and (4) On average across each of the three years, expert panels rated sampled project materials between "moderate" and "high" for quality, and project participants rated the sampled projects "high" for relevance and usefulness. (Contains 5 exhibits and 14 footnotes.) [For the full report, "National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers. Final Report. NCEE 2011-4031," see ED523400.].

National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers. Final Report. NCEE 2011-4031

Book Description

This final report presents findings from a multi-year evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers, a federally funded program that provides technical assistance to states in connection with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. With the redesign of the Center program, the primary focus of technical assistance was directed to states. In order to build states' capacity for carrying out NCLB responsibilities, which include assistance to struggling school districts and schools as well as other areas of NCLB program administration, the Center program was designed to supply ongoing technical assistance in using research knowledge and promising practices. There are two types of Centers: (1) Sixteen Regional Comprehensive Centers (RCCs) are responsible for providing ongoing technical assistance to states assigned to their region, working with a range of one to eight states per Center; and (2) Five Content Centers (CCs) are expected to supply knowledge to RCCs and work with RCCs to assist states in the CC's specialty area: Assessment and Accountability, Instruction, Teacher Quality, Innovation and Improvement, or High Schools. Given this program design, the evaluation provides a description of Center operations. It also reports on assistance delivery and contributions to state capacity as judged by managers in state education agencies (SEAs), on quality as judged by panels of subject-matter experts, and on relevance and usefulness as judged by practitioners who participated in Center activities or received Center products. The evaluation data, collected annually, pertain to the Center program years 2006-07, 2007-08, and 2008-09, covering three of the five program years starting with the second year of program funding. Findings include: (1) The operations of the RCCs and CCs were consistent with the Center program design; (2) Centers addressed the most frequently cited state priority of "statewide systems of support," and an increasing number of state managers reported each year that Center assistance served their purposes; (3) Center assistance was reported by state managers as having expanded state capacity in "statewide systems of support," which has been a predominant focus of Center assistance; and (4) On average across each of the three years, expert panels rated sampled project materials between "moderate" and "high" for quality, and project participants rated the sampled projects "high" for relevance and usefulness. Appended are: (1) Center Lead Grantee and Subgrantee Organizations; (2) Study Sample: Center Projects and Project Participants; (3) Describing Center Operations; (4) Supplemental Tables--Center Operations; (5) Survey of State Managers and Case Study Visits to 10 States; (6) Supplemental Tables--State Manager Survey Results; (7) Ratings of Quality, Relevance, and Usefulness; and (8) Supplemental Tables--Quality, Relevance, and Usefulness Ratings. (Contains 58 exhibits and 83 footnotes.) [For "National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers. Final Report. Executive Summary. NCEE 2011-4032," see ED523401.].

Final report

Book Description

Compendium of HHS Evaluation Studies

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Compendium of HHS Evaluations and Relevant Other Studies

Book Description

Evaluations of programs conducted under HHS. Arranged according to agency sponsor, project title, report title, performer, abstract, descriptors, status start/end dates, and other identifying information. Subject, sponsor, program name indexes.