National Physical Plan

Book Description

The Imperatives of Urban and Regional Planning

Book Description

This book is comprised of articles and papers that have come about after years of academic and applied research endeavors of the practitioners and academicians in the field of urban and regional development planning. Most of these articles have already been presented and deliberated in national and international conferences held in different parts of the world, namely: Indianapolis, Newcastle upon Tyne, Rome, Istanbul, Cairo, Alexandria, Vienna, Stockholm, Jeddah, Riyadh, Jubail, Islamabad, Penang, and Bandung. The concepts and case studies described in this book bring home the fact that the world is undergoing a gyrational transition. Not only are developed and developing countries getting influenced by each other and transforming due to a process of circular causation, but each of the two sets of countries are also undergoing a simultaneous internal transformation due to the differential infusion of technology and indigenous entrepreneurship. As a consequence, highly diversified urban systems are getting integrated interactively, leading to the formation of a global village and achievement of a unity in diversity!

Flexibility and Commitment in Planning

Book Description

This book is about the ways in which two western European countries attempt to cope with the changing demands of urban development. In particular, it is con cerned with the differences in approach of the Dutch and English planning systems and the contrasting ways in which they are used to guide, promote and control development. The book results from a research study in which members of staff at Delft of Technology and Oxford Polytechnic compared local planning and University development in the Netherlands and England. The aim was to investigate ways in which development was promoted and controlled under different planning systems. The research was subsequently developed along two converging lines. One was an examination of over twenty case studies of plan making and the con trol of development in the cities of Leiden and Oxford. The other was a study of the two planning systems and the ways in which the respective approaches to planning were seen to relate closely to the contrasting legal and administrative systems and differences in development practice. The convergence of the two lines of enquiry produced a tension between empirical observations and theoretical supposition which led to a fruitful development of ideas about the nature of the two planning systems and how they promote and control develop ment.