Nationhood, Executive Power and the Australian Constitution

Book Description

The first comprehensive study of the nature and scope of the nationhood power, this book brings a fresh perspective to the scholarship on the powers of the executive branch in Australia. The question of when the Federal Executive Government can act without the authorisation of the Parliament is contested and highly topical in Australia. In recent judicial decisions, Australian courts have suggested that statutory authorisation may not be required where the Federal Executive Government is exercising the nationhood power; that is, the implied executive power derived from the character and status of the Commonwealth as the national government. The Federal Executive Government has relied on this power to implement controversial spending programs, respond to national emergencies and exclude non-citizens from Australia. Together, the chapters in this book analyse and evaluate judicial observations about the operation of the nationhood power in these different contexts and its relationship with the other categories of federal executive power in s 61 of the Constitution. While the focus of this book is on the nationhood power, it also addresses broader issues concerning the relationship between the legislative and executive branches in parliamentary systems of government. This book makes an important contribution to the literature on executive power and will appeal to constitutional lawyers, scholars and practitioners and those who are involved in the administration of government.

Nationhood, Executive Power and the Australian Constitution

Book Description

The first comprehensive study of the nature and scope of the nationhood power, this book brings a fresh perspective to the scholarship on the powers of the executive branch in Australia. The question of when the Federal Executive Government can act without the authorisation of the Parliament is contested and highly topical in Australia. In recent judicial decisions, Australian courts have suggested that statutory authorisation may not be required where the Federal Executive Government is exercising the nationhood power; that is, the implied executive power derived from the character and status of the Commonwealth as the national government. The Federal Executive Government has relied on this power to implement controversial spending programs, respond to national emergencies and exclude non-citizens from Australia. Together, the chapters in this book analyse and evaluate judicial observations about the operation of the nationhood power in these different contexts and its relationship with the other categories of federal executive power in s 61 of the Constitution. While the focus of this book is on the nationhood power, it also addresses broader issues concerning the relationship between the legislative and executive branches in parliamentary systems of government. This book makes an important contribution to the literature on executive power and will appeal to constitutional lawyers, scholars and practitioners and those who are involved in the administration of government.

The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia

Book Description

This book provides an engaging and distinctive treatment for anyone seeking to understand the significance and interpretation of the Constitution.

Australian Public Law

Book Description

Introduces students to key principles, concepts, institutions in Australian Public Law, provides solid foundation for study of constitutional & administrative law. Explained through analysis of mechanisms of power & control, including discussions of functioning of institutions of government & contemporary issues. Authors at Uni of Adelaide.

Nationhood, Executive Power and the Australian Constitution

Book Description

The first comprehensive study of the nature and scope of the nationhood power, this book brings a fresh perspective to the scholarship on the powers of the executive branch in Australia. The question of when the Federal Executive Government can act without the authorisation of the Parliament is contested and highly topical in Australia. In recent judicial decisions, Australian courts have suggested that statutory authorisation may not be required where the Federal Executive Government is exercising the nationhood power; that is, the implied executive power derived from the character and status of the Commonwealth as the national government. The Federal Executive Government has relied on this power to implement controversial spending programs, respond to national emergencies and exclude non-citizens from Australia. Together, the chapters in this book analyse and evaluate judicial observations about the operation of the nationhood power in these different contexts and the limits which apply to it. While the focus of this book is on the nationhood power, it also addresses broader issues concerning the relationship between the legislative and executive branches in parliamentary systems of government. This book makes an important contribution to the literature on executive power and will appeal to constitutional lawyers, scholars and practitioners and those who are involved in the administration of government.

Executive Power Under the Constitution

Book Description

In a 2014 article published in the Adelaide Law Review, Professor Harold Bruff explained the U.S. executive power to an Australian audience. Bruff described the constitutions of Australia and the United States as “cousins”; they share some traits -- such as federalism -- but in other areas there is less of a resemblance. The Australian system of government blends features of the federal system of the United States with the parliamentary system of the United Kingdom. In 1980, Elaine Thompson famously described it as a “Washminster” system of government. The framers of the Australian Constitution were familiar with the U.S. Constitution, both through their readings -- particularly Lord Bryce's well-timed treatise, The American Commonwealth, published the decade preceding the major Australian constitutional drafting conventions -- and through their personal experiences. The development of the U.S. Constitution and the constitutional practices of the United Kingdom were frequently referenced and compared during the drafting of the Australian Constitution.

Blackshield and Williams Australian Constitutional Law and Theory

Book Description

The fifth edition of Australian Constitutional Law and Theory: Commentary and Materials has been thoroughly rewritten. Each chapter has thoroughly reviewed by both authors, with fresh choices made for extracts to bring the book up to date for new materials and scholarshy;ship. The commentary has also been rewritten to provide clearer explanation of concepts and case outcomes. Major new developments have been included by cutting back existing material to focus in more tightly on the key constitutional issues.Also available is the new Abridged edition, click here for details.Major cases added since the last edition include: Attorney-General (Cth) v Alinta Ltd; Bennett v Commonwealth; Betfair Pty Ltd v Western Australia; Clarke v Commissioner of Taxation; Forge v Australian Securities and Investments Commission; Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club Inc v Commissioner of Police; K-Generation Pty Ltd v Liquor Licensing Court; Lane v Morrison; Pape v Commissioner of Taxation; R (Bancoult) v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (No 2); Roach v Electoral Commissioner; Sweedman v Transport Accident Commission; Telstra Corporation Ltd v Commonwealth; Thomas v Mowbray; White v Director of Military Prosecutions; the Work Choices Case; Wurridjal v Commonwealth and XYZ v Commonwealth.As this list indicates, the fifth edition includes the groundbreaking 2009 decision in Pape, as well as the other key decisions of this year such as Clarke, K-Generation, Lane and Wurridjal.Significant changes in this new edition include:A rewritten first chapter to provide a more accessible introduction to the subjectA rewritten and restructured chapter on characterisation to make this difficult area more accessible and to produce a more logical flow of concepts and materialThe separation out of the material on the trade and commerce power into a new chapter on the economic powersMajor changes in the chapter on Indigenous peoples, such as to reflect the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Apology to Australia's Indigenous PeoplesChanges to reflect legislative amendment in areas like citizenship lawRewritten material on federalism, especially in regard to fiscal federalism due to the Intergovernmental Agreement on Federal Financial Relations in force from 1 January 2009New material on the defence power as it relates to terrorism and national securityNew material on the executive, such as in regard to the Crown and the nationhood powerThe division of the material on the separation of judicial power into three chapters (titled: Separation of Judicial Power; Judicial and Non-Judicial Detention and The Judicial Process)Revision of the material on human rights, such as to reflect the national charter of rights debate and the enactment of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities

The Oxford Handbook of the Australian Constitution

Book Description

Providing an interdisciplinary overview of Australian constitutional law and practice, this Handbook situates the development of the constitutional system in its proper context. It also examines recurrent themes and tensions in Australian constitutional law, and points the way for future developments.

Australian Constitutional Law and Theory

Book Description

The fourth edition of this work has involved a thorough rewrite. Each chapter has been looked at again from beginning to end, with fresh choices in some cases made for extracts to bring the book up to date for new materials and scholarship and some material rewritten to provide clearer explanation. While all chapters contain changes, some have involved a more fundamental rewrite. The Supplement below, details changes from the 3rd edition to the 4th edition. For example, the chapters on the executive as well as characterisation and the trade and commerce power have been rewritten to provide a more straightforward structure and to provide greater clarity and contemporary relevance. Other changes have been made in order to restructure the book and to provide room for the substantial new material. Overall, the book is roughly the same length as the last edition due to cuts and streamlining. This has also involved rethinking the placement of some material, such as to group together the grants and appropriations powers of the Commonwealth. The material dealing with human rights has been substantially restructured with the chapters dealing with the implied freedom of political communication rewritten to take account of new developments and to provide space for major new cases. The final chapter on constitutional change has also been reworked to include a section dealing on Bill of Rights issues as a contrast to that on the republic.