Nigerian Consumer Credit

Book Description

This book critically reviews transnational banking regulations that specifically impact consumer lending in Africa's largest economy. It provides a comprehensive analysis on the politics and economics of financial sector consolidation in an emerging market in West Africa, also covering law, consumer credit, and consumer policy along with a discussion of banking sector reforms heavily influenced by the neoliberal economics paradigm. There have been several developments since the publication of the existing books especially in the area of regulatory theory and social protection that are captured in this book, which will be of interest to researchers, students, and scholars of banking regulation, development economics, and international finance.

The Nigerian Law of Consumer Credit and Security

Book Description

This thesis seeks to survey the legislation and practice, in Nigeria, relating to the sources of credit available to consumers or individuals, as distinguished from the law relating to the various means of corporate finance; whilst recognising that companies, also, may obtain credit or finance from these same sources. "Credit" for the purpose of the thesis is taken to mean any avenue by which an individual may obtain either a loan of money (whether as cash or its value) or the deferring of payment for goods or services. In other words, both lender and vendor credit. It investigates, in particular, the provisions of the various relevant statutes from a viewpoint of the existing practice. The thesis, therefore surveys the law and practice applicable to moneylenders, co-operatives, banks, hire-purchase and sale of goods. It includes a survey of the avenues available to an individual for obtaining credit under Customary law (that is outside of the sources regulated by statute). Islamic law is not included as part of Customary law. The thesis, also, examines the law and practice relating to the various types of security used to secure contracts for the provision of credit, including the law relating to the mortgage or charge of personal property and of land; and the law applicable to personal security, such as guarantees and indemnities. The enforcement of contracts relating to the provision of credit and contracts of security is, also, considered. The thesis attempts to consider the efficiency and relevance of the existing legislation as compared to existing practice, and to point out the discrepancies where these occur.

The Report: Nigeria 2013

Book Description

As the single most populous nation in Africa, Nigeria recently overtook South Africa as the largest economy on the continent. Natural resources, oil and gas in particular, comprise the country’s single largest revenue-earner but the 170m person economy also has seen significant activity in recent years into the industrial, financial, telecoms and – as of 2013 – power sectors. Hydrocarbons reserves have traditionally attracted the vast majority of domestic and foreign investment in Nigeria. Oil production capacity has remained at roughly 2.5m barrels per day (bpd) since the start of 2000, although output fell to 2.2m bpd on average in 2012. Still, the country has long operated below its true potential and government efforts in recent years have sought to increase local value addition, by boosting refining capacity and minimising theft and bunkering. The country’s banking sector has been through a significant shake-up as well, resulting in a far healthier and more robust financial industry, while reforms in the telecoms and agricultural sectors have strengthened medium-term prospects.

Towards Reforming the Legal Framework for Secured Transactions in Nigeria

Book Description

This book offers a valuable guide to one of the most challenging areas of commercial law, now frequently referred to as secured transactions, with a focus on Nigerian, Canadian and United States perspectives. A debtor’s ability to provide collateral influences not only the cost of the money borrowed, but also in many cases, whether secured lenders are willing to offer credit at all. The book proposes that increasing access to, and indeed, lowering the cost of credit could tremendously boost economic development, while at the same time arguing that this would best be achieved if the legal framework for secured transactions in Nigeria, and of course, any other country with similar experiences, were designed to allow the use of personal property and fixtures to secure credit. Similarly, the creation, priority, perfection, and enforcement of security interests in personal property should be simplified and supported by a framework that ensures that neither the interests of secured lenders nor debtors are hampered, so as to guarantee the continuous availability of affordable credit as well as debtors’ willingness to borrow and do business. The book further argues that in addition to the obvious preference for real property over personal property by secured lenders due to the unreformed secured-transactions legal framework in Nigeria, its compartmentalized nature has also resulted in unpredictability in commerce and the concomitant effects of poor access to credit. Through the comparative research conducted in this book utilizing the UCC Article 9 and Ontario PPSA as benchmarks, the author provides reformers with a repository of tested secured-transactions law solutions, which law reformers in the Commonwealth countries in Africa and beyond, as well as the business community will find valuable in dealing with issues that stem from secured transactions.

Monthly Report

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Marketing in Nigeria

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Redefining Business in the New Africa

Book Description

2001-2010 proved to be a transitional decade for Africa, ushering in a new image and status for the continent. Africa began to show it was truly shaking the shackles of its colonial and chaotic past. Now that the New Africa has arrived, what does that mean? And, what does it mean for business? On almost every issue that has been pegged a negative for Africa - population boom, poverty, disease, governance, economic instability, and conflicts - there is evidence of a growing shift in the other direction. Businesses need to wake up and proactively shift to this new reality, or paradigm. While business principles apply across any market, businesses need to adapt their strategies to the context of Africa to be successful and understand that Africa is one of the key regional markets in the next generation of business. "Redefining Business in the New Africa" sets out to establish a new baseline and framework for engagement in Africa, which reflects the current and future trends of a region headed for emerging market status. While Africa still has to deal with legacy issues, the power of its "now" and future is greater. In this book you will learn about: - A new context and framework for business in Africa - A few major future trends and sectors in Africa - Strategic approaches to doing business and investing in the New Africa - How to tackle, or respond, to some of the challenges in the New Africa Get ready to rock and roll in this new era for business in Africa!

Regenerative and Sustainable Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

Regenerative and Sustainable Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean explores how to build sustainable futures for Latin America and the Caribbean, presents recommendations for policy and decision-makers to shape sustainable futures, and reflects on the value of collective action for a region that deserves a better tomorrow.