Navigation Channel Improvement at Bonneville Dam, Columbia River, Oregon and Washington: Hydraulic Model Investigations

Book Description

An undistorted 130-scale hydraulic model was used to develop a plan for reducing hazardous conditions that affected upstream-bound river traffic in a 4-mile reach of the Columbia River just below Bonneville Dam. Before 1959, when the study was made, river traffic past Bonneville Dam consisted principally of tug-propelled log rafts and barges, but it was expected that upstream industrial development and completion of the authorized 27-ft-deep navigation channel from Vancouver, Washington to The Dalles, Oregon, would encourage use of the navigation lock by deep-draft vessels. (Modified author abstract).

Navigation Channel Improvement, Columbia River, Oregon and Washington - Oak Point to Longview Reach, River Miles 53 to 65. Hydraulic Model Investigation

Book Description

A distorted scale (1:100 V, 1:300 H) movable-bed hydraulic model was used to evaluate 5 separate channel improvement designs in the Columbia River navigation channel between River Mile's 53 to 65. Descriptions of the tests and data relative to resulting channel scour and fill conditions are presented in the report.