Book Description

Big Bang

Book Description

Les héros de ces six nouvelles sont saisis en état de crise, dans ces moments fragiles où les frontières entre le réel et l'imaginaire se brouillent. Une fillette découvre l'injustice ; une mère en détresse se perd dans le monde virtuel ; un jeune homme se prend de passion pour une voix ; un couple voit ses vacances de rêve tourner au cauchemar... Chacune de ces histoires plonge le lecteur dans l'intimité de personnages en apparence banals, révélant leur humanité et leur complexité à travers les méandres de leur vie intérieure.

Le Guide Musical

Book Description

Nicolas Edme Rétif de la Bretonne, 'Ingénue Saxancour'

Book Description

Set in Paris in the 1780s, Rétif de la Bretonne's Ingénue Saxancour is a thinly veiled account of his daughter's disastrous marriage to an abusive husband. From the time of her marriage in January, 1780, until she left her husband in July, 1785, Agnès Rétif suffered continually from severe physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Published in 1789, Rétif's novel scandalized the public with its graphic descriptions of his son-in-law's sexual perversity and brutal violence. Rétif's novel remains shocking more than two centuries later and continues to raise disturbing questions about power relations within abusive relationships. Perhaps most disturbing of all are the accusations leveled against Rétif himself concerning his motives for writing and publishing this account: Was he, as some charged, a shameless exhibitionist willing to reveal his family's darkest secrets merely to attract attention and broaden his readership? Was he an unscrupulous opportunist willing to capitalize on his daughter's misfortunes and risk her reputation simply to pay his debts? Or was he, as he himself claimed, trying to warn young women about the dangers of marrying men of dubious backgrounds against their parents' wishes? Rétif was all this and more: a reform-minded pioneer far in advance of his time with his graphic portrayal of spousal abuse, his call for greater public awareness of this perennial problem, and his crusade for liberal divorce laws that would allow women to escape from abusive relationships and to remarry. This, in fact, is what Agnès Rétif was able to do after passage of the divorce law passed by France's revolutionary government in 1792.

La Guerre de 1914-1918

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The Journal

Book Description