New Testament Conjectural Emendation in the Nineteenth Century: Jan Hendrik Holwerda as a Pioneer of Method

Book Description

In New Testament Conjectural Emendation in the Nineteenth Century Bart L.F. Kamphuis investigates the life and work of Jan Hendrik Holwerda (1805-1886), who should be seen as the father of the Dutch Movement of Conjectural Criticism. Through a close study of his correspondence, Kamphuis reconstructs Holwerda’s remarkable scholarly biography. He then positions his text-critical theory against the views of Lachmann, Tischendorf and Tregelles. Finally, Holwerda’s corpus of New Testament conjectures is analysed by means of a newly proposed classification, while specific conjectures are discussed in the context of the history of scholarship on the passages concerned. This study not only significantly contributes to our understanding of the history of New Testament textual criticism, but also shows that several of Holwerda’s conjectures have lasting relevance.

Johann Jakob Wettstein’s Principles for New Testament Textual Criticism

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In Johann Jakob Wettstein's Principles for New Testament Textual Criticism Silvia Castelli investigates the genesis, development, and legacy of Wettstein’s criteria for evaluating New Testament variant readings, and offers a critical text and annotated English translation of Wettstein’s text-critical guidelines.

Perspectives on New Testament Textual Criticism, Volume 2

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Perspectives on New Testament Textual Criticism, Volume 2, with articles published during 2006-2017, treats many aspects of New Testament textual criticism, emphasizing the criteria for constructing the earliest attainable text, and extracting stories told by “rejected” variants that illuminate issues in the early Christian churches.

Building a Book of Books

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This book analyses how the early Greek whole-Bible manuscripts (pandects) change and preserve the text. Dormandy refutes the method based on singular readings and so investigates all the ways in which each pandect differs from the initial text, both changes introduced by its own scribe and by the scribes of earlier manuscripts. He surveys sample chapters in John, Romans, Revelation, Sirach and Judges (including discussing the “new finds” of Sinaiticus). Dormandy’s observations of Codex Ephraemi challenge accepted transcriptions. Dormandy argues that Sinaiticus and Vaticanus may plausibly have been made in response to commissions by Constantine and Constans. Dormandy concludes that generally, across all the Biblical books considered, the pandects preserve the initial text well. Transcriptional and linguistic variations are more common than harmonisations or changes of content. The more precise profiles of each manuscript vary between Biblical books. The pandects thus create bibliographic unity from textual diversity. This shows their significance in the history of the Christian Bible: they reflect in bibliographic form the hermeneutical move to consider all the books of the Christian Bible as one corpus.

Beyond What Is Written

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This ground-breaking historical study examines the many conjectures on the Greek text made by Erasmus and Beza in their multiple editions of the New Testament. In the process, the author critically assesses their views and methods of New Testament textual criticism.

From Erasmus to Maius

Book Description

The famous Codex Vaticanus is currently regarded as one of the most essential sources for reconstructing the Greek New Testament text. Although it had already been used by textual critics in the sixteenth century, the manuscript only rose to the prominent status it now holds during the nineteenth century. In this volume, Yi writes an extensive scholarly history of Codex Vaticanus and describes its changing perceptions among scholars, beginning from Desiderius Erasmus until its editio princeps prepared by Angelus Maius. By examining critical editions, analysing monographs and articles, considering book reviews and pamphlets, and delving into archive collections, Yi delineates the stages of the manuscript's progression from an ancient manuscript held at the Vatican Library to its designation as the 'Codex Vaticanus'. It is a study of the many individuals and their stories surrounding this very manuscript, stories about accessibility and the dissemination of knowledge, authority and head-on collisions between the most learned critics, and of continuity and changing paradigms in scholarship. All in all, this book sets out how Codex Vaticanus became the manuscript par excellence in the history of New Testament textual scholarship.

No Longer Written

Book Description

This is an important time for textual criticism of the New Testament. A fundamental re-evaluation is underway of both the purpose of the discipline and the nature of the manuscripts upon which it relies. The place of the controversial method of conjectural emendation is a debate that encompasses both of these issues. In this study, Ryan Wettlaufer explores the theory and practice of the method and then, using the Epistle of James as a case study, argues that conjectural emendation is an important tool that can be used to restore readings which were once found in the original text but now are No Longer Written.