Network Optimization Models for Interdependent Infrastructure Restoration

Book Description

Effective restoration of infrastructure systems play a crucial role in recovery after disasters. Understanding the functions and services of infrastructure systems, especially during the response to natural and man-made disasters, requires accounting for the interdependencies and decentralized nature of these systems. This issue is particularly critical when delivering time-sensitive services and commodities. We model the recovery of infrastructure systems by including interdependencies between them as network models, and we present three integer programming models. First, we present an integrated restoration and location (IRLP) problem, which is a P-median problem variation, with the objective to minimize the cumulative weighted distance between the emergency responders and the calls for service over the time horizon by coordinating the activities of two types of service providers. We locate emergency responders (facilities) on a network over a finite time horizon while network recovery crews install arcs. The installation part of the problem is modeled as a scheduling problem with identical parallel servers (the repair crews), where an arc can be used by the emergency responders when installation is completed. We propose Lagrangian relaxation formulations of the problem, which we solve using subgradient algorithm. A feasible solution is obtained using the Lagrangian relaxation, which provides an upper bound to the original problem. We test our problem with both real-world data and data sets from Beasley's OR Library to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm in solving large-scale problem. The results shed light on critical components of a network whose restoration can aid emergency response efforts. Second, we present a maximal multiple coverage and network recovery problem for the recovery and restoration of infrastructure systems after disasters. In the model, recovery crews make damaged arcs available by repairing components over a time horizon in a disrupted network. The model relocates emergency responders using the available arcs in the network to maximize multiple coverage of emergency service demand over the time horizon. We present two heuristics for the model. The first uses the Lagrangian and the linear programming relaxation solutions of the problem, and the second uses an integer rounding procedure applied to the linear programming relaxation solution. We test the model using a real-world example representing the road infrastructure and emergency services of the Bronx Borough in New York, NY during Hurricane Sandy. Our computational study suggests that our model can aid emergency managers in achieving their goals by scheduling effective restoration activities for real-time disaster recovery and long-term recovery planning. The results show that the heuristics and algorithms are effective for solving large--scale problem instances. Third, we model the recovery of interdependent infrastructure systems after disasters as a non-cooperative game in a two-layer network, each belongs to a player. The goal of the model is to plan short term recovery of infrastructure systems after a disaster in which each player wants to minimize the cost to satisfy their own demand. For comparison, we present a centralized model, where a central decision maker controls the restoration decisions of both players. The central decision maker plays a role as an authority/third player in the game and splits the recovery budget to each player according to the social welfare solution, which is the optimal solution of the centralized model. In addition, the central decision maker provides incentives to players to motivate them for collaboration in the non-cooperative game. A mechanism is proposed to decide incentives using an inverse optimization method and the inverse optimization mechanism is compared with another mechanism based on an [alpha]-approximation algorithm to decide the fees for using inter-edges. The goal of the mechanisms is to set incentives so that a pure Nash equilibrium aligns with the social welfare solution. We compare the Nash equilibria in which players use fees obtained from the mechanisms. We prove that with the inverse optimization method fees, the centralized optimal solution value becomes a pure Nash equilibrium, and with the [alpha]-approximation algorithm fees, the centralized model optimal solution value becomes an [alpha]-approximate pure Nash equilibrium in the facility location and restoration games. We use the potential function method to analyze the efficiency of the game using the Price of Stability (PoS). We present a case study in which we consider the recovery efforts of telecommunication infrastructure companies and provide results for the facility location and restoration games.

Resilience-driven Post-disruption Restoration of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems Under Uncertainty

Book Description

Critical infrastructure networks (CINs) are the backbone of modern societies, which depend on their continuous and proper functioning. Such infrastructure networks are subjected to different types of inevitable disruptive events which could affect their performance unpredictably and have direct socioeconomic consequences. Therefore, planning for disruptions to CINs has recently shifted from emphasizing pre-disruption phases of prevention and protection to post-disruption studies investigating the ability of critical infrastructures (CIs) to withstand disruptions and recover timely from them. However, post-disruption restoration planning often faces uncertainties associated with the required repair tasks and the accessibility of the underlying transportation network. Such challenges are often overlooked in the CIs resilience literature. Furthermore, CIs are not isolated from each other, but instead, most of them rely on one another for their proper functioning. Hence, the occurrence of a disruption in one CIN could affect other dependent CINs, leading to a more significant adverse impact on communities. Therefore, interdependencies among CINs increase the complexity associated with recovery planning after a disruptive event, making it a more challenging task for decision makers. Recognizing the inevitability of large-scale disruptions to CIs and their impacts on societies, the research objective of this work is to study the recovery of CINs following a disruptive event. Accordingly, the main contributions of the following two research components are to develop: (i) resilience-based post-disruption stochastic restoration optimization models that respect the spatial nature of CIs, (ii) a general framework for scenario-based stochastic models covering scenario generation, selection, and reduction for resilience applications, (iii) stochastic risk-related cost-based restoration modeling approaches to minimize restoration costs of a system of interdependent critical infrastructure networks (ICINs), (iv) flexible restoration strategies of ICINs under uncertainty, and (v) effective solution approaches to the proposed optimization models. The first research component considers developing two-stage risk-related stochastic programming models to schedule repair activities for a disrupted CIN to maximize the system resilience. The stochastic models are developed using a scenario-based optimization technique accounting for the uncertainties of the repair time and travel time spent on the underlying transportation network. To assess the risks associated with post-disruption scheduling plans, a conditional value-at-risk metric is incorporated into the optimization models through the scenario reduction algorithm. The proposed restoration framework is illustrated using the French RTE electric power network. The second research component studies the restoration problem for a system of ICINs following a disruptive event under uncertainty. A two-stage mean-risk stochastic restoration model is proposed to minimize the total cost associated with ICINs unsatisfied demands, repair tasks, and flow. The model assigns and schedules repair tasks to network-specific work crews with consideration of limited time and resources availability. Additionally, the model features flexible restoration strategies including a multicrew assignment for a single component and a multimodal repair setting along with the consideration of full and partial functioning and dependencies between the multi-network components. The proposed model is illustrated using the power and water networks in Shelby County, Tennessee, United States, under two hypothetical earthquakes. Finally, some other topics are discussed for possible future work.

Routledge Handbook of Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

Book Description

To best serve current and future generations, infrastructure needs to be resilient to the changing world while using limited resources in a sustainable manner. Research on and funding towards sustainability and resilience are growing rapidly, and significant research is being carried out at a number of institutions and centers worldwide. This handbook brings together current research on sustainable and resilient infrastructure and, in particular, stresses the fundamental nexus between sustainability and resilience. It aims to coalesce work from a large and diverse group of contributors across a wide range of disciplines including engineering, technology and informatics, urban planning, public policy, economics, and finance. Not only does it present a theoretical formulation of sustainability and resilience but it also demonstrates how these ideals can be realized in practice. This work will provide a reference text to students and scholars of a number of disciplines.

Optimizing Investments in Interdependent Infrastructures

Book Description

The design of infrastructure networks challenges managers and researchers due to the size of current networks, their interconnectedness and the disruptions they are exposed to. Many studies address the topic of the design of these infrastructures ignoring the interdependencies to which they are subject. Others acknowledge the relevance of interdependencies when disruptions occur but limit their work to restore the infrastructures to their original design. Our main concern is to develop an integrated model for the robust design of interdependent infrastructures that minimizes the total expected cost of operation of the system. Making decisions about all the infrastructures at the same time allows the distribution of investment budgets to the most critical portions of the systems to optimize the resilience of the infrastructures. Our work is divided in three chapters. We start from a single but complex infrastructure (i.e., transportation system,) moving to the development of the integrated mathematical model for multiple infrastructures and concluding with optimization methods to solve the integrated model. Chapter 1 is a review of the ``Discrete Network Design Problem in Transportation" and the available \ methods to solve it. A traditional method by Leblanc (1975) is proven to fail if a certain parameter is not adequately fixed. Due to the uncertainty to do this selection, we propose linearization methods to modify the method and avoid pitfalls. Results are presented to measure the negative effects of obtaining wrong solutions to a problem and to demonstrate the efficiency of the modified method. Chapter 2 proposes the integration of multiple infrastructures in a single model for their robust design. Failure scenarios are used to provide robustness to the optimal solution, and dependency relationships of various types are modeled to integrate the infrastructures. These dependencies play an important role especially when the systems are under failure and the flows of material have to be re-accommodated. This is the reason why failures are spread through different infrastructures (i.e., cascade effects.) The optimal design provides the minimum total expected cost of operation of the system of systems subject to a fixed budget for investments. The model is a mixed-integer linear program whose complexity challenges the operations research community. A semi-real case is solved using a commercial solver to illustrate the usefulness of the model. Chapter 3 develops a decomposition method to solve the integrated model of Chapter 2. A Benders' decomposition (BD) scheme is used to separate the integer decisions from the continuous ones. New cuts to the master problem for the selection of values for the integer variables are added after each iteration of the BD algorithm. The algorithm is proven to find the optimal solution of a very small instance.^For larger instances the repetitive solution of the linear subproblem causes efficiency issues. The Dantzig-Wolfe (DW) decomposition method is implemented to solve this linear program. The convenient block diagonal structure of the matrix allows the reduction to linear programs for independent infrastructures, after separating the dependency constraints. The results show that numerical issues should be solved to make the double-decomposed method usable for large instances. The integrated model has the capacity to distribute among the infrastructures the resources for the improvement of the networks. Failure scenarios are integrated to the model to generate robust designs. The dependency relationships are relevant to find realistic optimal solutions for the design of the current highly interdependent networks.

Dynamics of Disasters

Book Description

Based on the “Fourth International Conference on Dynamics of Disasters” (Kalamata, Greece, July 2019), this volume includes contributions from experts who share their latest discoveries on natural and unnatural disasters. Authors provide overviews of the tactical points involved in disaster relief, outlines of hurdles from mitigation and preparedness to response and recovery, and uses for mathematical models to describe natural and man-made disasters. Topics covered include economics, optimization, machine learning, government, management, business, humanities, engineering, medicine, mathematics, computer science, behavioral studies, emergency services, and environmental studies will engage readers from a wide variety of fields and backgrounds.

Mathematics of Planet Earth

Book Description

Since its inception in 2013, Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) focuses on mathematical issues arising in the study of our planet. Interested in the impact of human activities on the Earth’s system, this multidisciplinary field considers the planet not only as a physical system, but also as a system supporting life, a system organized by humans, and a system at risk. ​The articles collected in this volume demonstrate the breadth of techniques and tools from mathematics, statistics, and operations research used in MPE. Topics include climate modeling, the spread of infectious diseases, stability of ecosystems, ecosystem services, biodiversity, infrastructure restoration after an extreme event, urban environments, food security, and food safety. Demonstrating the mathematical sciences in action, this book presents real-world challenges for the mathematical sciences, highlighting applications to issues of current concern to society. Arranged into three topical sections (Geo- and Physical Sciences; Life Sciences, Ecology and Evolution; Socio-economics and Infrastructure), thirteen chapters address questions such as how to measure biodiversity, what mathematics can say about the sixth mass extinction, how to optimize the long-term human use of natural capital, and the impact of data on infrastructure management. The book also treats the subject of infectious diseases with new examples and presents an introduction to the mathematics of food systems and food security. Each chapter functions as an introduction that can be studied independently, offering source material for graduate student seminars and self-study. The range of featured research topics provides mathematical scientists with starting points for the study of our planet and the impact of human activities. At the same time, it offers application scientists a plethora of modern mathematical tools and techniques to address the various topics in practice. Including hundreds of references to the vast literature associated with each topic, this book serves as an inspiration for further research.

Fragile Networks

Book Description

A unified treatment of the vulnerabilities that exist in real-world network systems—with tools to identify synergies for mergers and acquisitions Fragile Networks: Identifying Vulnerabilities and Synergies in an Uncertain World presents a comprehensive study of network systems and the roles these systems play in our everyday lives. This book successfully conceptualizes, defines, and constructs mathematically rigorous, computer-based tools for the assessment of network performance and efficiency, along with robustness and vulnerability analysis. The result is a thorough exploration that promotes an understanding of the critical infrastructure of today's network systems, from congested urban transportation networks and supply chain networks under disruption to financial networks and the Internet. The authors approach the analyses by abstracting not only topological structures of networks, but also the behavior of network users, the demand for resources, the resulting flows, and the associated costs. Following an introduction to the fundamental methodologies and tools required for network analysis and network vulnerability, the book is organized into three self-contained parts: Part I—Network Fundamentals, Efficiency Measurement, and Vulnerability Analysis explores the theoretical and practical foundations for a new network efficiency measure in order to assess the importance of network components in various network systems. Methodologies for distinct decision-making behaviors are outlined, along with the tools for qualitative analysis, the algorithms for the computation of solutions, and a thorough discussion of the unified network efficient measure and network robustness with the unified measure. Part II—Applications and Extensions examines the efficiency changes and the associated cost increments after network components are eliminated or partially damaged. A discussion of the recently established connections between transportation networks and different critical networks is provided, which demonstrates how the new network measures and robustness indices can be applied to different supply chain, financial, and dynamic networks, including the Internet and electronic power networks. Part III—Mergers and Acquisitions, Network Integration, and Synergies reveals the connections between transportation networks and different network systems and quantifies the synergies associated with the network systems, from total cost reduction to environmental impact assessment. In the case of mergers and acquisitions, the focus is on supply chain networks. The authors outline a system-optimization perspective for supply chain networks and also formalize coalition formation using game theory with insights into the merger paradox. With its numerous network examples and real-world applications, Fragile Networks: Identifying Vulnerabilities and Synergies in an Uncertain World is an excellent book for courses in network science, transportation science, operations management, and financial networks at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners in the areas of applied mathematics, computer science, operations research, management science, finance, and economics, as well as industrial, systems, and civil engineering. Listen to Dr. Nagurney's podcast Supernetworks: Building Better Real and Virtual Highways at .

Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience

Book Description

This book presents the latest trends in attacks and protection methods of Critical Infrastructures. It describes original research models and applied solutions for protecting major emerging threats in Critical Infrastructures and their underlying networks. It presents a number of emerging endeavors, from newly adopted technical expertise in industrial security to efficient modeling and implementation of attacks and relevant security measures in industrial control systems; including advancements in hardware and services security, interdependency networks, risk analysis, and control systems security along with their underlying protocols. Novel attacks against Critical Infrastructures (CI) demand novel security solutions. Simply adding more of what is done already (e.g. more thorough risk assessments, more expensive Intrusion Prevention/Detection Systems, more efficient firewalls, etc.) is simply not enough against threats and attacks that seem to have evolved beyond modern analyses and protection methods. The knowledge presented here will help Critical Infrastructure authorities, security officers, Industrial Control Systems (ICS) personnel and relevant researchers to (i) get acquainted with advancements in the field, (ii) integrate security research into their industrial or research work, (iii) evolve current practices in modeling and analyzing Critical Infrastructures, and (iv) moderate potential crises and emergencies influencing or emerging from Critical Infrastructures.