Book Description
This book gives the reader an overview of current developments in Dutch Law. The contributions are from leading academics from different universities in the Netherlands. Amongst others the following topics are covered: . Dutch family law in the 21st Century: Trend-setting and straggling behind at the same time (M. Antonkolskaia and K. Boele-Woelki) . Mediation in the Netherlands: past - present - future (A. de Roo and R. Jagtenberg) . Mandatory and non-mandatory rules in Dutch corporate law (M. Meinema) . Limits and control of competition with a view to international harmonisation (P.-J. Slot) . Rights of minority shareholders in the Netherlands (L. Timmerman and A. Doorman) . Constitution, international treaties, contracts and torts (M. van Empel and M. de Jong) . Human rights and private corporations: A Dutch legal perspective (S. van Bijsterveld) . The rights of the embryo and the foetus under Dutch law (V. Derckx and E. Hondius) . Regulating electronic commerce in the Netherlands (C. Prins)