Naughty Little Angel

Book Description

Struggling to balance fatherhood and his passion for women after an ex-lover leaves him with their daughter, Angel, Antoine Moore uses her as bait to get women--until she grows up and follows his destructive habits.

A Naughty Little Angel

Book Description

A Naughty Little Angel is based on the author's real-life rescue story of a very special kitten named Angel. Six-year old Caroline loves animals more than anything. One day she sees a tiny kitten under the bushes and rescues it. She calls the cute little ball of fur Angel. Both Caroline and Angel soon become the best of friends, but when Angel suddenly gets unwell, Caroline's world is turned upside down. This heart-warming children's story shows the love that Caroline and Angel have for each other, that special bond that can develop between animals and humans. This story teaches love and compassion towards creatures, great and small, and also offers an inspirational message to us all.

Widdely, the Naughty Little Angel

Book Description

Widdely, The Naughty Little, Angel, lives in heaven and keeps getting into trouble playing tricks on others. She puts a little kitten into Saint Peter's slipper and when he puts his foot in, his toe gets bitten. She dunks a timid angel in the swimming pool. She snitches cookies and on and on.Often she's helped by a little devil called Fitzliputzli. It's amazing what these two think up! Widdely, the Naughty Little Angel was written by a 12 year-old girl in Germany during the last months of World War II while she, her younger brother, and mother had been evacuated from their home in Berlin because of heavy ait raids.The author, now a physician and grandmother of eight, recently translated the entertaining stories. The illustrations are original.

The Naughty Angel

Book Description

The Naughty Angel is a story presented in haibun-style, in which each chapter begins with a haiku. A little angel, pretty as can be, slides down a moonbeam and lands in someone's backyard, here on earth during COVID-19 times. There are many things that she does not understand and finds puzzling at first, but she will soon learn a lot from her encounter with a boy named Gabriel.

Angelic Lessons

Book Description

Binky, Dingy, Kinsey, Kipsey, Lainey , Maddie, Phinneous, Siddah, Tinesy, Tillie, Tinker are all angels and are all coming together in their new place where they will learn lessons about who they are and how they should treat others around them. They are endearing and sweet and every child can relate to their many attitudes and changes. And with love and encouragement and sometimes a little stern talk they all grow as a family and as angels finding the best in themselves.

The Little Christmas Angel

Book Description

God knows All Children Are Good. Find out how he sends this little angel through Bethlehem and to your house too, sharing this message. Makes a wonderful alternative to Elf on the Shelf.

The Naughty Angel

Book Description

A poem which tells the story of a little angel who wanted to visit earth, so, with her teddy bear, she went down a rainbow stair.

Ashes From Another Life

Book Description

A poetic view of the darker side of life through the eyes of a dark Sorceress. A beautiful collection of dark poetry.


Book Description

In Einstein, writer Jim Ottaviani and artist Jerel Dye take us behind the veneer of Einstein’s celebrity, painting a complex and intimate portrait of the world’s most well-known scientist. E = mc2 A world-changing equation and a wild head of hair are all most of us know about one of history’s greatest minds, despite his being a household name in his lifetime and an icon in ours. But while the broad outlines of what Einstein did are well known, who he was remained hidden from view to most...even his closest friends. This is the story of a scientist who made many mistakes, and even when he wanted to be proven wrong, was often right in the end. It's a story of a humanist who struggled to connect with people. And it's a story of a reluctant revolutionary who paid a high price for living with a single dream. In Einstein, Jim Ottaviani and Jerel Dye take us behind the veneer of celebrity, painting a complex and intimate portrait of the scientist whose name has become another word for genius.